Ch 25: I Will Be There For You

Ankur and Charmy enjoyed claiming up together. Next turn is Nikhil and Yajna. 

Nikhil said "Trust me, You will not fall. Rope will be tied around your waist. Moreover I will be there for you." 

Yajna looked at Nikhil. Her heart started racing in her chest because of fear. She moved forward, Instructor tied the rope around her waist. 

Yajna muttered to herself "Yajna, you can do this" she started climbing up the wall

Nikhil was climbing next to her and instructed her "Place your heel on a hold a particular angle which allows the heel to create pressure against the hold on the wall" 

Nikhil continues instructing her "Half crimping the edge of the pinch and then squeezing with the thumb on the opposing site"

Yajna followed his instructions. Yajna was taking step by step forward to the top. Nikhil did wall climbing along with her slowly. He said "Don't look down. Your mind should be blank by now. Your only focus to reach your target" 

Yajna nods her head and it's about to reach the top. She slipped and swung on the rope at the top. 

Yajna was frightened. Her heart pumps rapidly. 

Nikhil asked "Don't look down. Look at me. Calm yourself. Do you want the instructors to put you down?" 

Yajna first thought to land on the ground as soon as possible. When she looked at Nikhil, her fears disappeared. Only thought of her is "I can fail myself, I can't fail You Nikhil" 

Yajna said "I wanted to reach the top" 

Yajna pinched the crimp again, When her grip on her leg was loose, she used the knee bar, Chalk up, pulled onto the wall, and everything else in her head went away. Finally, Yajna reached the top.

Instructor pulled Yajna and Nikhil down through the rope. 

Instructor removed the rope around her waist. She went to Nikhil and hugged him "Did you see? I did it" she hugged Charmy and about to hug Ankur. 

Nikhil stopped her from hugging Ankur. "Ankur is taken by Charmy. You have to ask permission from Charmy to touch him" 

Charmy and Ankur think "Aww.. He is jealous" and smiled "Yajna, you did better than me" 

Ankur asked "What are we gonna do next?" 

Nikhil said "Bowling?.. Table tennis, Badminton, Squash game, Pool, Swimming.. " 

Ankur said "You need to follow the dress code for swimming" 

Charmy said "Let's go to billiards " 

Yajna thinks "Pool game. I'm not good at either" and said "I am not playing the game" 

Charmy said "Me Neither" 

Ankur asked "why did you choose the pool game?" 

Charmy said "I and Yajna watch the game and support you." 

Yajna nods her head "We will support you" 

Nikhil said "There is no fun in watching the game. Ankur, Let's team up you and Charmy,  I and Yajna" 

Yajna muttered to Nikhil "I have never played billiards. I may fail you" 

Nikhil said "There is no win or lose in the game. We are playing for fun" 

Ankur and Charmy agreed with Nikhil. 

Nikhil said "Even if I am gonna lose. I am losing to my best friend. It doesn't matter" 

Nikhil convinced Yajna to play along with them