"Girls with GUNS!!"

Before escaping we needed to make sure that there were no more obstacles in our way, along with making sure that no one saw us otherwise they would hunt us down again.

Our driver was at the start a bit reluctant but she was determined to escape this ridiculous fate so she stepped on the accelerator and we were headed out of this dark alley.

As she drove forward, a biker suddenly blocked our way, he warned us to stop the van but instead, our driver took a sharp turn accelerating towards the end of the dark alley, as she reached the dead end I yelled:

"Everyone brace yourselves, and you step on the damned brake already!" I said gesturing to our driver.

The van immediately stopped, tires screeching worse than ever.

Oh Shit! we were cornered like a rabbit by wolves. The girls started crying but our determined driver said:

"Viviane don't you have a gun?"

I said:"Yes but why?"

Her silence was answer enough.

I had to shot and kill these guys if needed, but we needed more firearms to fight off them. I asked the girls to search for more weapons or anything that could be used as a weapon but they had no luck in finding any weapons.

The driver yelled:

" Viviane! can you shoot?"

My heart stopped but I said: " Yes"

I was in the seat next to the driver, my gun loaded and aiming already, on one of the gangsters.

They yelled:" Put down the gun and we can negotiate."

Our driver yelled: "Sorry boys, now is not the time for negotiations, so steer clear of my way."

He laughed and said: " We all know you girls won't shoot."

Anger flooded through my veins and I thoughtlessly pressed the trigger, we all heard a hoarse scream, one of the gangsters was down as my bullet landed in his chest. The remaining two yelled: " Foolish girl, you'll pay for this."

As one of the gangsters aimed to shoot at me, the other yelled:" Don't shoot, we can't harm the merchandise!"

Ok, this was my limit, "merchandise", I mean what the hell! These guys are gonna be on the top of my extermination list.

I ignored the warning foolishly given by my comrades and headed outside the van, approaching those idiots.

The girls yelled:" We beg you, Viviane come back."

But I didn't listen and said to our driver:" Get the girls out of here, and I will hold these idiots back!"

I didn't need to repeat myself as they were already storming out of the alley as I shot a guy in his arm. He screamed in pain and they both headed towards me, bikes at full speed. I felt severe pain in my ribs as one of the bikes, slammed into me.

Afterwards, I lost awareness of my surroundings as everything was swallowed by darkness.
