Daniel (Underworld)

Darkness, utter darkness...when I came to my senses I was chained to a wall, so many chains as if I was going to be slaughtered. As my eyes drifted across my body, I was bare-chested, there were markings across my chest as if I had been lashed but my body felt no pain, only that a part of me told me that my power was being drained, I was feeling weaker than before.

I was someone's prisoner and I had to escape otherwise my existence would fade away. So as I started struggling against the chains that held me captive. I jerked against the chains to break free that same voice that I hated, rang in my ears:

"Oh foolish prince, there is no point in resisting your fate!"

Damn it. My father was gonna kill me, and I finally spoke:" Oh, Great Demon ruler what will you achieve by killing the most powerful general of your armies?" Lord Devion; the king simply laughed and replied:

"Power. I will drain your power so that I become immortal and don't have you my throne." I sneered.

" I don't want your power, nor your throne, I only want to serve you, my king" " Oh my, what an excellent liar you have grown up to be." One of the commanders said:" There's no point in denying the evil intentions you have had ever since you found out about our great king's whore; Aliana's death.

" My blood boiled in my veins and if I could snap that monster's neck I would have done it already but I couldn't let the sacrifices of my mother and uncle be in vain, so I still denied that my face I was having intentions to kill the king. Finally, my father spoke

" Oh, my son! No need to serve me anymore you rest in peace." Then I heard a woman's cursed voice cooing to me:" Sweet brother, we have found out the truth about Commander Ares's plans and how he had been training you for the defeat of our dear father."

Shit, my sister, that clever snake had found out that we were carrying on mother's unfinished quest. Then I realized that my uncle was in grave danger, and my face slackened.

My sister mocked me and said:"

My dear brother don't worry for your sweet uncle, he is already dead and we burned his body in hell as he was a traitor to our father." After hearing what she said, I had completely lost my mind, because the only person, besides my mother, who cared for me was nothing more than ashes now, rotting away in the depths of hell.