ch.1 The begging of an Adventure

A girl was walking down an empty hall way, until she reached a room with a big door, and went in.

A man was sitting in the middle of the room behind his desk, as he saw the door opened he stood up, the girl closed the door infront of him.

"Ah Yorko you've made it! please have a seat." the man said

"Yes Vebran I was told you were looking for me....?" Yorko said with a question on her face as she sat down

"Yes, I actually was" Vebran said and brought out a bug map in front of both of them putting it on the desk

"I have matters to discuss with you, Yorko."

"oh, and.... this couldn't wait?"

"no, unfortunately it couldn't." Vebran said

"Because a massive energy has been spotted by our raiders, last night"

"And where's its location" Yorko said standing up, looking concerned, and staring at the map.

"Regional Reign" answered Vebran


the sunlight reached the room which caused a boy to wake up from his deep sleep. He sat on a side of his bed looking out from his window, and did some stretch. He got up yawning and went to the bathroom

This boy was called (jason) a 16 year old teenager, who seems broke and lives by himself

Jason was living in a busy small town. Jason walked down the stairs and reached the fridge to get something to eat, but he couldn't find much but some pieces of apple and a bottle of milk


""What is wrong with these kids?" a man shouted as two kids were running out of a store, but before they could escape another man had caught them.

"hey let us go, old man!" yelled the boy

"yeah we did nothing wrong!" the girl said

"Nothing wrong? you two brats were stealing from my store, since the last couple of days, you thought I wouldn't notice things disappearing from me?" the owner was telling at them.

During all this Jason arrived there, he saw the kids and recognized them, since he use to give food and sometimes they stole it.

"Hey, um... mr. Mole?"

"what?" mr. Mole yelled as he turned around and saw Jason, then got angrier.

"How dare you show yourself after what happened the last time?!"

mr. Mole asked, then the kids took the opportunity and hit able to escape him.

"Why? what did I do last time?" Jason pretended to be confused, hoping he wouldn't remember. But the old man got even more frustrated

"it's, because r you there's bit been any costumer this whole week!"


Costumers were surrounding the shop having a hard time, giving everyone the right package of food

"Hey would you hurry up' a man shouted

"yeah some of us got things to do ya know" a woman's voice came

"so am I" ajasin whispered to himself and he couldn't people growing impatient so he just started grabbing random food bags and wrapping them up and the packages were delivered to someone else


"ooh, right..... that was a one time thing ms. Mole," Jason said hoping that mr. mole would at least consider it

"yeah, your probably right" Mole said jason gave a relieved breath.

"it was my mistake to bring you in the first place'

"so that mean. " Jason got interrupted by Mole yelling


Jason shrugged calmly and walked away

"well I guess I will have to find a job then" Jason thought to himself

The night came and he arrived at his little house, brought out the key, and tried to unlock it , but to his surprise it was already unlocked.

"did I even pick it" Jason thought to himself as he shrugged and said while he was walking "well it's not like anyone would want to rob an empty house"

"the energy is coming from somewhere around here." came a guys voice holding a gun that was scanning the living room

"This house is literally empty! no one would live here, Tensai" Yorko said then suddenly they heard a metal sound hitting the ground they turned and saw Jason holding a knife with shivering hands

Yorko was lost for words while Tensai smiled calmly, and said "Hello there"

"WHO ARE YOU?" Jason's voice finally came out

tensai pointed the gun at him and read the data "Yorko the is unbelievable!"

"What is it?" Yorko said walking closer to him and staring at the data on the gun-scanner

"Whoa! it's not broken, is it" Tensai looked at her with a surprised face. Then Yorko moved closer to Jason, but he pointed the knife at her "Back off! don't you come any closer"

"Calm down, were not here to harm you or anything" Yorko said in a steady voice.

"says the strangers who broke into my house, and whom I never seen before and pointing a gun to me." Jason said looking more annoyed.

"We basically came in through the front door, and this is a real gun it's just a scanner on a shape of a gun" Tensai said

"How is that even possible?! I thought I locked it before I left"

"Well even so, it wouldn't have made any difference, we would just walk through it" Tensai moved closer to him.

"I said stay back"

"Tensai, your not helping" Yorko said "Look let's just talk ok?"

"I have nothing to talk about just go out of my house or I will call the police"

"Alright enough of this" Tensai sighed and put the gun-scanner back in his pocket.

"look, your life is in danger, the only way you can survive, is if you come with us."

"Why would I believe that!"

"Cause we're telling the truth and we don't have much time left, we need to go now" Yorko said

"uhhh..... I don't think so. You're trying to kidnap me! then who knows? maybe you will kill me then throw my body far away!" Jason said and looked concerned.

"What?! kidnap you and kill you?" Tensai giggled a little

"C'mon kid! what's wrong with you?were trying to protect you, and that is how you repay us?" Tensai said with a bright smile.

"Trust us, you will get regretful for accusing us like that..... After realizing that we do want you to be safe" Yorko said calmly with a kind smile on her face, but her eyes started to turn purple.

"Calm down Yorko, you don't have to use your power, we can't harm him"

"Look, were sorry for breaking into your house, and for scanning you... but trust me in any minute now some bad guys are going to come for you, and when I say bad guys their total evil" Yorko said her voice seemed really serious.

then suddenly, the ground under them started to shake, infact the whole town has started to shake hardly.

"What's going on an earthquake?" Jason yelled

"no. they're here" Yorko said with a very serious look in her eyes that made Jason more worried.