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XIV: Plan

His classmates got outside the class like they felt like they were imprisoned. They hurriedly, without missing a bet, headed out. Only a few people remain. Close to five. Which is Matthew, Liam, Lewis, and two others that were as of the moment exiting. Liam tapped Lewis' shoulder. "I'm heading to the club today. You should join sometime. They allow straight there you know."

Lewis slipped on his backpack. "I know, you tell me that almost every time."

Liam pouted. "Then why won't you join me?"

"You already know why. I am not the crowds and social guy. I'm fueled with anxiety and probably crippling depression but hey, who told you life isn't a gamble?" Liam laughed. "Now hold that thought hon, being alone at home is pretty great sometimes and Lewie." He dragged the 'e'. "You've been in the club for what? Four times?"

"Correction, five."

"Five? Why five? You taking the posters there doesn't count."

"I know that." Lewis rolled his eyes. "I went there without you that one time." Liam smiled from ear to ear. "And why is that? Hm? Why? Why? Why?"

"I'll tell you when I tell you." Liam pinched his cheeks hard. "Don't be shy now, tell me!"

He took his friend's hands off his face and scratched the back of his neck. "I just had to confirm something about me." Lewis replied softly. Liam being the extra person that he is gasped like he found out he won the lottery. "Oh my god. Oh my god. Are you? Are you like me? Are you gay Lewie?"

Lewis blushed profusely. "No! Wait! I don't mean it like I hate the thought of myself being gay but no, I am not gay. I'm more of an unidentified human being than gay." Then it clicked for Liam. "Ah, you are confused with what you really are… I get you; neglect and loneliness can take a number on you."

"Yeah…" Liam gave him a side hug. "You know I am always here for you, right?" Lewis nodded. "Now go, you social butterfly. Flutter your wings towards your next destination. Shoo, shoo."

"Oh, you know it. This fabulous butterfly with quake everyone with its beauty." Lewis chuckled. After Liam left, Lewis found Matthew sitting on the waiting area for the bus. He waved him hello and Matthew smiled. "Oh hey, about the assignment."

"Oh yeah, I was thinking about that. What do you in mind?"

"Well, for real, I don't really know what to do. Weekend trips?" Lewis thought, 'What kind of trip will that be?'

"Hm, maybe. Anything else?" Matthew shrugged. "I got nothing, how about you?" Lewis thought about his option. Plan one: Go to an amusement park. Plan two: Visit some monument. Plan three: Attend community events like dog adoption. Plan four: Try out new things like planting a wild tree or trekking.

With all his thought, he said one thing. "None. I have nothing too." Lewis just cannot simply say, 'Hey Matthew, want to go on a trip with me to the beach?' He has to get to know him first to really feel comfortable around him. Like the same kind of comfortable he feels with Liam.

"How about this? We get to know each other first. Take notes and whatnot as the paper's introduction and then we can fill in the most part with trips and all that. Is that alright?" Matthew nodded. "That sounds good. What's your number?"

Lewis gave him his number and the bus arrived just on cue.