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XIX: Day One Continued  

"Hey sit up first, we should discuss our plan with this project. Now that everything changed, we should update this too." Lewis had a few good ideas up his sleeve. "We should start by taking pictures everywhere then we can just choose which ones to put in the narrative. I think it would better if it was written in a first-person point of view."

"Why first-person?"

"Well, I guess it will have that sentimental vibe you know. Like this person is with another and they went on this crazy adventure together but no matter how awful their day started, they pulled through. Besides, I think Mr. Vann likes this kind of stuff."

"You think?"

"Yup, I went inside his office with Liam after he beat someone up." He was cut off mid-sentence. "Liam has beaten someone?" Lewis nodded. "Yeah, he was verbally harassed by some guys from the different class and you know, all the punches and swearing happened."

"Ah, okay. Man, he had it rough. Hope the harassers were sent to the hospital."

"They were. The other guy had a broken nose and his buddy got a broken leg." Matthew stared at Lewis with disbelief. Liam wasn't the strongest looking. He was lean yet a little petite. "Liam wasn't responsible for that. After the main guy slipped his baseball bat landed on the other guy. The buddy got hit with the crossfire." They both laughed.

"We should go the park first before the museum. That alright with you?" Lewis nodded. "Yeah, we should explore the place so that we can have more material to work with." Matthew said he will take a short nap and said that Lewis should wake him if the food has arrived.

The bunk beds were great. They did not smell at all and it did not squeak or make any kind of noise. Matthew insisted he get the bottom bed because he had fallen from the top once during middle school summer camp and that left him with traumatized.

Lewis pondered. He still though about how can Matthew be okay with just the two of them going on a trip together. Sure, it was for a project, but Lewis felt a little special about it. Butterflies, no not butterflies – zoo. He felt a whole zoo in his stomach. Then he suddenly remembered the bet he made with Liam. Oh no. 'How am I supposed to Matthew? Liam probably forgot about it. He forgets things easily. I should never bright it up and make sure he would never remember it.'

"What am I going to do now?"