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XVIII: Day One  

The both them stood outside with jaws and bags dropped. "Oh my God…" Matthew said under his breath. That was such an understatement. The hotel photos differ so much from what they were seeing. "Is this even real? If so, I refuse to believe in it." Lewis was just in shock. 'This is not worth my money.' He was internally screaming.

Matthew felt like it was too early to start regretting after he showed so much hope and promise about this trip being so successful and all the good things in between. 'Are we going to be alright?' Sure, they were probably going to be alright. 'God, please help us…'

"Maybe, the inside will look better." Matthew took a deep breath. "I hope so or else I am going to punch everything I see." Lewis eyes widened. 'He is not serious, is he?' They both held onto their bags and headed inside. The interior design, not bad. "This is bearable, if we still have enough sanity left."

"Hello there, you guys going to check in?" They were greeted by a woman in her late something 40s. "Yeah, we are. Under Harris and Walters." The receptionist checks her computer to see their names. "Yup, Lewis and Matthew, correct?"

"Yes ma'am." Lewis answered. "Your room is by the second floor, 205. If you guys get hungry, don't hesitate to call for service. We might look outdated but the food we serve are great." She smiled warmly. "Sure, we will. Let's go Lewis." He sighed. 'Time to see what nightmare we are going to face. I hope the bed isn't squeaky.'

When the got inside their room, it was surprisingly neat and clean at the very least. "I'll go check on the bathroom, make sure to check the locks and windows after your done with your stuff." Matthew said. As Lewis was busy preparing and setting out his essentials, Matthew just gained a plus one hope and confidence on the place.

The woman was right. Outside looks so outdated and because of that it looked rather, questionable. The bathroom was clean, the shower seems fine, and most of all the floor didn't have any molds and it smelled like chlorine. "The bathroom's good!"

"The windows and door are good too." Lewis checked on the second lock right above the doorknob. "You hungry?" Matthew yawned. "Starving and also tired. We should eat and rest for a couple of hours then head out."

"Okay, I'll call on up." Lewis sat beside Matthew so they could decide on their orders. "Hello, um, we will have four chicken sliders, two eggs Benedict's, and some water." Matthew piqued. "And a coke."

"Alright, we'll have it ready by 30."

"Thank you."

"It's not so bad now that I think about it." Lewis looked over at Matthew. "Yeah, you are right. I really hope the food is good because I can eat almost anything by now."