Ch 39: I Am The best

At Evening, Yajna said to Atshara "Ankur and Nikhil is going for swimming"

Atshara said "I wanna see them in swimsuits but I am going to meet Sara. It is her birthday today. Do you wanna come?"

Yajna said "I am not close to her. Can you go alone without me?"

"What are you gonna do sitting alone in the room?" Atshara dragged Yajna to come along with her to FC 1. Sara celebrated her birthday with her friends. They spend some time in FC and walk around the campus. They walked to the Recreation block.

Atshara pointed out the guy "Is that Ankur? He looks hot in a swimsuit. Now I am eager to check Nikhil how he looks without his shirt."

Yajna said "I am heading back to my room"

"I found Nikhil, He is behind you"

"Haan, behind me" She turned to find Nikhil in swimsuits shirtless and water dripping from his hair and trailing over his body.

Nikhil asked "What are you doing here?"

"We are just passing by. I don't know you were here and we are leaving now. "

"I know Ankur told you about it. You came to see me in swimsuits"

"No, I am not interested in you"

Nikhil leaned in and muttered to Yajna "Why are you avoiding me? Are you afraid you will fall for me? Correction: You already fell for me. "

Yajna stepped back from him "I didn't fall for you and I see many guys having better abs than you". She pointed out the guy in the pool "Look at that guy, his body is completely perfect"

Nikhil said "I think you should go"

"Atshara and I am gonna stay here for some time. Why don't you go back and continue swimming?"

"Fine, Do whatever you want?" Nikhil left to swim again.

Yajna started breathing and said to Atshara "I was out of breath a second ago" and thinks "It's very hard to look into his eyes when he is shirtless"

Atshara asked "Do you really think that guy is better than Nikhil?"

"He thinks highly of himself"

Nikhil glanced at Yajna leaving with Atshara while he was swimming. Nikhil asked Ankur "Do you think his body is better than mine?"

"What do you think?" Ankur asked.

"I am the best," Nikhil said. "He may have a more perfect body than mine. But his face is not so cool"

Days passed, and the Trainees completed the FA2 exam. Aravind teaches the trainees FA3 Data Structure.

Aravind Sir completed the lessons for the day and started saying some story about him "My father wanted me to visit home last weekend to meet my twin brother. He is studying Medicine. My father thinks highly of him. Whatever I do I can't beat him in studies but I am better looking than my brother…"

Nikhil asked Yajna "Is he better looking than me?"

Yajna said "Yeahh, He should try modelling. There will be so many fan followers for him."

Nikhil asked "What about me?"

Yajna said "Modeling will not suit for you"

Nikhil asked "Why don't it suit me?"

"Because you think highly of yourself and I am going to lunch". She thinks "I don't like anyone drool over you"

When Yajna came back to her classroom. Nikhil and the other guys were imitating catwalks like girls. But Nikhil walked very perfectly as a Model. Ankur took Yajna's handbag and started walking like girls. Few girls too joined them and did a catwalk.

Yajna asked "Are you practising to be a model?"

"Don't you see I am better than other guys"

"Yes, you are good"