Chapter 15: Sisters Part 1

It was time to prevent Haven from being the next Beacon, Qrow was ready to head to Haven since he knew the threat was coming. He glanced at RWY, RNJ, Vest, Draken and Oscar before turning around to the door.

"Alright, we'll be meeting up with Pepper and his team at Haven." Qrow said. "This fight will be what we've came here to prevent. If we can succeed and stop Haven from falling. We're on the right path, but if Haven falls, then there will be hell to pay."

"Right...Lionheart said he'll give us the necessary promotions to become official huntsmen." Jaune said. "Hopefully, the threat will be easy to take care of before we're given it."

Ruby would lightly nod as she followed Qrow out of the house, the others followed behind as they made their way to Haven once more. It was night out as well, eventually they would meet up with team SODA, while Cora and Queen were also there as well.

"Is everyone here?" Queen asked looking around at the group.

"Everyone's here..well expect one." Ruby said as she was referring to Blake.

Yang looked at her and scoffed a little. "Yeah, everyone's here. Let's get inside before it gets colder out here."

Queen nods her head a little. "Okay then." She went inside as she stopped before turning her head. "If you're all ready, lets get inside."

"SSSurprisssing, isssn't it?" Cora asked.

Oscar looked at Vest. "Ozpin told me, you don't have to use your maiden powers if you don't want to. It'll make you less of a target if we're fighting the enemy."

Vest nodded. "Yeah it's fine I understand Oz...uhh Oscar. " She sighed not being used to the second person that Ozpin shared the soul with.

Ruby looked up at the academy as she closes her eyes and lets out deep sigh, she took in a gulp of fresh air as she opens her eyes. "I'm ready."

"Time to face our demons..." Weiss said. "Becoming a official licensed huntress and huntsmen is one step into the future for us."

Vest shrugged as they kept walking staying quiet for the walk to the academy.

Queen glanced back as she went inside the academy, to where they were greeted by Lionheart, who was standing on the stair way. "Ah, you all made it...good."

"Of course we made it! What do you take us for?" Pepper replied with a little sass putting his hands on his hips.

"Pepper, seriously? This isn't the time right now for your stupid games!" Sprite smacked Pepper up side the head good.

"Ow! Geez Sprite! Calm ya windy tits!" Pepper rubbed the back of his head annoyed.

Fanta cleared her throat. "Of course headmaster, good to see you as well."

"Lovely start already..." Aquafina rolled his eyes before he chuckled a little.

Lionheart had the look of worry on his face however, as a red port opened on the other side of the main hall they were standing at. Cinder, Emerald. Mercury and Vernal walked through Raven's portal as Hazel came in from behind the group closing the door, however. There was no trace of Raven nor Scarlet.

"You!" Yang snapped.

Team SODA expressed eyes od shock and slight fear seeing Cinder's group all bunched together.

"Oh my goodness! Didn't even have to come looking for ya, came STRAIGHT to Haven huh? I see you have two more to the group, big daddy and singer rejection over there," Pepper slammed his fists together into each other cracking one hand at the time all with a smirk on his face.

"Lionheart, care to explain why THE ENEMY is in YOUR school?!" Sprite snapped at Lionheart and aggressively twirled her sword pointing at him.


Lionheart turned to run up the stairs but stopped as Scarlet stood there smirking. "Ara ara, what a lovely gift you've given us know, you can't run from this. You owe us the relic.."

Ruby's eye's widen. "'re."

Scarlet smirked. "Ah, hello again...Ruby. It's so nice to see you again, did you miss me?" She grabbed Lionheart by the throat and tossed him aside. "Be a good boy and stay there, or thing's will get deadly for you." She walked down the stairs as she looked at Yang and the others.

Vest put a hand on the grip of her sword. "That's far enough!" The maiden shouted before stepping up next to Ruby.

"Look it's a wild edgy teenage out in the distance!" Pepper pointed at Scarlet jokingly.

Fanta tilted her head in confused her tail standing straight up. "So THAT'S the girl you told us about before?" She extended her gauntlets on her arms.

Aquafina spun his staff then readied it. "Yup, matches the description Pepper gave us."

Sprite rolled her eyes. "This is already gonna be a pain"

"Just who are you, and what do you want with Ruby?" Qrow asked looking at her.

Scarlet snickered as she licked her lips. "Allow me to introduce myself..." She pulled Black Rose out as she spun it around. "My name is Scarlet Rose...and I'm your sister, Ruby.." She snickered with a toothy grin. "And I'm here to collect what's rightfully mine from your body."

"My...body?" Ruby asked.

"Your silver eyes." Scarlet said laughing. "That's what."

"Wait...silver eyes...Ruby..stupid plan...Scarlet.." Pepper was scratched his head. Something was on the tip of his tongue! Not quite sure what it is, but he shook off the feeling and his suit quickly covered his body getting into a fighting stance.

Draken got in front of Ruby as did Yang and Weiss. Yang glares at Scarlet, Cinder snickered a little as she claps her hands slowly. "Where is Raven?"

Scarlet looked over to her as she shrugs. "She'll come, eventually." She then glanced at Pepper and noticed Vest. "Ara, if it isn't the Summer delightful, this will save me the trouble of having to explain this to my mother."

Vest drew her sword as she frowned not liking the situation. "Your mother?" Vest asked as she looked to Scarlet. "And if you think your taking the powers you've got another thing coming."

"What? Is those powers...MAIDEN REMNA- OW!" Pepper held his head.

"Pepper! Focus!" Fanta barked.

Scarlet licked her lips again as she ran at the group, making the first strike to start the battle. Cinder crossed her arms as she looked at everyone. "Hazel, you know what to do."

"Of course." Hazel said as he walked over to the group, Oscar backed up seeing the towering man loom over him.

"Everyone, split!" Queen barked. "There's more of us, than there is of them!"

Pepper nodded. "Right, let's do this!" Curled up in a ball revving up with great speed and blasted off right into Scarlet's side.

Fanta growled at Hazel and stood in between him and Oscar.

Sprite and Aquafina split up going different routes.

Scarlet smirked as she gabs Pepper. "Such a useless attack..." She slammed him into the ground before kicking him. Her eyes set on Ruby still, she dashed towards her but Cora wrapped around Scarlet.

"You're not going anywhere." Cora said tightening around her. "You'll die before you can reach her."

"CRAP! I felt the wind on that!" Pepper shouted spun out of the ground.


Cora was still wrapped around Scarlet tightly as the snake faunus watched the Grimm girl turn purple. "SSSoon, you'll be dead."

Scarlet dug her nails into Cora's tail as she opened her mouth and bit down into her flesh, tearing away at Cora's tail. Cora yelled in pain as she let Scarlet go, Scarlet spits out the flesh she tore off from Cora as she laughed.

"Cora!" Queen shouts dashing over. "I'll kill you!" She swung her sword at Scarlet as she missed nearly nicking her. "What?" She turned around as Emerald chuckled.

"What's wrong? Can't handle my semblance?" Emerald asked. "Scarlet, finish the snake off!"

Vest dashed over to the real Scarlet as she drew and swung her sword in the one motion aiming to block Scarlet from further hurting Cora.

Pepper raised his hand and blasted a laser at Emerald with Sprite behind her to follow up with her blade swinging at Emerald.

"Hmph, cocky much?" Scarlet asked blocking Vest's attack with Black Rose.

Hazel glared at Oscar, as he clinches his fist. "Ozpin!"

"Oh....crap." Oscar said.

Draken stood there guarding Ruby as Mercury scoffed as he walked over to them. "You Branwen brat, you're being in the way." He raised his leg up to kick Draken in the head, but got caught as Yang grabbed his leg.

"Remember me." Yang asked punching him in the face. "No tricks this time Mercury."

Fanta growled more at Hazel. "You get away from him!" She materialized a large aura dog bone and smacked Hazel with it.

Hazel glared at Fanta after getting hit. "Looks like...I'll have to get my hands dirty." He grabbed some dust and began to stick them into his arms.

"Queen get Cora back!" Vest said as she stepped to the side slightly staring down Scarlet keeping her sword ready.

Fanta cracked her neck from left to right. "Looks like I'm painting the walls red."

Scarlet snickered as she looks over to Cinder. "Would you mind if I...toyed with the Summer maiden?"

"Do as you please, her powers are mine when you're done." Cinder said.

Hazel bulked up from the dust flowing in his body as he looked at Fanta and Oscar. "I'll make you pay Ozpin!"

Yang threw Mercury away from Draken as she looked at him. "Keep Ruby safe Draken, don't let them get anywhere near her."

"Right, I'll fight them off." Draken said.

"I'll give you an ass beating for free! No charge!" Fanta clenched her fists waggling her tail.

Aquafina ran over with Draken. "We'll fight them off! No one needs to alone in this fight."

Vest frowned as she looked at Scarlet listening to her talk with Cinder. "When you're done toying with me you'll have nothing. "

Draken nodded. "Right, thanks."

Scarlet cocks an eyebrow up. "Oh? If I recall. I was the one who scratched and pulled your hair." She gripped Black Rose tightly as she mouthed the words Salem silently to Vest, before swinging Black Rose at her.

"Incoming." Ozpin told Oscar as he noticed Hazel cocking his arm back. "Fanta, duck."

Hazel cocked his arm back and threw his fist forward. "I'll break you both!"

"I'm a dog not a duc-not what you meant!" Fanta ducked then shot fire dust to blow Hazel and her away from each other.

"Batter up!" Nora shouted as she swings her hammer at Hazel's side. "I'll help you both with him."

Fanta nodded. "Let's go girl! Show this guy the girl power!" She smiled.

Vest raised her sword blocking the attack from Scarlet as she kicked her leg out at Scarlet's chest after seeing her mouth Salem.

Scarlet stumbles back as she laughed. "Oops, did I pull a nerve?" She dashed at Vest and tackled her pinning her down. "Did I make the Maiden upset when I said her name?" She started to punch Vest as she grabbed her hair. "Maybe I should make you submit before I break you!"


Vest would headbutt Scarlet before pushing her back. "Get the hell off me, I won't submit to the likes of you.." she stood up.

Pepper jumped at Scarlet kicking her after Vest headbutted following up with a laser blasting Scarlet into the wall. "Maybe you should inVEST your time somewhere else!"

Smoke was flowing off Scarlet as she chuckled. Her wounds were slowly healing. "I finally get it now..." Her eyes glowed through the smoke as she stood up. "You've opened my show me, how I should treat my...prey."

"Uh oh." Jaune said. "I've got a bad feeling about this.

Vest raised her sword as she stood watching Scarlet. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"Uhm, you know. Grimm tend to eat their victims, and she's part Grimm...I think it's pretty obvious what's she's talking about." Pepper held out his hand charging up a red sphere.

"Wouldn't you like to know. Summer." Cinder said as she was walking over to Vest. "We came seeking the relic...but it looks like we've got two birds with one stone now." Her eye glowed as she grins.

Raven flew into the academy as she turned back to her human form. "Open the passage Lionheart."

"R-Right." Lionheart said.

Vest looked over to Cinder seeing the glow from her eyes. "If you think your taking the powers you have another thing coming."

Pepper clenched his other fist FURIOUS seeing that grin. "We won't let you get your dirty hands on that RELIC or on VEST!" He then turned his other hand holding the red sphere shooting it at Cinder with such brutal force.

Cinder dodged it as she fired an arrow at him, from a bow she created. "You'll share the same fate as Pyrrha long ago."

Scarlet snickered as she dashed over to Weiss and grabbed her by the neck. "Say, what do you get when you break ice?" She lifted Weiss up off the ground as she licked her lips. "Any answers?"

Vest frowned as she dashed at Cinder slashing at her with her sword. "Don't you dare mention Pyrrha!" Vest shouted at Cinder.

Pepper grabbed the arrow broke it in half. "I'll turn you into DUST!" he ran at Cinder shooting ice dust at her.

Sprite dashed over to Scarlet and Weiss cutting Scarlet's arm off freeing Weiss from her grasp.

"T-Thanks." Weiss said coughing. "I didn't even see her coming."

Scarlet picked up her arm as she grinned with a sinister look, reattaching her arm back on. "Now now, not so fast my pretties...I'll get you and your faunus friends too."

"You'll die hungry and rot in the grave monster!" Sprite spun her sword and readied it pointing it at Scarlet.

"Me a monster? No...I'm the devil!" Scarlet said with a laugh.

"She's starting to creep me out." Ruby said shivering a little.

"No kidding." Draken said.

"I'm starting to think she likes the pain," Aquafina shivered as well.

"Then go back to the hell where you came from! You don't belong in this world!" Sprite swung her sword sending a strong gust of wind towards Scarlet.

Scarlet cackled as she turned Black Rose into it's mini gun form. "You're all gonna die tonight!" She started revving up Black Rose as she had it loaded with all sorts of dust bullets.

"Everyone take cover!" Qrow barked.

Sprite swung her sword creating a wind barrier defecting the bullets in every which way.

"Oh crap! Get behind me you two!" Aquafina shot out a wall of water before freezing it creating a wall of ice.

Fanta whelped getting hit from a stray bullet before pushing Nora and her behind a pillar for cover.

Pepper threw down a bottle filled with ice dust making a wall of ice as well. "Crazy chick!"

Vest was no where near cover as she was standing in the open fighting against Cinder not attention much surroundings.

Cinder smirked as she jumps out of the way as a wave of dust bullets came flying towards Vest.

"Vest!" Pepper yelled out throwing out another bottle filled with ice dust forming a wall of ice protecting Vest.

Vest braced before suddenly realizing she hadn't been hit and the ice wall had blocked the attack "Woah.."

Scarlet growled as she looked over to the passage to the vault open up. "Go on ahead to the vault with Vernal and Raven..We'll handle them."

"Of course." Cinder said walking away from the battle as she watched Vernal and Raven go in first as she followed behind.

"Now then.." Hazel said. "Where were we?"

A/N: [I can't take credit for Team SODA, Vest, Draken, Cora or Queen. All credit goes to my friends on discord.]