Viviane( Human Realm)

I came back from school, finding my apartment, completely empty, Tara and Kaitlyn were just staying for the night as I requested her to just in case I had a nightmare, and my maid was long gone so I was all alone today.

I had no parents as I was an orphan but living a life with facilitation as I was adopted by a very wealthy couple who were now living in Florida. They had arranged a separate apartment and living system for me, they visited me every year on my birthday and filled my bank account with tons of money, so I was the richest girl in my school but wealth did not provide me popularity either friendship I craved.

Tara was an exception as she was always there for me, she never thought that there was something wrong with me in fact she always said that I was special. Her parents even allowed her to stay with me at night as I was continuously having nightmares. I wonder how long will I continue to have such horrible nightmares and who is responsible for my suffering.


My life or death did not matter now, all I knew was that I had lost enough people in my life and couldn't bear to lose anyone else otherwise, I'll jump into the depths of hell myself. As I had failed to protect the ones I loved, so now my existence was not worthy of continuation so I will end my life now. Then I was struck with a blinding light and everything before me was a void of darkness.

But now I was finally able to see my true purpose in the blinding darkness; Revenge. Yes, that was my destiny now. I know that I deserve death for failing to protect my loved ones but knowing that their souls would not rest in peace until I had ripped out my father's heart.....I would kill every last one of them with my bare hands.

Now that I had finally awakened the demonic blood and strength inside of me, I was strong enough for revenge. Then I had terrible pain in my head as if it might explode, two horns grew out of my head, piercing through the skin of my forehead, causing blood to spurt out.

Then my hands shot out claws like those of a lion, sharp and ready to shred anyone who would dare to stand in my path of vengeance. Then I took flight into the skies, screaming with madness. My strong wings that had emerged from my back, were able to cause a drastic storm that would rip out the whole demonic realm from the ground and shatter everything in it.

At first, I thought that I was a weapon of mass destruction but then I recognized myself as the Devil; the sole heir to the throne of the Demon realm. So this was the beast that my father feared so much. My path was blurry although my destination was clear as a crystal.