ch 13: Are you charmed by me?

Nikhil asked "What exactly do you think of me for the first time Pervert Playboy?"

Yajna shakes her head and says with the piece of chapati in her mouth "Not only Pervert, Playboy, lothario, Casanova, freak…"

Nikhil drinked glass full of water "Lothario..?"

Yajna gave him a explanation "A man who behaves selfishly and irresponsibly in his sexual relationships with women"

Nikhil asked "Selfishly and irresponsibly, What about Casanova?"

Yajna said "A man known for seducing women and having many lovers Women were terribly charmed by him"

Nikhil asked "Are you charmed by me?"

Yajna narrowed her eyes and started hiccuping took a glass finds no water "I will get some water"

Yajna muttered to herself "You are really an idiot Yajna" She came back to her table with the glass of water. Nikhil asked "Your hiccups gone"

Yajna nods head and continues eating her dinner. She looked at him secretly. He smiled and continued looking at her.

After dinner, Yajna asked "Nikhil, I need to go to the classroom to get my bag. You can leave now bye bye"

Nikhil said "I left my bag there. My roomkey is in my bag. Let's go together"

Yajna rolled her eyes. Her mind voice "Please help me Anjaneya" (Anjaneya: Hindu God, Other names : Hanuman, Bajirangi)

Yajna and Nikhil entered into lift. They didn't talk to each other.

They went near the classroom. Yajna held Nikhil's hand "I will go by the front door and you can come by the back door. If people saw us together they would misunderstand."

Nikhil smiled and nodded his head. Nikhil got a call from Sravanthi. At the same time, Yajna came to the class. "Why he didn't come here yet?" Yajna went to the backside of the classroom to find Nikhil talking to Sravanthi.

On the other side, Nikhil was speaking Sravanthi on the phone call "Try to understand me. I have never seen you more than a friend. I am really sorry"

Nikhil turned to find Yajna standing behind and his thoughts "How much she heard? I am really annoyed to clear her misunderstanding?"

Yajna called "Nikhil, I got your bag" and thinks "He is really upset"

They were walking silently to the ECC. Yajna muttered to herself "I can't be keep my patience anymore"

Yajna holds his arm "Nikhil, look Peacock"

Nikhil narrowed his eyebrows and looked at her hand around his arm. Yajna ran a hand through her hair "Sorry".

Nikhil laughed "Look at your sullen face"

Yajna said "Are you mocking me?" She crossed her arms over her chest "Humph"

Yajna was walking towards her ECC 53. Nikhil asked "Do you want to go to your ECC right now?"

"Yes, it's already 11:00 PM"

Nikhil asked "Let's go around the campus"

Yajna said "No.. I am not coming. Maybe some other day"

To make her stay with him for more time "I remember now, are you charmed by me?"

Yajna asked "Why did you kiss me the first time it's on coincidence or on purpose?"

Nikhil asked "What do you want my answer to be by coincidence or on purpose?"

"Neither, I wanted it to be accident" Yajna replied and thinks "Whenever I asked him questions how come it returned back to me every time"