Ch 26: Chemistry?

Nikhil took a wooden cue and hit the cue ball to break object balls which are racked in a triangle at the foot of the table. Four to six balls hit the rails of the table and potted one of the stripe balls into the pocket.

Nikhil taught Yajna while playing "At my open break, I sink the stripe ball into the pocket. You can target either the stripe balls or the solid balls to sink into pockets in the next turn. Already I have potted one Stripe ball. I'm gonna target only the stripe balls."

Nikhil started targeting another stripe ball to pot into the pocket "Now, our target is only to pot all the stripes ball into the pocket. you should not pot the black 8-ball or solid ball into the pocket"

When he was targeting the third one, he stopped and asked Yajna to hold the cue stick to target the stripe ball.

Yajna aimed the cue ball to pot the red stripe ball into the pocket. Nikhil stopped her "Your aim might hit the black ball into the pocket." she aimed another stripe to the pocket. It went nearby and stopped.

Ankur said "I thought you are going to knock all the balls in one go"

Ankur took a cue stick and started targeting for solid balls. He potted five balls into the pocket.

Yajna said to Nikhil "You should play the game. I will make you lose to Ankur."

Nikhil said "Hold the stick and aim for the blue stripe to the pocket." When she tried to aim for the blue stripe. "I think you gonna sink the cue ball"

Nikhil leaned in and placed the hands on hers. Their bodies are barely touching, she felt a strange, unfamiliar feeling settled in the pit of her stomach. She got nervous on the touch of Nikhil's and swallowed hard.

She turned her face towards Nikhil and he looked at her "Eyes on the target". Yajna's eyes moved to the target. Nikhil passes a warm air of breath around her side of the face. Her ears turned red. Finally, she potted the stripe balls into the pocket.

Charmy said "Learn it from Nikhil. How to be romantic with his girlfriend?"

Yajna said "I am not his girlfriend"

"Sorry, But you guys look good together" Charmy kicked Ankur shoulder to agree with her.

Ankur said "I totally agree with Charmy and you guys have great chemistry"

Yajna said "Chemistry? "

Ankur said "Even biology also working out"

Nikhil stepped on Ankur's leg to stop him saying anything. Ankur said "Try to aim for next ball"

Yajna nodded her head and knocked one ball into the pocket. When she tries to knock the next one, the ball jumps off the table.

Yajna said "Sorry"

Nikhil said "That's alright"

Ankur asked Charmy "Do you wanna try Charmy?"

Charmy got the wooden stick and knocked 3 balls into the pocket. She was finally aiming for the black one, but missed.

Nikhil potted the rest of the stripe balls into the pocket. He gave the cue stick to Yajna to knock the final 8-ball. "Our team loses or wins depending on you. Hit the 8th ball into this pocket and I am not gonna help you"

Yajna's mind voice "Anjaneya, please help me. Fingers crossed "

She aimed the cue at black ball to pocket and hit the cue ball with the stick, the cue ball hit the rails of the table and hit the black ball. The black ball moved slowly and fell into the pocket.

Yajna smiled and hugged Nikhil "We won" and looked at him and said "Thank you"