-Rape is mentioned towards the end. If you don't feel safe or comfortable please don't continue-
Luna turned her head to see the owner of the voice. To no surprise she found Drake grimacing as well as looking her up and down. Seeing this made Luna start to feel sort of self-conscious. She turned her whole body look at him. "What do you mean?" She asked tentatively.
He made a face and lowly said, "Where are you going dressed like that?". She gave him a confused look because she noticed the hint of protectiveness in his voice. "Uh a party. Didn't Lunex tell you? We are going to a party with Cherry," she explained.
"That doesn't explain why you're dressed like that."
"Do I look bad?" Luna looked at her outfit. She chose to wear a dark purple mesh crop top hoodie that showed her shoulders and arms and a black skirt that stopped a little bit above her knees. She wore knee-high, 3-inch heeled, black boots and put her hair half braid, half down sort of thing.
"No, you look like a hooker," Drake stated. "What?! I'm no showing anything bad or anything like that." Now she started to feel really self-conscious because she had actually liked her outfit. Drake shook his head from side to side and stated with authority, "You can't go out like that."
"Why not," Luna asked- more like stated- defiantly.
"You're going to attract unnecessary attention. Plus, I said so."
"Yeah, whatever dad." She took notice of the faint blush that came across Drake's demeanor.
Drake stood there for a moment, looking at Luna, before a car horn interrupted pulled him from his daze. He cleared his throat awkwardly. "Well you should-" but he was cut off by Luna already in the motion of leaving. She threw out a quick "bye" and swiftly walked to Cherry's waiting car.
"What took you so damn long?" Cherry basically screamed. Luna had opened the door to a not so patient Cherry and threw an apologetic smile. "Drake was talking to me." That is all she said, though she was doubting herself, she wouldn't say anything aloud.
Soon, they got to Cherry's house and it was already 6:50. They all clambered out of the car and went inside. Since Cherry had left the twin's house previously to set up, the decorations, food, drinks, and everything was ready. Cherry had a presumably big house. Five minutes later people started showing up and then the party started.
* * *
It had become 11:30 very fast, well at least to the twins. The two boys at home, Drake and Adrian, were kinda freaking, to say the least. Adrian had always been very protective of Lunex, and yet he could never understand why. Well, other than the fact almost everyone treated Lunex like a precious art piece they couldn't drop.
Adrian smiled thinking of how Lunex bathed in the attention. Lunex reminded him of a puppy that just got adopted, shy, cute, energetic, and loves the attention. Lunex is nothing but a sweet person. He is nothing close to a brat or anything like that.
Adrian glanced at Drake, who was pretending to watch a show that was playing on the tv. He looked very zoned out and if he was thinking about something extremely hard. "Soo, where's Jackie?" He asked to break the tense silence. Drake shook his head mutely saying he doesn't want to talk. "Okay thennnn." Adrian sighed as he leaned back more on the couch trying to get comfortable.
"Why did she go out lik- Adrian have you noticed Luna's mood lately?" Drake was muttering something before cutting himself off and asking his younger brother that. Adrian was thinking and then putting on a confused expression and just shook his head. Drake looked as though he was thinking very hard. "Of course you wouldn't. You're too infatuated with Lunex to notice stuff around you." He burst.
Adrian looked very taken aback and then lit up a little. "What?" He asked hoarsely.
"You heard me. But I think there is something wrong with Luna. Like the way she is acting and did you see what she was wearing when she head out?! It was completely ridiculous..." and then he started muttering to himself.
"Okay, then why don't you ask her. Wait what is so wrong with her behavior?" Adrian questions.
Drake thought a moment. "Well, she's been dressing weird, going out a lot, been more talkative, more spacing out, very giggly, she doesn't stop smiling and she used to never smile, you know stuff like that." He answered.
The younger boy's mouth made an O shape before he started to put things together and giggled. "What?" Drake demanded angrily. "Dude, she probably found a boyfriend," Adrian laughs. Adrian was laughing but stopped when he heard Drake's growl.
"You good Drake?" Adrian said quizzically. "Why would she have a boyfriend? She can't!" Drake explained.
"Why not?" Adrian was truly lost. Why was Drake so worked up about this? He shook his head slightly as if it would get rid of the confusion.
"Just because. She can't. I l-" Drake got cut off by the door slamming open and a frantic looking Cherry came inside and an angered but worried Luna followed quickly.
* * *
It was already 11:30 so the twins decided they should head home soon. Lunex was completely drunk. Luna, on the other hand, was only slightly tipsy. And drunk Lunex was hilarious. They were laughing the whole time since the trio never really left each other's side. Lunex was cracking jokes all over and stumbling around while the girls were howling with laughter.
"I need to pee I'll be back," Luna announced to her best friend and little brother. Lunexnodded his head in acknowledgment and Cherry called after her since she started walking away already. "I need to fix my makeup wait for me." She yelled loud enough for Luna to her. Luna turned around and started walking backward while making faces.
Cherry looked at Lunex who was having the time of his life right now. "Hey, Ima go fix my makeup you good her alone for a few minutes?" She asked. Lunex just gave a drunken thumbs up and giggled. "Brb"
Cherry ran after Luna. Luna was still walking backward and no paying attention, which led to her bumping into a girl and getting herself doused in red punch. Cherry caught up with Luna and started chuckling loudly at the girl's anticks to apologize and clean Luna off. "I'm so sorry I didn't-" the girl started again. "No, really it was my fault I'm sorry for bumping into you like that. Have a good night!" Luna said as she made her way up the stairs with a cackling Cherry behind her.
A faint mumble consisting of 'shut up' was thrown out. To Cherry and Fawn, who was laughing hysterically at the events that just occurred. Luna tried to throw a glare but couldn't hold the fake anger to her best friend. Cherry puffed out her cheeks and reminded Luna of a squirrel. She started giggling and they finally found their way to Cherry's room.
Cherry made her way to her vanity while Luna went to the bathroom to clean up. She threw her drenched shirt over the shower curtain pole. She walked into Cherry's room and made her way to the closet. Cherry hadn't noticed her presence and screamed quietly when she heard "Jesus you have a lot of clothes in here." from the half-dressed female. Luna only giggled at her and came back out in only her bra and skirt with a shirt in each hand.
Cherry let out a surprised squeak when she saw her best friend half-naked in front of her and hurriedly chose the shirt on the right. Luna went to change and then came back out. Cherry had finished touching up her makeup and looked to see her closest friend in her own clothes. Cherry subtly blushed and decided to go back to find Lunex and take them home.
* * *
Lunex was dancing around and he ended up grinding on some guy and the guy was responding by grinding back. Lunex was smirking drunkenly and turned and wrapped his arms around the guy's neck. The guy let his hands roam Lunex's body expertly and Lunex moaned at the drunken touch.
He started grinding and dancing on the guy again and was lead to a room. "Where are we going," Lunex slurred. "To have some fun," the guy responded.
It didn't register what he meant until Lunex was in a room shoved onto a bed. The guy locked the door and walked over to where Lunex lay paralyzed. "W-Wait no I don't want to." Lunex cried out as the man started taking off his shirt and then diving towards his neck.
"Shouldn't have poked the bear," the man said evilly.
Lunex's POV
He pulled his sweaty body off of me and I tried to repress my cry. He told me to shut up and when I didn't... Now I'm trying to be as soundless as possible.
"Well that was fun we should do it again," He said and I shriveled. away. He got dressed, unlocked the door, and left soundlessly. Once I heard the click I couldn't contain myself any longer. I let out a muffled cry and covered my face with my hands.
I said to stop but he didn't stop and just left. Just like that. He left me in pain. There is so much pain and he didn't even use protection or think to do any prep. I covered my naked, used, body under the sheet, and muffled my cries with the pillow.
I don't know if I'm going to be able to tell anyone. I don't know what time it is but when the girls left it was around 11:35 I think.
I wasn't ready. I sobered up and now all the weight on my shoulders is back and tonight added a new one. Another 20 pounds. How am I supposed to tell people? It was all my fault. I put myself in this position. I was leading him on. It was my fault. I shouldn't be acting like this.
Trey was whimpering and trying to talk to me but I couldn't listen. "Lu it's not your fault. You told him to stop."
I didn't answer.
"Lunex please!"
I only shook my head and sobbed more.
"Please listening to me Lunex!"
But I couldn't. Everything happened so fast but so painstakingly slow at the same time. I can still feel the pain. I can still feel him. His gross touch, his... his stuff in me. The blood...
Maybe I deserved this...
Trey's voice was getting fainter and fainter until soon I let the darkness consume me. I'm too tired to fight.