YRJD had made their way into the Monstra, the group stopped half way down the hall as they glanced around wondering how they would find Oscar.
"How do we even find him?" Draken asked glancing around the hall. "I can't still can't believe we're inside a giant Grimm....why did it have to be a Grimm?"
"I can sense emotions from people." Ren said. "I was able to do it with Winter and the Ace ops...if I can focus I might be able to find Oscar."
Yang crossed her arms as she cocks an eyebrow up. "Huh...and you're telling us this now? That's new."
"We'll help then." Jaune said. "With my semblance working with yours, we'd be able to find Oscar as a group."
Ren nods. "Alright, let's get going then."
"Hopefully we don't run into any trouble." Draken said. "Especially you know who."
Yang pops Draken head. "Don't jinx us."
"Ow....right, right." Draken said rubbing his head.
As the group walked down the hall, Scarlet had exited the room where the relic was at. She made her way down the hall as she sniffs the air, picking up their scent.
Neo was still in the room, and stayed hidden. She was going to find out what the password to the lamp was, even if she had to wait for someone to show up who knew it.
Ren's aura started to break, as Jaune stopped. "Hey, I'm going to go on ahead, you all wait here."
"Are you sure?" Draken asked.
Jaune nods. "Yeah, if I see any trouble ahead, I'll come back here."
"Alright." Yang said.
Ren lets out a small sigh as he was able to rest, he didn't want to trouble them with having to slow down their progress on finding Oscar.
"I wonder if Ruby and the others are okay.." Draken said. "After having to tell them what happened to Derek that is."
Yang closed her eyes. "Knowing them, they probably aren't...I'm surprised you and Jaune are friends again Ren, thought we'd be in a tight pickle if you two kept arguing."
"Yeah I know...it's my fault for not realizing, but I'm just a little frightened and scared..Jaune on the other hand, he's being brave. He doesn't seem terrified or worried." Ren said.
"Aren't we all frightened and scared?" Draken asked. "It's normal...I think Jaune being the way he is, thinks we'll get out of this in one piece."
Jaune came running back to the group. "Hide, hide."
Yang cocks an eyebrow up. "What's going on?"
"Scarlet." Jaune said. "She's here."
"Tch, crap." Yang said as her and the three hide behind a wall. "Use your semblance to mask us."
Ren nods and uses his semblance, Draken peeked around the corner to see where Scarlet was coming from. Sure enough Scarlet came from around the corner of the hall Jaune came from, she stopped half way as she glances around.
Ren's aura was starting to give out as Jaune tried to help but his was starting to give out as well, Scarlet snickered a little. "Come out, come out wherever you are."
Ren and Jaune's aura gave out causing them to be unmasked. Scarlet aimed the flintlock over to the wall they were standing at as she had it loaded with dust bullets. "Are you over there, or are you behind me?" She pointed the musket behind her as she waited for a moment. "Are you still upset that I killed your friend? Deal with it, I killed Vest and Willow Schnee."
Yang's eyes widen as she looks at Draken and the other two, she clinched her fist as her eyes went red. "That...that son of a....she's going too far."
"Yang, we can't fight her, not in the shape we are. She's taunting us, she wants us angered." Jaune said.
Scarlet scoffed. "Well, I guess they died for nothing. Seems like I'll just have to kill Ruby and the others...nice, and slowly...hearing them beg for me to stop, crying as I cut their fingers and toes off...one by one..." She grinned knowing that would trigger Yang more.
Yang gritted her teeth as she clinches her fist tightly. "That does it!" She ran from behind the wall and over at Scarlet, she cocked her fist back and went to punch Scarlet in the face. "CHA!!!!"
Scarlet blocked Yang's fist with her Nevermore wing as she turned the musket around and turned it into a cleaver, it seems the weapon mods that were added to the musket and flintlock were two different weapons.
"Watch out!" Jaune shouted.
Yang's was confused at first, but then her eyes widen as Scarlet swung the cleaver around. The blade was sharp however, Yang knew if she got cut with that. It would be more then a flesh wound. She blocked it with her robotic arm, but didn't see Scarlet's other arm come around with the flintlock aimed at her.
"Peek-a-boo!" Scarlet said as she shot Yang in the face with a dust bullet.
Yang stumbled back as she puts her hands to her face. "GAHHH! Mother fu...." She went quiet as Scarlet gut punched her sending her flying down the hall.
Scarlet snickered as she turned the Musket back into it's gun form, as she turns the flintlock into a butcher knife. She charged towards Jaune and the other two as she swung the knife at them, Draken caught it with his bare hands.
"Ara ara, do you want to die first?" Scarlet asked as she aims the musket at Draken and pulled the trigger firing at his left arm.
Draken cried in pain as this all could be heard further down the hall, where Salem was at. Who was talking with Hazel and Emerald. "We've got guest...meaning...the lamp!" She dashes down the hall quickly.
Yang got up as she felt her aura breaking slowly. "That was a dirty trick!"
Scarlet didn't pay Yang no mind as she loaded a new type of dust into the musket and aimed it at her own head. "Let's make this interesting."
Ren and Jaune were confused, was she really going to shoot her own head off? Scarlet pulled the trigger as the dust bullet went off. Off to the side of her was another Scarlet, the dust she had just used was able to allow Scarlet to clone herself.
"T-Two Scarlet's....one isn't enough?!" Yang asked angered.
Both Scarlet's snickered as they glanced at the group, the clone Scarlet looked at the original. "Shall we dance with them?"
Scarlet nods. "Of course, we'll torture them nice and slow. First one to kill one of them wins."
Both Scarlet's dashed toward Yang and the other three, Draken was on his guard but didn't expect to get his ass handed to him so easily. Scarlet uppercutted him in the lower jaw, knocking him backwards.
Scarlet's clone had a wicked grin on her face as she was firing both flintlock and musket at Ren and Jaune. Dust bullets were flying as the two boys were cornered, they didn't have any breathing room to avoid any oncoming attacks.
Draken hit the floor hard as Yang ran at Scarlet full of rage and anger, she was throwing punches left and right. Not a single one was touching Scarlet as she was dodging, she took the opportunity to grab Yang's fist and twist her arms. "Ara ara, feisty as ever."
"Stay still!" Yang shouts.
Scarlet swings her cleaver at Yang's robot arm cutting the forearm off, as she elbowed Yang in the face. Causing her to spit blood as her nose was broken as well, Yang stumbled back as she panted.
"Yang." Jaune said as he tried to rush over to her side, but got shot in the leg by a bullet. "Gahh!"
Scarlet walked over to Yang as she picked her up by the hair. "Any last words bimbo?"
Yang glared at Scarlet. "Screw you.."
Scarlet grinned as she swings the cleaver at Yang. Jaune, Ren and Draken were horrified as the cleaver slit across Yang's other arm. Yang had blocked it, but it didn't stop the cleaver from deepening into her. Scarlet scoffed as she pulled the cleaver our and swung it again. "DIE XIAO LONG!!"
Yang went to kick Scarlet away from her, trying to get her to let go of her hair. But she moved at the right time, as the cleaver came swinging at her hair cutting her free. "I'm not dying, death will have to wait."
Scarlet's clone stood close to Scarlet, as the two glared at Yang and the others. They didn't have time to mess around, they had to find Oscar and fast before the bomb was set inside to blow everything sky high.
"We can't stay here and fight." Yang said as she wrapped a cloth around her arm. "We need to find Oscar.."
Scarlet threw her Grimm arm forward as she grabbed Yang by the leg. "Who told you to daze off!" She flung Yang into the air and fired a dust bullet at her from the flintlock. She licked her lips as the bullet went at Yang fast, it slipped through Yang's leg as she fell to the floor. "Take care of those three, Yang's mine."
Scarlet's clone nods her head as she approached Draken and the other two, she had the flintlock and musket aimed at them. Jaune slowly stood up, but his leg gave out as it was numb, he didn't have enough aura to use his semblance. He glanced over to the real Scarlet who was walking closer to Yang.
"Tick tock, goes the clock." Scarlet said as she kicks Yang in the side before stepping on her chest. "Let's see...what shall I remove first?" She scanned Yang as she noticed her bandaged arm, she grins as she grabs her arm. "You won't be needing this anymore." She held her arm with one hand as she swung the cleaver again at Yang's arm slicing it off.
Yang screamed in pain, as she held back tears. But she was finding it hard to do, where was Raven when she needed her? Scarlet cackled as she puts Yang's arm into her mouth slurping it down like a noodle. She then glanced at Yang once more as she lifted her foot up off of her chest.
"Yang, hurry!" Draken shouts.
Yang slowly crawled, trying to get away. But Scarlet grabbed her by the leg once more and flung her to the ground, she pulled her close to her as she started to repeatedly punch Yang in the face, blood went flying followed by some teeth.
"You Monster!" Jaune yells
Scarlet's clone slapped Jaune in the face as her nails cut his face, she glanced over to Ren who had his guns pointed at her. "Let him go now.."
Scarlet's clone grins. "Ara ara." She quick stepped towards him kneeing him in the gut as she pointed the flintlock at him. "What was that?"
Ren took this chance to swipe his gun across her face, cutting the clone's face opened. Making it burst into dust shards. He closed his eyes taking a deep breath, but that was all he took. Scarlet's Grimm arm stretched out and slashed at Ren's face, followed by wrapping around his neck strangling Ren until he passed out from the lack of air.
"NO!" Jaune and Draken shout as Jaune tried to get up again, Draken growled as he dashed over to Scarlet, and went to punch her in the face.
Scarlet grins as as she gut punched Draken hard. He coughed up blood as he collapsed to the floor, Scarlet glared at Jaune who was still trying to stand up. And idea came to her mind as she threw Yang down.
Jaune looked over to her. "W-What are you."
Scarlet grins as she started to dug her nails into Yang's body slowly ripping her apart, she needed food after all. She started to devour Yang's body making Jaune watch, once she had finished the only thing that was left was a skeleton.
Jaune went pale, as he fell to his knees. "W-We're so screwed...why was this a good idea?!"
Draken winched in pain as he saw the skeleton, he felt sick to the stomach as he started to get up. "We're not...we're not done.."
"Draken, please..don't." Jaune said.
Scarlet turned her attention to Draken as she started to walk over to him, she grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up. "Oh, I wish I could toy with you more...but I have other things to do."
Draken was gasping for air, as his eyes were starting to roll to the back of his head, he could feel the blood flow in his body get cut off. He kicked, and clawed at Scarlet's arm. But it was no use.
"Please, don't hurt him." Jaune said. "We...we'll leave, we won't interfere in your plans anymore...just please don't."
Scarlet turned her head to look at Jaune, the only thing he could see in her eyes. Was hunger, and murder. Scarlet had a wicked grin on her face as she turned her head back to look at Draken, she chopped him in the back of his neck knocking him out. She glanced at Jaune, she could smell his fear and smell Salem coming. "Hmph, maybe I should toy with you three later, and then maybe I'll kill you." She turned her head and noticed Salem.
Salem glanced at her for a moment. "Those three...so they were the problem, and what of the lamp?"
"The lamp is still in it's room, what would you like me to do with these three?" Scarlet asked. "I was going to kill them, but I already done my damages on them. And killed one of their fellow team mates."
Salem looked pleased as she used her magic to have them put to the floor. "Go and lay waste and death to Atlas, I want Ironwood's head. Even if it mean bringing him here alive, is that understood?"
Scarlet nods. "Of course mother, I will take Neo with me. Shall I fetch Watts while I'm on my way there?"
"Of course." Salem said. "He would be able to use the Winter Maiden to get the vault opened, and when that's done. Get the staff...I would hate for it to fall into the wrong hands." She walked over Jaune and Draken. "You two are going to tell me, everything you know and everything that is going to happen."
Outside at Atlas, a girl was standing there among the war that was going on. She took off her White Fang emblem as she clinched it tightly. "Just you wait...you'll pay for what you've done to the Fang."
A/N:[I can't take credit for Draken or Vest. Credit goes to my friends on Discord]