Carried Away

Warning: Mild, non-explicit sexual content (kissing, heavy petting)


Somehow, Theo made it out alive. It hadn't been easy; every time his fingers brushed Zenith's damp skin, his heart skipped about ten beats. In the end, he resorted to picturing Ryan's smug grin every time he started getting too excited. It took care of the problem in an instant.

Compared to that, the soak in the hot spring wasn't half as bad. At least the water hid Zenith's body from view, and it was so warm and relaxing he didn't have the energy for dirty thoughts.

He was almost sorry to get out of the baths, but any longer and he'd turn into a raisin. To his embarrassment, he had to lean against Zenith for support as they headed back to Oren's cell.

Unfortunately, this meant his body was pressed right next to Zenith's, and all while both of them only wore thin robes. When they finally reached the cell, Theo's heart was throbbing again with a vengeance.

Zenith drew the curtains tightly shut, which Theo felt grateful for even though the hall was empty. According to Oren, the junior Novices had all gone to evening meditation. Plopping down on the pallet, Theo watched lazily as Zenith undid his hair from its bun. But when it spilled down his back like a platinum waterfall, all of Theo's nerves snapped wide awake.

"Uh," he began, though he had no idea what he intended to say.

"Hm?" Zenith tilted his head, causing a loose lock of hair to fall between his eyes. Damp from the baths, it gleamed in the dim light of the globe-fish.

Which of course set Theo's heart racing even faster. Dammit, he couldn't keep getting like this around Zenith. Not when they were supposed to work together as wizard and familiar.

Well, maybe it'd be easier if Zenith was wearing his armor. Unless Theo's overactive imagination decided to mentally strip him every time he looked at him….

'What is wrong with me?' Theo thought furiously, the blood rushing in his ears.

The next thing he knew, Zenith knelt in front of him and pressed a hand to his forehead. Theo was amazed his skin didn't spontaneously start sizzling beneath Zenith's gentle yet firm touch. And it did not help when Zenith pressed down harder.

It was all he could do not to gasp in relief when Zenith finally let go. "Wh-what are you – "

"You feel a little warm. Do you have a fever?" Zenith asked, innocent as ever.

The best Theo could get out was an incoherent sputter. But since Zenith was still staring at him in concern, he quickly shook his head.

"Is that so?" Horror of horrors, Zenith didn't look convinced. And before Theo could think of an excuse, he leaned forward and pressed his hand to Theo's chest this time.

Yelping out loud, Theo flung himself backwards.

"Forgive me for startling you," Zenith said, blinking. "Well, it seems your Levia is in normal condition."

Did he have to touch Theo to check that? Before he could stop himself, Theo clamped his hands over where Zenith had touched.

"Wh-why are you here anyway?" he blurted. "Since it's not like you need to sleep…."

Why did he have to sound so accusatory? Zenith being Zenith, he took it in stride. "I was worried for you."

Theo wished his heart didn't pound even harder upon hearing that. 'Of course he's worried, this is mom friend Zenith we're talking about.'

"W-well, I'm okay, so you can go back to Darian now…."

"Are you certain? Or is there something the matter with me? I notice your temperature and heart rate spike when you look directly at me."

The bottom dropped from Theo's stomach. Damn it all! Why did clueless, emotionally dense Zenith have to be so ridiculously perceptive at the same time?

"Ah – ah – ah – uh – " he gibbered, his blood boiling hotter and hotter. "I guess – I'm just not used to seeing you like this."

The words spilled out before his scrambled mind could put the brakes on them. It took all of Theo's self-control not to cover his face in mortification.

"Hm." It did not help when Zenith glanced down at himself, as if he'd only just noticed he was only wearing a bathrobe. "I suppose that's true. Since arriving in Tielos, I've had no reason to remove my armor or assume my glamour. Does it bother you? I can put on my armor again if so."

"No, no, you don't have to! I actually – I don't mind. It's kinda nice? I mean, you look good in your armor too, but – but without it is fine. I kinda, actually, I kinda miss seeing your glamour? I liked the glasses."

Why, oh why couldn't he just shut the fuck up? Instead his mouth kept running a mile a minute, spilling out an unfiltered stream of his most embarrassing thoughts. If he didn't put a lid on it this instant, he might legitimately end up saying he wanted to see Zenith naked.

And Zenith just kept staring at him, not a hint of embarrassment or disgust on his face. Which might be the worst damn part of it all.

"In order for me to assume my glamour on Tielos, you would need to actively cast the spell. Perhaps you could ask Lady Meg to teach it to you? I wouldn't mind, if it's something you'd like to see."

Would he also not mind if Theo asked him to take off the robe? The instant the thought hit him, a thousand alarms shrieked in Theo's head. If he did that, he'd only be taking advantage of Zenith.

He had to tell Zenith to go back to Darian. Before his raging hormones made him do something he'd regret.

He opened his mouth. But what came out was, "Zenith, could I give you some Levia?"

'What the hell, what the hell, what the HELL?' Seriously, what was he thinking? No, the whole problem was that he hadn't been thinking.

"My Levia supplies are normal," was Zenith's puzzled response.

"I – I know." Theo waved his hands in front of his face. "Sorry, forget I said that, I just – "

"But if you wish, I'll accept the offer." Just like that, Zenith leaned forward and reached for him. His hand curled around the back of Theo's neck, sending sparks through Theo's nerves, and he pulled Theo close and –

The instant their lips met, all thoughts flew out of Theo's head. Nothing mattered except the firm pressure of Zenith's mouth against his, the expert movement of his lips. How could he be so good at this? Lots of practice with Darian, Theo supposed….

But of course, this was the last thing he wanted to think about. Gripping the front of Zenith's robes, he hauled himself up on his knees and probed his tongue between Zenith's lips. When Zenith stiffened, he paused – only for Zenith to tilt his head back and part his lips with a gentle sigh.

Their tongues rubbed, sending stars in his vision. He gripped tighter, pulling Zenith closer, not wanting anything to get in their way.

Dimly he felt his Levia streaming towards Zenith's crystal core, burning like a river of fire. Zenith's rushed out to meet it, just as brilliant. As it blazed brighter, it seemed to drag out a sound from deep within Zenith's chest, tingling against Theo's tongue. A low, long groan.

Theo had never heard Zenith like this before. His heart pounded until he thought it might explode. All his desires screamed at him to never stop kissing Zenith, make him groan even louder, but his head was starting to spin from lack of air. Reluctantly, he pulled back from the kiss.

The tiny, needy noise Zenith let out made his stomach flip. For a moment Theo stared into his familiar's face – eyes glazed, cheeks flushed, lips glistening wet – and thought he'd never seen anything more beautiful.

Then Zenith's fingers tightened around the back of his neck, brushing the base of his hair. "Theo," he gasped.

That did it for Theo. He flung his arms around Zenith's shoulders and kissed him again. And again, and again. How many times they kissed, long and slow and deep, Theo couldn't say. All that existed were their two bodies, their skin slick with sweat, and their blazing Levia.

Each time Theo pulled away, Zenith whispered his name, and the fire burned hotter in Theo's chest. He couldn't stop – he had to – 'this is wrong, I'm taking advantage of him, this is – '

After their latest kiss, Zenith tossed his head back. The movement exposed the smooth column of his throat, and before Theo could think, he nipped the delicate skin where his throat met his jawbone.

Zenith let out a sharp gasp. Heart jolting, Theo drew back – only for Zenith to grab him tighter and pull him close again.

This time, Theo bit harder. Zenith moaned, sending electricity down his spine. Emboldened, he started to nip, suck, and lick a trail down Zenith's throat. Every time his lip ring brushed skin, his familiar's breath hitched. And Theo himself couldn't get enough of Zenith's taste. Clean and pure, yet it made dark excitement bubble through his Levia.

Lower and lower. Without thinking, Theo tugged Zenith's robe to the side, exposing the curve of his shoulder and jut of his collarbone. These Theo eagerly marked with more kisses, driving more delightful sounds out of Zenith.

Before he knew it, his mouth hovered over a rosy pink nipple. Such a beautiful color. His pulse thundering, he took the bud between his lips and gently sucked.

"Ah!" Zenith's voice rose to a wild cry, his hands clamping tight around Theo's head and back. This close, the shivers racing through his chest thrummed against Theo's skin.

But the throbbing in Theo's ears came only from his own heartbeat. It didn't matter, because he more than sensed the pleasure pulsing through Zenith's crystal core.

Lifting his head, Theo stared into his familiar's flushed face. He'd never seen Zenith like this before, so disheveled – so unguarded. Because of him.

'What would he think,' some tiny voice inside Theo whispered, 'if I told him I loved him now?'