Ch 12: Pervert Playboy

Nikhil said "Let's go and have dinner first. It's already 9:40 PM"

Nikhil and Yajna walked to FC4 to have dinner.

Yajna said "I didn't get my wallet"

Nikhil narrowed his eyebrows and widened his eyes asked "Are you serious? I can pay for you"

Yajna said "Only if you allowed me to pay you back. Why do guys have to pay every time?"

Nikhil mocked her "Are you going to pay back including 12,000/- rupees too?"

Yajna said "I will pay 12,000/- next month. Once I get my Salary. No no in installments. Is that Okay?"

Nikhil smiled "You are joking"

Yajna and Nikhil reached FC4. Nikhil gets some water from a 'bluestar stainless steel water cooler' placed at the corner of FC. Yajna said "I am serious. Last time, I don't have enough money. So, I made you pay the bill. Moreover, you are acting like pervert playboy back then" Nikhil started coughing when she said "pervert playboy"

"Are you okay Nikhil?" Yajna asked

"I am okay"

At the hand wash place, Nikhil was thinking about 'Pervert Playboy'. Yajna started flashing water on her face, on her neck and wiped her face with Tissue paper.

Nikhil was looking at her absent minded. Yajna looked at him "Nikhil, let's go"

Nikhil holds her hand. Yajna asked "What is it?"

He removed a tissue paper piece stuck in the corner of her face. Yajna smiled "Sometimes I am so clumsy. Thanks"

Yajna and Nikhil went to the counter asked "Chapati with paneer butter masala" and Yajna said "Plain dosa"

Counter person said "Sorry, Dosa is not available"

Yajna said "I too will have Chapathi with paneer butter masala"

Nikhil took his phone and checked there 15 missed calls from Sravanthi and 3 missed calls from Ankur. Nikhil called Ankur from his phone "Ankur, you had dinner?"

Ankur said "Where are you man? Sravanthi was looking for you. She called me 3-4 times to know about you"

Nikhil said "She is really annoying these days"

Ankur said "You know she likes you" Nikhil looked at Yajna. She smiled at him and he smiled back. Ankur continued "and you don't like her. You know I will talk to you later. At Least call her back"

Nikhil said "I will call her back. Okay"

Ankur said "You have to call her right now" Nikhil hangs up the phone call

Nikhil feels annoyed "If I call her now. She will be asking Where am I ? What are you upto? I definitely couldn't call her when Yajna was next to me. Already she thinks me as  'Pervert Playboy' "

Yajna and Nikhil got their food and sat at one of the dining tables.

Yajna looked at her phone and said "I too got a missed call from Poonam, Atshara and My parents"

Yajna's Phone rings, it's her Parents. "Hello Maa. I am having dinner now. You had dinner? I miss you too mom. I coming next week home for Christmas. Hello Dad. Everything is going great. I really felt like I landed in heaven. Mmm. Ok Dad"

Yajna disconnected the call.

Nikhil was listening to her conversation and smiled. Yajna said "My parents, they are really worried about me"

Yajna said "Poonam texted me: I am leaving for the day. Good night"

Yajna texted her back "Good night".

They started to dig in the food. Yajna asked "Why are you looking at me?"

Nikhil asked "You are going home for Christmas"

Yajna asked "Do you want anything from my hometown. I will get it for you"

Nikhil asked "What exactly do you think of me for the first time Pervert Playboy?"
