Chapter 16: Sisters Part 2

The passage to the relic in Haven was opened as Lionheart had opened it, Cinder walked away from battle as she noticed Vernal and Raven going over as well.

"Now then." Hazel said. "Where were we?"

Fanta growled and came out of the corner gripping her fists ready for battle once more. "Let's go Nora!"

"Huh, what the?! Where are they going?!" Pepper watched Cinder walking away from the battle curiously.

Scarlet dashed towards him and lands a gut punching blow to him. "Keep your eyes on the birdie." She then slammed him into the ground again as she steps on him. "Didn't your parents ever teach you not to look away?"

Pepper held his gut being punched and then yelled being slammed into the ground. "OOOOF!" He screamed being stepped on. "Of course they did! Unfortunately, my mother had to go picking for a certain Strawberry, and fortunate for me, I was also taught keep your eye on the ball!" he then created a little beam of light slicing her leg and then blasting her with a fire ball Scarlet into the roof.

Scarlet crashed into the ceiling of the academy as Ruby looked up and then at Pepper. "Did you?"

Hazel threw several punches at Nora which had hit her sending her back a little, luckily she had her hammer to block some of the punches.

"Indeed she devil!" Pepper grabbed her leg and squished it burning it up. "Taste the HOLY LIGHT!" he rolled onto his head flipping over onto his feet sliding backwards. "DIE!" He held his hands together charging up a bright massive light then launching it at Scarlet.

Fanta smacked his leg with another aura dog bone then uppercut Hazel.

Scarlet opened her eyes as she grins. "Ara, how thoughtful..but." She twisted her ankle and fell from the ceiling and came crashing down onto the floor. "My fun isn't over."

"Crap me right in the!-" Pepper blasted a hole in the roof. He looked down at Scarlet getting very annoyed but grew a smirk. "I would hope the lord edgy Grimm lord herself wouldn't die that easily! As much as it would just LOVE to see you bleeding, still have a school to save after all."

Scarlet smirked. "Me bleed? Why don't you take a good look at the leg you cut off?" She picked up her leg as she turned it upside down as black ink dripped from it.

Pepper was slightly disgusted by the black ink dripping. "I see you have just the HEALTHIEST life style, don't cha?"

"Gross, I didn't want to know what color blood Grimm had..." Weiss said.

Hazel took the hit from Fanta as he punched her up in the air as he grabbed Oscar. "I'll break your bones Ozpin."

"I-I'm not Ozpin." Oscar said clearly lying.

Fanta yelled being launched in the air going in circles. "Nora, get Oscar! Don't let him hurt the farm boy!" she then launch herself down to Hazel gripping her fist shooting a huge bullet at Hazel's back.


Outside, Adam was standing there with the Fang surrounding the academy. But before the could place any bombs, the Mistral police and the faunus from Menagerie showed up as the spot lights aimed on Adam and the Fang. Blake jumped down as she looked over at the academy, Derek had also jumped down as well.

"Right, their inside. Let's go help them." Blake said. "Sun, you and Ilia take care of the rest out here."

Sun nods his head. "Right."

Derek looked around for a moment. "Adam's gone."

Blake scoffed. "Damn it." She dashes towards the Haven doors as she kicked them open seeing the fight going on. Her eyes scanned the area as she saw Scarlet and was confused on who it was she glanced around more seeing RWY and the others. "Derek, go help Pepper."

Derek nods. "Right!" He dashes over to where Pepper was at. "The back up arrived."

Pepper rolled his eyes. "Took you long enough Derek, it's been a while. I guess we don't have time for such introductions, all you need to know is little miss Edge lord Scarlet Rose over here needs to be put down!" He smirked and pointed at Scarlet.

"Scarlet?" Derek asked looking at her. "She's got some bad vibes coming off her."

Scarlet licked her lips as she saw him and Blake. "Belladonna' wonderful, meaning the Fang are outside too." She jumps back as she pops her neck. "Now then, time for a delightful hunt!"

"Blake?!" Ruby shouted as she saw her. "You're here!"

"Sorry for the wait." Blake said. "Got caught up in...Fang stuff."

"I mean Grimm are never good news, despite being half human hybrids devils! We also have downstairs to worry about, we'll explain later however I think one of us needs to get down there," Pepper just rolled his eyes once more at Scarlet's comments. "Time for you to be the hunted and not the hunter!"

"I'll go." Yang said dashing off before the passage to the vault closed.

"Yang w- and she's gone." Weiss said.

"Really?" Scarlet asked tilting her head. "The way I see it...Ren and Jaune are having such a terrible time with Mercury, and yet. Here you are worried about wanting me dead." She spun Black Rose around before pointing it at Derek. "However...I'm in the mood for some cat meat.."

Cora slowly slithered over as she looks at Scarlet, Queen followed behind her. "You're dealing with usss now."

"Four against one?" Scarlet asked with a grin. "My I like those odds."

"How fitting, four against one! Partying like it's Vale against Roman Torchwick ah yeah!" Pepper back flipped landing on his feet crossing his arms raising a finger. "Well Scarlet, you might like these odds, but have you ever faced a man with 23 flavors?! BRING IT!"

"You can't stand a chance against us." Queen said.

Scarlet snickered, taunting them. "Very well...but don't complain when you're on your knees."

Derek gripped his Crimson Jupiter's. "I'll make you eat those words, don't you think about laying a finger on my sister."

Scarlet laughed as she licks the blade of Black Rose. "Ara, such a brave brother..she should be pleased, but..." She dashed forward towards Derek and grins. "I hunger for pleasure."

Before Derek had a chance to use his semblance to make a barrier around him, Scarlet knocked his weapons out of his hands as she sliced his arm off.

"Oh lord..." Draken said. "Blake...look."

Blake turned her head as she saw what happened. "N-No....."

"Oh CRAP! YOU BEEN DISARMED!" Pepper ran at Scarlet shoulder tackling her away from Derek then quickly picking up his arm and weapon. "Get to safety NOW! Don't argue with me!" he shoved his arm and weapon to Derek. "Blake, get Derek!"

Scarlet snickered as she laughs. "Oops, looks like he's the new Yang now!"

"You monster!" Blake shouted as she rushes over and grabs Derek. "Stay with me...Jaune, we need you."


Jaune dodged away from Mercury as he ran over to where Blake and Derek were at. "Oh god...I don't know if my semblance would be able to boost his aura to heal him quick enough." He glances around. "Your jacket, rip some of it off. I'll tie it around the wound."

"Aw..look, their being wholesome." Scarlet said as she snickered. "However." She stood up. "Emerald!"

Emerald nodded as she started to use her semblance creating a illusion of multiple Scarlet's surrounding them.

"Vest, do something." Qrow said. "At this rate, we can kiss our asses goodbye."

Vest sighed as golden flames would appear around her eyes as she began to calmly float off the ground as a twister of flames engulfed the area around her.

"Holy crap! So that's the power of the maiden! That amazing!" Pepper's eyes sparkled out of amazement. He never seen the maiden powers in action before.

"It's out only hope to win this..." Sprite held herself up with her sword.

"Fufufu." Scarlet laughed as she grins. "Perfect!" Her eyes glowed as she stopped time. "Now make my move."

Vest was completely engulfed and surrounded by the maiden flames as the twister had frozen in time.

"Ohhh noo!" Pepper was dashing towards for the real Scarlet until he was frozen in time staying still in a punching motion.

Everything was in a stand still, except for underground. Scarlet made her move while time was at a stand still, she had to speed this up or her eyes would start bleeding. She didn't have full control on her semblance, she snickered as she grabbed Cora and Queen slamming them into the ground as she then took aim at the flaming twister and shot ice dust bullets at it.

"Now to take my prize." Scarlet said as she grabbed Derek's arm and then grabbed Cora again, she would then move Weiss into the way of Pepper's fist so she'd get punched instead of her, she would then blink her eyes.

Queen hit the ground as Cora did as well, before feeling herself being dragged. The ice dust bullets flew towards Vest as well.

"How did I get here?" Weiss asked as she felt Pepper's fist punch her.

"Oh NOOOOOOO! I'm so sorry!" Pepper was forced to finish the punching motion then quickly turned to Weiss. "I didn't know time would just magically stop working! Holy crap are you okay?!"

Weiss groans. "Do I look okay?"

Scarlet snickered as she swallowed Derek's dismembered arm as she looks to Cora. "Now looks like I'm having snake for dinner now." She pinned Cora down as she licks her face. "Mm, salty.."

"Get of me, you ssslimy Grimm!" Cora hissed.

"You looook fine! But not important! Where did the snake go?! Is everyone else alright?!" Pepper looked around worried and a bit scared.

Emerald still had her semblance active as Scarlet was still pinning down Cora. The snake faunus struggled to get free from being pinned down. But Scarlet put pressure on her as she snickered.

"Ow, my head." Queen said sitting up. "We need to stop this illusion and find Cora!"

Weiss nodded her head. "Good point, but where is Emerald?"

The ice bullets flew towards Vest freezing her inside the twister which froze over leaving her frozen inside.

"Vest, no.." Ruby said looking around. "Where are you Scarlet!"

Scarlet snickered as her duplication's did as well. "Why, what ever do you mean Ruby? I'm everywhere around you. Can't you see it? Or do I have to kill your friends in front of you?"

"Quit hiding!" Nora shouts.

"Oh great...ONE OF THOSE people, hides and says ominous crap like that and she appears out of nowhere to do a thing!" Fanta growled.

"Son of a Grimm! What do we do?! I might be able to blast all of the clones or whatever they are but I don't think I have enough aura for that. Although I might be able to blow up the twister to get Vest out." Peppper suggested frustratingly.

Hazel smirked as he cracks his knuckles before throwing Oscar. "This makes my day easier and easier." He turned his attention to Fanta.

"Oscar! Nora go help him! I got the big guy," Fanta growled more. "Imma about to make it the worse day of your LIFE!" She dashed towards Hazel and she threw an aura like bone at his leg before she gave him a good smack in the face following up with a shotgun bullet to add on to it. She threw her other fist doing the same thing but this time in the gut.


The elevator was coming up as the vault passage opened up, as Yang was standing on the lift holding the relic. Emerald stops her semblance as she looked to where Yang was not seeing Cinder.

Queen noticed Scarlet as she dashed towards her. "Monster!"

Scarlet grins as she kicks Queen back before stabbing Cora with her hand. "Oh yes." She snickered as she looked down at Cora. "Time for eat my meal.." Scarlet started to tear into Cora as she was eating the snake faunus. " good."

Ruby heard Scarlet as she looked over. "NOOOO!" Her eyes glowed as she was about to unleash her silver eyes but Mercury knocked her out.

Scarlet hissed as she covered her eyes. Emerald slowly walked over, looking around still not seeing Cinder.

"Where's Cinder?" Emerald asked.

Yang didn't answer as she held the relic. She noticed Blake and Derek, as she glanced over to Pepper. "Get Vest out of there, Cinder's gone."

"Yes mam!" Pepper jumped up high in the air curled up in a ball revving up and bust through the ice and onto the other side and flew out of the School carrying Vest.

"Come on we need to save Cora! Quickly!" Sprite yelled.

"Where's Cinder..." Emerald looked around more. "She can't be gone.."

Scarlet gritted her teeth. "Hazel, we're leaving."

Hazel nodded his head a little. "Emerald, let's go."

"Cinder's gone Emerald, you don't have to take orders anymore." Yang said. "Turn yourselves in."

Emerald clinches her fist as she grits her teeth. "NO!!!" Her semblance activated as a giant illusion of Salem appeared.

The illusion towered over them as it screeched loudly, Blake fell over as Nora gulped. The illusion of Salem vanished as the villains were gone.

Sprite, Fanta and Aquafina covered their ears from the screeching and shaking out of fear. Pepper was already out of the building by this time.

Vest was unconscious from being shot in the back by the ice dust bullets.

Pepper carried Vest to safety outside and landed breathing heavily. "Thank the brothers...You're okay..."

W-What was that?" Weiss asked.

"That....that was Salem." Qrow said.

She opened her eyes slowly. "W..what happened?" She asked Pepper not understanding how she has gotten into his arms, as she had been knocked unconscious whilst time was frozen.

Salem?! that was terrifying! Good grief," Aquafina commented still shivering from the experience.

"You were frozen in time and in place, Cinder is gone and I had to get you out of there...I'm so glad you're safe," Pepper smiled with a single tear dripping down his face.

"That's just the start of it." Oscar said as he was now Ozpin. "I'm sorry for not helping sooner, I didn't realize how much trouble Hazel was giving Oscar." He looked at them all. "But that was indeed a perfect illusion of Salem, Emerald's rage and anger due to finding out Cinder was gone, triggered her into making that illusion of Salem."

"And to add to it." Qrow said unable to find his flask. "Salem is the mother of all Grimm, so my hunch is that Scarlet's mother is indeed Salem."

"Oh great, Scarlet being little miss spoiled is the daughter of all Grimm. We certainly have a tough battle ahead of us." Sprite commented falling onto the floor.

"Meaning what exactly?" Nora asked.

Ozpin looked at her. "Meaning, she'll know when and where we'll be at..and since they know I'm alive, our journey is going to be a bumpy ride."

"Is it ever a smooth ride Professor Ozpin? Last time I checked, I never had anything go right ever." Fanta replied.

"For now, we need to head back. And get those two, to a hospital." Qrow said looking over at Derek and Cora. "I don't think Cora has much time left to live after what Scarlet had done to her."

"I..I'll be fine don't worry " Vest said groaning.

Pepper chuckled. "Maybe you should inVEST in resting up now yeah?"

"One more invest joke or joke about my name and I'll melt the skin off your bones. " Vest said with a frown seeming angry that she lost a fight to a child.

Pepper awkwardly chuckled. "Sorry, couldn't resist! Better not angry the magic welder," he replied with a smile.

She roller her eyes and sighed.

Pepper sighed to before he flew off back carrying her to the house, where Ruby and others were staying at, to lay her down in her bed.


"What!" Salem shouted as the room shook. "Ozpin's alive!" She slammed her fist down as she glares at them. "And where's Scarlet at?"

"She uh, she said she had something to take care of before coming back." Emerald said. "With Cinder gone...I'm useless now.."

"It's my fault we didn't get the relic." Hazel said. "If I wasn't blinded by anger, we would've had it. But not Ozpin and his group has the relic."

Tyrian laughed. "Oh what ever will we do, now that Cinder's gone? Oh wait, we can proceed with the plans to bring Atlas down next."

the objects in the room began to levitate as Salem was pissed, Hazel looked at her and saw the look in her eyes. "I know that look."

Salem gritted her teeth more as she flips the table over as her magic ended up busting the windows as well. "Find the relic, kill anyone who dares get in our way. If Cinder survived, she can say good bye to her Maiden powers."

Tyrian laughs again as the maniac looked thrilled.

"Where did Scarlet say she was going?" Salem asked now calm.

"Uh...Menagerie." Mercury said with a shrug. "Like I could care why."

"Oh?" Salem asked cocking an eyebrow. "The only thing there is.." She had a twisted and wicked smile on her face. "Of course." She laughed as she sat down in her throne. "Prepare for her return. My child is giving me one less headache to worry about, so I wouldn't have to deal with them.."

Emerald cocked an eyebrow up. "What do you mean?"

"She means the White Fang." Watts said. "Scarlet's going there to end the Fang for good..which means, she's also going to kill Adam."

Tyrian snickered. "Oh goodie, I wonder what trophy she'll bring back with her? Maybe a skull, oh maybe the, that's to obvious. Oh wait...a prisoner!" He started to laugh. "That's going to be fun torturing them!"


Back at the White Fang base in Menagerie Adam angrily sat in his own throne, mumbling and tapping his fingers on the arms of the chair. He scoffed as he leaned back, thinking and plotting something.

Screaming would soon be heard as Adam listened, he grabbed his sword and slowly drew it out. The screaming got louder as what remaining White Fang members there were who weren't locked up, were soon thrown into the room where Adam was.

"Ara, you have poor guards." Scarlet said walking through the busted doors. "You should invest in better ones..oh wait." She licked her lips as she picked up one of the Fang members who was still conscious. "You don't have the money or power to do so."

"Who are you?" Adam asked pointing his sword at her. "Answer me, or I'll be your worst nightmare."

Scarlet laughed as she bit into the guard's neck tearing his flesh off. "My worst nightmare? Let me reprieve that." She tossed the body at Adam as she licked the blood off her hand. "I'll be your worst nightmare."

Adam grits his teeth. "I have a army of White Fang at my disposal, and you think a mere girl, can stop me?"

Scarlet grins as she snickered. "Oh you don't even know who I am." She started to walk over to Adam as she dashed towards him and gut punches him. "I'm your nightmare come to life, the eater of humanity and faunus kind. And you have the guts to tell me, I can't stop you?" She dug her nails into his abdomen as she twists her hand inside as she pulls her hand out. "I would advise you to be six feet under and nothing more than a worthless piece of food."

Adam collapsed to his knees as he fell forward onto the ground bleeding out, Scarlet knelt down as she grabbed his mask, taking it off of him. The last thing he saw before dying, was Scarlet's glowing red eyes and a toothy grin. Scarlet puts the mask on as she walked out of the room before tipping over a lantern to set the hideout in a blaze of fire.

A/N: [I can't take any credit for Team SODA, Vest, Draken, Cora or Queen. Credit goes to my friends on Discord.]