Our Crazy Love- Chapter 3

"... and and they have a really nice k- hey Luna, are you ok?" Lunex breaks Luna from her daze as she was thinking about everything that happened. "Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine Lu." She responds lazily. Lunex just nodded and kept talking about how cool the house was from what he saw. Luna though, she drifted off into her own little world again, not even realizing it.

Lunex's ranting goes on for a little while before he is interrupted by Adrian. When they hear him coming they sit straighter, for no apparent reason. "Uh, hey guys. Um..." Adrian trails off while sharing at Lunex. "Um?" Luna pushes, seeing who he is looking at. "Oh uh yeah. Uh, are you guys hungry?" Lunex looks over to his sister and nods. She replies for him and they get up to follow Adrian downstairs.

"Why was he being so awkward?" The younger male asks his twin through their mind link. "I dunno bro." She knew exactly why, considering the way Adrian looked at Lu, it wasn't hard to guess. Lunex was an oblivious person, especially when it comes to people's emotions. "Soo, what are you guys craving?" Drake asks from the kitchen when he sees them enter.

Lunex gives a worried glance at Luna's questioning one. Her eyes widened in understanding and she quickly thought of an excuse to go out for their food. "Uh, actually we ate a big lunch and so we are not that hungry. Could we go out for a walk? It's pretty hot in here." Luna asks hurriedly. Since Lunex wasn't great at controlling himself they needed to leave. "Well," Adrian throws a glance to Drake who nods in approval. "Uh, sure I guess. Do you want one of us to com-" He goes to ask but Luna cuts him off grabbing her brother and running to the door. "Thanks!" She yells before running out with Lunex.

After a few minutes of walking, they find a dirt road. Luna stops and turns to her twin. "Are you ok? Your eyes are fully red. We need to find you something." She says. "Luna I'm hungry and we have been walking foreverrrr." Lunex drags. The female just rolls her eyes at her twin and keeps walking. "But seriously, are you ok Lu? I know you're not good with controlling it," Luna asks as if she were a worried mother. "I'm fine just hungry," he replies quickly. All of a sudden Luna sees movement out of the side of her vision and looks to find Lunex gone from her side. She sighs and sits down waiting for him to come back.

Moments later, She sees a figure coming out of the woods, towards her. She stands up on guard and gets into a crouching position while growling. She lets off when she sees her brother dragging a good amount of mass behind him. "The hell Lu! You scared me! Don't go running off like that again." She shouts to her brother from across the field, knowing he could hear her with his wolf hearing. He grumbled a few words Luna couldn't make out while approaching.

He finally makes it to her and drops the mass he was dragging. Luna gasps to see blood painted on her brother's body. "What in the hell did you do idiot?!" She harshly questions. He shrugged and stepped away so that Luna could see what he got. "I was hungry," he stated monotonously. He had torn into the chest of a big black bear. "Ok. Well, it's already dead so let's not waste it." She stated before going onto her knees beside the bear.

Luna leans down and bites into the bear's flesh. Lunex bites it's neck while Luna does her thing. Once they are both done, they stand and walk back through the dirt road. "Hey, can we go on a run?" he glances at his sister as she nods. He runs behind a tree excited to shift. They've done it so much, as they are early shifters, that it didn't hurt anymore.

They both shift and run around the forest for a while. After what felt like a couple of minutes, but was probably a couple of hours, they head back after shifting. They get to the house and open the doors only to find the brothers looking worried but angry waiting by the doors. They let out a cry of relief once they see the twins and Luna only now realizes that it was dark outside.

"What the fuck guys!?" Drake yells. Lunex whimpers and hides behind Luna, scared. "Where were you for the past four hours?" Adrian asks in a deadly calm voice. "As we said. We went on a walk." Luna replied confidently shielding her brother. "For four hours?!" Drake shouts again. Lunex holds onto Luna's hands strongly. "Yes," Is all she says before walking to the stairs still holding onto Lunex protectively.

The boys stalked after the duo aggressively, still trying to find answers. The twins also didn't know which room(s) they would stay in. "Hey, we can talk about this tomorrow but at least let us show you where to go," Drake calls out. But Luna just looks back at them and rolls her eyes. The twins kept walking and stopped to a slow when they heard a broken,
