ch.3 Danger always follows the Guardian.

Two days have past after Yorko and Tensai brought Jason to their master Uatake by the order of king Clonel.

The sun was about to set. Tensai gets out of bed yawning and still tired for some reason. He goes down the stairs passing a closed room that was the Dojo he hears sounds coming from it, he shrugs it off and goes to the kitchen taking a cup of coffee.

Inside the dojo Yorko who was now wearing a white training clothing. was training hand to hand combat with the old man, while Jason just watched as he couldn't believe Yorko could keep up with her teacher.

eventually Yorko was brought down to the ground by the old man who was floating in the air.

"I believe you've had enough Yorko my dear." The old man said getting beside her. He lend her a hand and got her up.

"Yes sensei" Yorko said who now walked away and sat beside Jason, who was nervously avoiding Yorko. The old man sat infront of them pouring a cup of tea for the both of them.

" So tell me young Jason, how do you find your stay here?" The old man asked taking a sip of his tea.

"O-oh I think it's ok. It definitely beats my home that's for sure" Jason replied staring at the tea given to him.

"I know how hard this is on you, not long ago you were a normal child and the second after that your whole world changes." The old man said looking at him in the eyes.

"Yeah but it's alright. It's not like I have been doing anything good with my life, at least now I can help someone " jason said, which made the old man smile at him.

"So sensei, does this mean that he would begin his training" Yorko asked.

"Yes why not." the old man said as he put his cup down. "but before that it should be up to him wether he chooses it or not" the old man said as both faces turned to him.

"Oh ah. let's get started" Jason said in a nervous tone making the old man chuckle and Yorko sigh.

"alright, Yorko take him to the dojo room and get him started" the old man said. Yorko nodded and got up.

"Alright then let's get going" Yorko held Jason's hand and left with him to the dojo room which was empty only a white carpet on the floor.

"ok and why am I here?." Jason asked confused as he followed Yorko to the room. "to train you obviously" Yorko said as she took a fighting stance.

Jason chuckled a little and shook his hands in a no sign. "Um.... let's get one thing clear I am not a fighter ok I never hit anyone" Jason said in a bit shaky tone.

"What?. But you knew how to use a knife your were just pointing it at us the other day" Yorko said confusion written in her voice.

"Yeah that's just instinct I never actually used a knife before" Jason said, which made Yorko sigh in frustration.

"This is gonna be a long ride" Yorko said as she walked closer to Jason. "Alright l will try and help" Yorko said which made Jason smile a little. "But don't get used to it" Yorko said in a serious tone almost sounded like she threatened him.

"Y-Yeah o-ok....." Jason was in a shaky state as he saw her glare at him.

moments passed as Yorko was still training and helping Jason improve in his battle skills. She was only on a beginners level when compared to their master Uatake.

days went by and Jason's training with Yorko was almost complete. here they were facing each other, Tensai with popcorn, and Uatake watching them.

"you may begin" Uatake gave the signal as Jason rushed at Yorko. She just waited patiently as he threw a fist at her she dodged it with ease and pushed him back by connecting her palm onto ha chest.

Jason held himself before he fell down and stood up straight "Alright then if you just want to stay still." Jason eyes sparkled with excitement "I will just have to make you move" Jason rushed at Yorko again and again failing to move her over and over again.

Jason wiped a little sweat off his face as he breather in and out he finally rushed at Yorko, she just sighed think that he would just do the same as before but, she knew she was wrong when she saw him try to kick her mid air. she tried caught it but then what came next surprised her.

Jason wasn't trying to land a hit with his kick. the kick was just a diversion for his fist to connect with her, Yorko saw this coming but her body was just a little slow compared to her reaction.

her eyes glowed purple and she gloated out of the way, making him lose balance and fall on the ground face first "Ouch!"..

"Alright I guess that's it for today" Uatake said as he looked at Tensai. "What?." Tensai said confused as to why he was looking at him.

"Even the new kid started training when will you?" Uatake asked as Tensai shrugged.

"he is the "Guardian" and I am not, that's why he has to train unlike me" He said as he laid down. "Oh is that a fact" Uatake said as Tensai was suddenly floating which was made by Uatake who then threw him through the dojo's wall since it was made of plastic.

"Sensei, why you do that for" Tensai asked annoyed, Uatake just shrugged "If you trained you could have easily sensed it" he said

"I see what you did there, trying to get me to train not gonna happen" Tensai sitting straight, as Jason came and sat infront of him alongside Yorko.

"So Sensei, would you say I could head out tonight and explore the kingdom?" Jason asked with excitement. "Yeah it's been almost a week now Uatake sensei" Tensai backed him up "and I need to test this bad boys" Tensai said taking out a hand made boomerang and a ball.

"Like I told you before Tensai no". he said as he changed his attention to Jason who was seemed a bit irritated.

"I cannot let you go out there Jason, at least not yet because we have no idea how your ability works sending you out there now will be a completely dangerous situation"

"But sensei, I won't learn anything from being here all day everyday, I need se experience and what better way to gain one than explore the kingdom" Jason said with a smirk waiting for the right answer at least that's what he thought.

"That is true...." Uatake said as he got up and went to the door "But my answer still remians the same no going out without my permission" Uatake left with that leaving a grumpy Jason with Tensai and Yorko.

"Man I can't believe this" Jason said sighed and threw himself backwards laying on the floor. "How can you guys stay in, did you always leave like this" Jason asked.

"Meh pretty much" Tensai said who went back to work on the circular ball he was holding. "Master Uatake only wants what's best for you Jason trust me" Yorko said as she began to leave "You should get some rest you will begin your first training with master Uatake tomorrow".

Yorko left the room leaving Jason and Tensai alone.

Jason got up and yawned "Alright man see you tomorrow" Jason said as he walked away. "ok night man" Tensai said who was surely busy building stuff.

later that night they were all sleeping Uatake went to their rooms one after the other to check on them once he saw they were all in bed he left to his room.

after Uatake left Tensai's room, Tensai immediately got up wearing a black leather clothing with a hoodie he put on a watch set a timer on took a bag and slowly walked out of the window. He threw a rope on the upper room's window which was Jason's he climbed the rope brought a laser torch and aimed it at Jason's eyes.

Jason got irritated by the light he removed the hovers and opened the window only to find Tensai hanging from a rope.

"What ar....." Tensai vover d Jason's mouth and told him to shush placing a finger on his lips.

"You wanted to explore the kingdom right, well let's go" Tensai.said whispering to him. Jason was filled with excitement he nodded he wore a jacket and got down the rope after Tensai.

"ok so we need to be back in four hours not a moment passed it" Tensai said as he looked at his watch. "Ok sure that's plenty of time" Tensai replied with a smug.

"Alright let's go, it would probably take us thirty minutes to reach there by ourselves" Tensai replied getting a look from Jason.

"Then how did you ever find me before" Jason asked. "What else magic from Yorko, she teleported us to your place after I detected your energy" Tensai said "Ok fair enough" Jason said

Tensai handed Jason a jetpack as he already had one on "This thing isn't dangerous right?." Jason asked as Tensai nodded. "yup safest thing you will ever see, building my self" Tensai said which got Jason worried.

"on second thoughts I am just gonna walk..." before Jason could say anymore Tensai pressed a button which took both him and Jason to the sky.

"Race ya to the kingdom" Tensai said as he left a screaming Jason in the air going to all directions uncontrollably.

after sometimes of flying in the air Tensai was already standing on a building waiting for Jason, after what seemed like enternity Jason. arrived going past Tensai and crashing on an iron tank "ouch!!".

"Don't you ever make me ride on this stupid thing ever again" Jason said angrily "Hey, be thankful I at least got you hear or I could have made you walk for an hour without giving you any direction" Tensai said which made Jason mummble stuff in annoyance. "Anyway were here" Tensai said.

After hearing those words Jason turned around and saw the beautiful kingdom which looked perfect thanks to the perfect night sky's and the moon shining over it...

"Whoa..... The Human Kingdom" Jason said slightly happy and excited for what's to come.