ch.2 the beginning of an adventure part. 2

"What do you mean their here?!, who's here?" Jason asked afraiid a little as he went to the door, wondering what could cause the whole town to shake.

"You shouldn't go dude, they are on the look out for you, it would be best if you stayed." Tensai said holding Jason's hand, as he opened the door.

He saw air ships flying through the town. "What! in the heavens is going on, why are there ships flying over the town?." Jason asked.

Yorko closed the door as her eyes was purples, and it got back to normal.

"Uhh!!, Did she just use magic?" Jason asked looking at Tensai confused. "Yup" Tensai said, with a smile on his face.

"But how, I thought humans! couldn't use any magic at all?" Jason asked Tensai whisper yelling at him.

"Would you guys stop joking! around, and..." before Yorko could finish her sentence, the door was broken down and two men with guns entered.

"You will co-operate or taken to prison" One of them said aiming the gun at them.

"Hey man calm down, there is no need for violence! ok." Jason said raising both his hands in the air.

"Hey, do you think they know about him being the guardian." Tensai whispered to Yorko.

"No, doesn't look like it. Other wise they would have taken him" Yorko whispered back.

"hey, are you two even listening to me?" The soldier asked. "Yes we are sir. But may I ask why your even here, I mean this town is literally the worst place on the planet." Jason said, trying to cover Tensai who was slowly charging up his gun.

he stood infront of Tensai to give him cover from the soldiers so they couldn't see what he was upto.

"now let me see your hand, raise it" the soldier said. "fine" Yorko said as she did what she was told.

The soldier got closer to them about to grab Jason's arm, Jason moved out of the way giving Tensai space to shoot down the soldier.

Tensai shit the soldier with a laser gun making him get through the wall.

"you shouldn't have done that boy..." the other sildeir said.

The soldier moved closer to Tensai, but before he could get near him a table hit sending him throw the window.

"That take cares of that" Yorko said as she was the one controlling the table with her magical powers.

"Y-you guys are nuts! you know that" Jason said in a panicking state.

"Yeah yeah... Thank us later" Tensai said as he had a smirk on his face blowing up the back wall, making Jason even more worried.

"What was that for?" Jason asked looking at him a little annoyed. "Were getting out of here. Don't tell me you still haven't made up your mind, even though you saw the danger." Yorko said as she walked out at the back.

"Let's go man" Tensai said as he followed Yorko, Jason then turned back and saw few more soldiers come in after hearing the commotion, then a man followed in as his jaw dropped a bit.

"I can't believe it, it really is him." The man said taking off his goggles, which he used to scan the energy coming off jason.

"I am getting outta here" Jason said instantly rushing out with Tensai and Yorko.

"Follow them, don't let the kid get away" the man said ordering the soldiers to get after them.

"Oh man I am in some serious trouble right now, and I didn't even commit a crime" Jason said unable to process what the problem was, until today he was never bothered in his entire life time.

"It's alright don't worry will keep you safe I promise" Yorko said. Jason sighed in relief hearing that as he glanced over Tensai, who took out a circle ball and dropped it on the ground.

"Alright, nobody look back and just keep hearing forward" Tensai said. Which got Jason curious and he turned back seeing the soldiers getting closer by the second,

The soldiers began firing at them, but before the bullets reached them it deflected back and went back at the soldiers.

"Whoa, what the heck! just happened?" Jason asked, as he saw the soldiers down got hit by their own bullet.

"It's just my master piece Reverse Mirror or Reverse Ball." Tensai Tensai said pride visible in his voice.

"your seriously gonna start naming stuff right now" Yorko asked trying to get him to focus.

"That was so cool!" Jason said as his eyes lit up. "I know right" Tensai replied happy of his work being acknowledged.

Jason and Tensai high fives each other, but their happy moment was ruined by none other than Yorko.

"Will you both stop firing around and focus" Yorko said, as a boulder was thrown their way.

yorko's eyes and hands turned purple as she caught the boulder mid air purple aura surrounding it, she pushed it back,

turning her attention to him

"That is as far as you go, Guardian" The man said taking two blades out.

"And what makes you think this is as far AS WE GO" Tensai said a little loud, as he began to charge up his gun.

Tensai started firing at him, The man deflected the lasers with his blades and dodging them until a flying roof came out of nowhere, it nearly hit him as he jumped beyond it and landed on his feet.

"This might be trouble some" The man thought to himself, as he charged at them.

"Alright newbie get behind us" Tensai said, and jason did as he was. told.

the man came running at them and he suddenly froze a purple aura surrounding him when he got close to them.

"what's going on" the man said with a puzzled face. Yorko stepped forward holding his entire body intact. "Get lost" Yorko said sending him flying.

"Whoa that was scary!...." Jason thought to himself as soldiers began to surround them.

"This looks really bad" Tensai said as he began to laugh. which Jason didn't get at all"what is wrong with you don't you see the situation were in right now." jason asked, as all the soldiers held their guns at them ready to fire at any moment.

"FIRE" one of the soldiers shouted, as they were about to fire at them they body froze up purple aura surrounding them again.

"Hey, figure out something can't hold them forever" Yorko said falling on one knees.

"What is wrong with her, is she ok?" Jason asked.

"Oh that just drains her energy, controlling people it's just a hard thing to achieve, well technically she's not controlling them right now more like holding them intact." Tensai explained as he brought out a metallic box.

He was getting ready to charge it as a cube formed and surrounded them.

"This should be good enough" Tensai said, as Yorko stopped realising the and their guns almost immediately fired at them, but did nothing to the cube.

"About time! now we need to get going got anything yet" Yorko asked getting on her feet. "nope no idea" Tensai replied.

the man came out of a house and dusted himself off the dust.

"good one little girl, but won't get me a second time" The man said as he held his blades tighter.

"Move back soldiers this might get rough" The man said.

the soldiers saw him and all went behind him giving him some space. "What the! does he think he can break my Cube." Tensai asked waiting for what was about to happen.

"Alright!" The man said holding the blades tighter he threw one of them like a spear and it got stuck to the cube.

"is that all" Tensai asked. "not yet!" The man said jumping at them and hitting his other blade with the one stuck on the cube.

The cube broke and waves were sent throughout the area as dust covered the are.

"Wh-what the "coughs" did he just do" Jason asked as Yorko helped him up.

"He broke the cube. I don't understand but how?" Tensai said getting the man's attention.

"well big what happened was all you were just saying a big talk" the man asked as they were surrounded by soldiers.

"Now hand over the boy" The man said holding his blades up pointing it at them.

"not gonna happen buddy" Tensai said taking out another laser gun and refilling it.

"Nit a wise choice." The man said giving the signal to fire the soldiers were about to fire as purple aura surrounded them again.

"Again what the heck is this" On work the soldiers said.

"Hurry you two... get out of here" Yorko said "I will hold them off for as long as I can" she fell down on one knee, but still holding them.

"No we aren't getting to leave you here" Tensai said trying to get her up.

"no you idiot he is the main priority not me" Yorko said. "if you refuse to come then I won't go" Tensai said.

"Its not like you could have escaped anyway" the man said stepping forward

"How is he still moving shouldn't he...." jason said which made him smirk.

"too bad you can't sense here energy, even though your the Guardian." The man said interrupting Jason.

"you can tell by her expression alone" The man said getting near them.

"Alright now stand still and ...." The man said throwing his blade at Yorko.

Yorko fell down which set the soldiers free and she immediately fired at them not wasting a single moment.

Tensai tried to reach for another Cube but he was too late

"Damn I won't reach it on time" Tensai thought to himself.

the blade and the guns fired at them. The impact caused dust to cover up the area.

"Did that get them"one of the soldiers asked as the dust began to clear, the man stepped forward.

"what the" The man said unable to believe, as he saw Jason holding out his hand and a green circle was surrounded them covering them.

"the Guardians energy" the man thought unable to believe it. "what is wrong with you. Don't you know killing is wrong" Jason asked "and why are you trying to to kill us anyway" he continued.

"Well I don't have to explain myself to a child" The man said.

"it's oppressive this power.... is the guardian" Yorko thought to herself.

"The Guardians energy I should experiment on it to figure out how it operates" Tensai thought to himself.

"Alright enough talk FIRE" the man said giving out the order as the soldiers did as they were told firing at them.

"You guys are annoying" Jason said as he pushed the green circle back taking it cover more ground and pushing them back by force.

"Wow neat" Tensai said. "This is the power how did he activate it" Yorko asked herself again

"Damn you brat" The man said he threw his blades at them but had no impact and he got pushed back with the rest of them.

"Alright, this is as any chance we will get let's go" Yorko said.

Tensai nodded handed her a device she used it and opened a portal with it.

"Alright let's go no time to lose" Yorko said.

"I am out here" jason said jumping in the portal "see ya losers" Tensai said jumping in the portal.

they all came out of the portal as jason was trying to figure out where they were. "so um guys, where are we?" jason asked looking around.

"At a place you cannot be found." Yorko said continued walking she reached a house in the middle of nowhere surrounded by farmland.

"And who lives there" jason asked as an old man came out.

"oh your back Tensai Yorko" The old man said looking at them untill his spotted Jason

""Oh so you must be the guardian" the old man said walking over to them.

"Yes sensei we have returned" Yorko said which made him smile a bit. "and Yes as you might have guessed this is Jason the Guardian" Tensai said.

the older man extended his hand "Jason pleased to meet you" the older man said.

"um yeah .... me too" Jason said a little awkwardly "now come along children help yourselves to some tea" The old man said as he went back inside.

"So you guys live here" Jason asked they both nodded in union.

"So this place is....." Jason said before he got interrupted by Tensai.

"Oh so he is going to train you " Tensai said as they continued walking

"He may be nice, but in training don't try to joke around." Yorko said as she walked in.

"What does she mean" Jason asked Tensai who shrugged.

"I would do what she says, the old man he maybe old, but he is still in his prime." tensai said as he walked away.

"What is that suppose to mean" Jason said as he followed them in.