Chapter 41: War

Scarlet flew over Atlas, as she saw the Monstra and glanced down seeing a war going on between Atlas and Grimm, her eyes locked onto the Ace ops as well as Neon Katt. She scoffs a little as she stops time with her semblance to get closer to the Monstra without getting shot down.

Once she had made to the Monstra, she went inside the Grimm and blinks letting time resume. She started to walk down hall as she sniffs the air for Salem.

Salem could sense that Scarlet had returned as she walks out of the throne room and heads to where Scarlet would be currently at.

Scarlet hungered for a fresh meal, her stomach ached a little as she glances around for any source of food that would be around. But remembered, Salem never put that into the Monstra Grimm/moving fortress. ".....Hunger...."

"There you are my child." Salem said as she noticed the new form Scarlet had. " seems you failed me yet again...but yet, you seem different now. Care to explain?"

Scarlet glances at her mother, but her speech would be off. "Krystal....Vest....did this..."

Salem rubs her chin a little as she walks closer to her. "It seems your speech has been tampered with as well..but seeing as I was planning on punishing you for failing me...yet again, this seems to be fitting enough for you." She places her hand onto Scarlet's shoulder as she leans down. "Did you kill the Maiden like you promised?"

Scarlet lightly nods. "Powers....have them...Fall....Summer...gone.."

"I see, it would seem the new Summer Maiden has picked a new host for the powers...but hearing that you have the Fall Maiden powers. Does give me a slight bit of hope for you yet again." Salem said. "Come, it's time mother dearest fixed you up." She noticed Scarlet didn't have Black Rose with her. "Your weapon, where is it?"

"...Rusted..." Scarlet said.

Salem took a deep breath. "It would seem a new weapon would be in order for you then." She started to walk off, having Scarlet follow her. "As you can tell, my plan is going perfectly...once the war comes to a end that is..Atlas will be in the palm of my hand, and so would the Winter Maiden's power to unlock the vault."

Scarlet remembered something, but she wasn't going to tell her mother yet, not until she was fully capable of speaking properly. She glanced around a little as she followed Salem into one of the rooms.

"I wasn't for sure if you'd prefer to wear armor or not." Salem said. "This set has been specially saved for you, as for the weapons however. Watts had made extra in advance, for you to try out. Aside from the scythe." She glances over to Scarlet as she puts her hand gently around her neck, she used her magic to fix what vocals in Scarlet's body was damaged. "There, that should fix your problem."

Scarlet rubs her throat after Salem had let go, she clears her throat a little. "Thank you the way, there's something you should know."

Salem looks at her as she noticed she was putting the armor on. "What is it my child?"

"The Winter maiden." Scarlet said glancing at her. "She's at the Schnee Manor.."

Salem turns around. "Is that so? That would explain why The Hound hasn't returned, if the Winter Maiden is at the Schnee Manor, whoever is there is keeping her out of our reach."

"Ruby, Weiss, Blake." Scarlet said. "I killed Willow Schnee, and Vest. But there was one more person there too."

"And who might that be?" Salem asked.

"Deity." Scarlet said.


Salem clinched her fist tightly as her eyes glowed. "So...the Goddess is here. The Gods will surely regret sending her here."

Scarlet grabbed the two weapons a Flintlock and a Musket, she examines them for a moment. "Shall I go help the Grimm in battle against the Atlas troops?"

Salem glances over at her. "No...let them tire themselves out." She stood there for a moment as she smirks. "I have a better idea for you."

Scarlet cocks an eyebrow up. "Oh?"

"I want you to guard the lamp." Salem said. "Hazel is still trying to get the password for the lamp."

Scarlet was a bit confused, has he not told her what Oscar said. "Did he...did he not tell you?"

"Tell me what?" Salem asked glancing back to her daughter. "Are you saying Oscar told him, and he has yet to tell me."

"The password." Scarlet said.

Salem leans in close to Scarlet. "And what is the password?"

Scarlet looks at her for a moment as she turned around. "It's Jinn, why am I not surprised Hazel didn't tell you the's possible that he wasn't buying what Oscar said, but it's also possible Oscar wanted him to use the password instead of you."

" is it you knew the password?" Salem asked curiously.

Scarlet grins a little. "I was going to torture Oscar, but he gave up and spilled the beans."

Salem turns around. "So that's what it is." She glanced over to Scarlet. "Meaning they've already used the lamp already, leaving only one question left to be asked."

"It's possible yes." Scarlet said. "Would you still wish for me to guard the lamp, in case Hazel does show up to use the relic?"

"An interesting idea, yes." Salem said. "If he tries anything, don't hesitate to put him down...or do you wish to fail me again?"

Scarlet bows. "No mother, I will not fail you again." She stood up and walked out of the room, she snickered a little. "So...Hazel and Oscar think they can plan a strategy? Bad news for them...the princess has returned."


Outside the Monstra, the war was still going on. Over on the far side of everything, YRJD were sneaking their way into the Monstra to find and save Oscar.

Scarlet entered the room where the relic was at, she hadn't seen Neo or Emerald anywhere. She was starting to think Neo had ran from what was happening, she leaned against the wall next to the entrance as she smirks. "I have a feeling Yang and the other three are going to show up, to save Oscar."

Neo was hidden within the room Scarlet was in as she over heard her, Neo had thought of revealing herself to give Scarlet a hug and kiss. But then thought of staying hidden if anyone else shows up, mainly the Seer Grimm.

"Now to wait and see what happens." Scarlet said as she closes her eyes. "Then again, I could always ask a question...but choose not too." She could tell Neo was in the room with her, but she didn't say anything as she wanted to see how long Neo would stay hidden.

Back outside, the Atlas forces were pushing on through the best they could, Grimm were coming at them head on, as more were coming out from the Monstra. Neon looked a bit worried at what was going on, however Winter was getting the payload ready. But was having second thoughts, she knew Yang and the others were inside. But she was unaware of Derek's death, and her mother's death as well, she straightened up knowing she'd have to tell Weiss that her friends had died.

Inside the Monstra, Scarlet opened her eyes as she looks at her Grimm arm. She noticed it was rather different from the one Cinder had, but knew it didn't matter too much. This was something different for her to have, she smelt Yang inside the Monstra as her eyes glowed. "Let the games begin...."

A/N:[I can't take credit for Vest, Deity or Draken. Credit goes to my friends on Discord.]