ch 11: You are coming with me

At the front door of GEC-2, When Yajna said "Poonam is coming with me". Nikhil felt disappointed. He told her "I want to drag you away from the study. You can't get find the chance later" Nikhil disconnected the call

Nikhil said "Let's go Ankur"

Ankur asked "What about Yajna?"

Nikhil said in disappointment "She is going with Poonam."

Ankur said "Are you alright? You were excited second before"

Nikhil changed his mood within a second and said like nothing happened "What are you talking about? I am totally fine. I still have you. "

Sravanthi came from behind "Are you guys waiting for me?"

Ankur said "Yes Yes"

When Sravanthi holds Nikhil's arm. Nikhil removed her hands from his arm and draped his arm around Ankur's shoulder and walked to the amphitheatre Where DJ Night took place.

The sound was too loud. Lots and lots of employees and trainees were forming the group and dancing to the DJ songs. Ankur and Nikhil met a few more friends from their hometown in DJ Night.

Ankur said "Let's go inside the crowd"

Nikhil, Ankur and his friends went inside the crowd. Nikhil doesn't feel like dancing or enjoying himself. Nikhil saw Ankur and Sravanthi and his other friends dancing. He came out of the crowd to find Yajna talking to herself. He smiled and went to her "What are you muttering to yourself? Where is Poonam?"

Yajna replied "She left"

Nikhil asked "Are you looking for me?"

"No, I am not. I am about to leave to have dinner" Yajna replied and turned to walk away. Nikhil holds her hand "Are you hungry?"

Yajna shakes her head. Nikhil said "Then, you are coming with me" Yajna doesn't even understand why she is listening to him every time for everything. Nikhil takes her inside the crowd deeper and deeper till he reaches the starting point where the DJ song plays. When they reached the front, Yajna was holding Nikhil's arms. Yajna said "It's crowded here. We can't even dance"

Nikhil shouted "I can't hear you. The music is too loud"

Yajna leaned closer and shouted "It's not comfortable to danzzz.." When she was talking, the person dashed her from behind accidentally while dancing. Yajna fell into Nikhil's arm and kissed him in the Cheek. Yajna's face is reddened. At the moment, Nikhil's arm is around Yajna's shoulder. Yajna's hand is on Nikhil's chest. She couldn't figure out the heart is beating so fast for Nikhil whether it's because of kiss or its because of bass sound

Yajna slowly stepped away from Nikhil and started dancing. She acts like nothing happened. At the same time, Nikhil is surprised and confused where she is on purpose or in an accident. He danced along with Yajna.

The girl at the front fell down. Nikhil smelled of liquor from a few employees. Nikhil pulled Yajna away from the crowd.

Sravanthi searched for Nikhil in the group and asked Ankur loudly "Where is Nikhil?"

Ankur said "He might around somewhere"

Sravanthi came outside of the crowd, looking for Nikhil. She called him around 10 times and sent around 15 texts. There is no reply for her calls or replies. She doesn't feel like enjoying anymore and left the amphitheatre.

When she was leaving, Nikhil and Yajna came out of the crowd. They did see each other. Yajna asked him "Why did you pull me out? Did you see you were fully sweating?"

Yajna smiled and ran a hand through his hair "You too"

Nikhil smiled at Yajna when she touched his hair. He felt like she is treating him like a kid