Ch 40: I Will Come To You

Yajna came after doing assignments with Poonam. Yajna said "I heard Trainees are getting allocated in different location for stream training"

Poonam said "It was because of water scarcity"

After Generic training, I can't often see Nikhil. My fantasy world came to an end. Yajna asked "Do you believe in love at first sight?"

Poonam said "I don't believe it. I heard People saying If she senses he is the one for her. She will forget the whole world. Only that person will be visible in their eyes and the rest of them will disappear in her eyes."

Yajna asked "You have experienced anyone like that"

Poonam said "I didn't find anyone and what about you? "

Yajna said "I don't know"

Yajna and Poonam were walking towards the Multiplex. Jaguar Movie is shooting in Multiplex. People switched on the Multiplex buildings light for the shooting. Usually Multiplex buildings will not be in use at night.

Poonam said "Look at the Multiplex building. It's very beautiful"

Yajna was staring at the beauty of the building and walked towards the building.A fter some time, Poonam said "I am going to my room. Bye"

Yajna said "Bye" she took her earphone and played on some musics

Yajna saw the Nikhil standing nearby the shooting spot taking photo of the building and she absently walked towards him while listening to the song "Love me like you do"

"You're the light, you're the night

You're the color of my blood

You're the cure, you're the pain

You're the only thing I wanna touch

Never knew that it could mean so much, so much

You're the fear, I don't care

'Cause I've never been so high

Follow me through the dark

Let me take you past our satellites

You can see the world you brought to life, to life"

The song matches her feelings. Everyone around him disappeared. She sees only him. Her heartbeat started racing faster and faster with step towards him. It could burst at any moment.

Yajna removed her earphones and called out his name "Nikhil…"

Nikhil said "Hey, When did you come here?"

Yajna came back to her senses. "Just now?.."

Yajna walked with Nikhil to her room. Yajna asked "Nikhil, after Generic training we will be allocated to different classrooms, Maybe different locations. Will you remember me like today?"

Nikhil said "I will come to you wherever you go"

Yajna smiled.

Trainees completed the test of FA3. Trainees allocated to different classes and different locations for Stream training. Yajna including 80+ other Trainees were allocated in Chennai. Few trainees allocated in hyderabad.

Nikhil asked "How come you got allocated to Chennai?"

Yajna said "My second preference for posting is Chennai. It's near to my hometown"

Trainees took a class photo. Yajna asked "Nikhil, can I take a selfie with you?"

Nikhil said "Do you need to ask me for permission?"

They took a selfie together. Yajna walk around the campus and muttered to herself "I am gonna miss this place"

Nikhil, Ankur, Atshara and Poonam came to send off Yajna to Chennai. Yajna hugged everyone. when she hugged Nikhil, he muttered "Are you worried you gonna miss me?"

Yajna said "Why am I gonna miss you? It's you. You are going to miss me for sure"

She boarded the bus and sat in the bus seat. Tears shedding from her eyes uncontrollably.

Ankur asked "Don't you gonna miss her?"

Nikhil asked "Did you miss Charmy?"

Ankur said "Yes"

"So, do I"