Ch 7: The boy is Crazy

Educator informed the trainees "your lunch break is from 12:20 PM to 2:00 PM".

Ankur got up from his place and asked Nikhil "Let's go for lunch"

When Ankur saw Yajna's face, he muttered to Nikhil "This is the person you drew"

Nikhil nods his head with the smirk on his face. Yajna and Ankur exchanged the look. Ankur waved her hand "Hi, I am Ankur"

"I am Yajna. I am leaving for lunch"

Ankur said "ok ok carry on"

Ankur said to Nikhil "what If she knows about the bet I made?"

Nikhil mocked him "she will peel your skin off"

Yajna had lunch with poonam. While Nikhil, Ankur and Sravanthi had lunch together. Sravanthi had a crush on Nikhil from her college days but did not express her love for him instead stayed as a friend along his side. Sravanthi is allocated to the "G1 060" classroom.

After lunch, Nikhil and his friends went out for a walk. Ankur got a call from his girlfriend Samyuktha who got selected in TCS. Samyuktha was working on TCS Hyderabad.

Sravanthi asked "Do you still love Priya?"

Nikhil said "I have moved on. Things are not getting well. It's not her fault. She wants me to leave Ankur. That's not possible."

Sravanthi felt happy. She might have a chance in the future. Sravanthi also looks as pretty as Yajna. She rejected many proposals in college days because of her love for Nikhil.

They went back to their respective classrooms

Educator taught a lesson about "Speak up" and gave two coloured small pieces of paper to the trainees. Educator said "Friends I have a few papers in my hand. If you said a valid sentence. I will give you one piece of paper as a reward"

People started raising her hand and said sentences like "The sun rises in the east" "Speak up" "The weather is good today"

Yajna raised her hand and said "Be yourself" and Nikhil said "The girl is very pretty" Yajna stared at Nikhil

Educator asked "Are you giving compliments to someone in the class?"

Nikhil said "it's a sentence right"

Educator got his paper from Nikhil. Ankur looked at Nikhil and laughed.

Yajna still stared at him and said "Don't you find any other sentences"

"You said Be yourself. I was being myself." Nikhil replied

Yajna muttered to Nikhil "By the way, whom did you compliment?"

"Definitely, Not you" Nikhil mocked

Yajna said "I didn't expect you to say me"

Nikhil smiled to himself. Other trainees continued saying the sentences.

Yajna asked "if they ask you to say one more sentence what you will say?"

"I have to think about it"

"What will you think about it?"

Nikhil said "That was my sentence. I have to think about it"

Yajna smiled "The boy is Crazy. It will be my next sentences"

At 4:00 PM, the session got over. Yajna walked with Poonam to the ECC.

Yajna asked "Where is your ECC?"

Poonam replied "building 16"

Yajna and Poonam parted ways to go to their ECC.

Atshara and Yajna went to dinner at FC 8. Yajna saw Nikhil and Ankur getting tokens in the counter while she was standing in the queue for getting a token.

She smiled. Atshara asked "Why are you smiling?"

Yajna asked "Am I?"

"Yes, you are" Atshara replied

Yajna muttered to Atshara pointing out Nikhil "He was really funny today. I will tell you while we were eating"

Yajna said "You know what Nikhil said when the Educator asked for the sentences. The girl is pretty. It was his sentence." She said and laughed.

Atshara stared at her "It was not funny"

Yajna stopped laughing and "Not funny?" silently had dinner.