"Blood Smears on his neck (part 1)"

After a heartbeat, my attention drifted to the girls, hoping that they had reached a safe place.

All the gangsters were drunk and exhausted, some were injured. As my eyes wandered around it seemed as if the gang was having a bonfire, but Micheal was nowhere to be seen.

I was sore from the unusual activity and the tight ropes binding me. My mouth was hurting like hell, and it was a challenge to breathe through the too tight and pungent-smelling gag on my mouth.

All the men around me were lying on the cold floor of the cave. Only two watchdogs were standing at the entrance of the cave and a tall figure stood between them and from what I could judge, he was talking on his phone, probably making deals with some woman collector or so.

I was dying from thirst, it was almost dawn, as the sun rays slowly began to fill the cave, some movements were made by the sleeping men.

The figure on the phone advanced towards me, and I made out his features those blue eyes that made me fall for him, and that chestnut brown hair that fell on his shoulders, Micheal he was Mike.

As he came towards me and removed my gag, sobs started to shake my body and tears filled my eyes and I wept angrily.

I whispered: " Micheal how could you, I almost fell in love with you so how could you betray me"?

He suppressed a laugh and said: "Oh I love you too but sadly I love money more than pretty girls!"

I clenched my teeth together to stop myself from screaming with rage and agony.

He pressed a glass to my lips, silently offering me water, but I spat in the glass saying:

"Get lost, I don't want your pity, you jerk!"

He held my chin so firmly that all my body went cold and numb.

He said: "Stop this foolishness and drink! I can't afford to damage my most valuable merchandise."

I was going to misbehave more but then I remembered my savior's command.

I replied: "Treat me like a human and I'll eat your filthy food...untie me!"

He finished:" So that you can escape....."

NO was all I said.

He quietly untied me and gave me food and water. He sat next to me and observed me closely. Thank god, a knife was also present with the fork.

So I made a show of mistakenly cutting my finger, I made a deep cut so that more blood would leak out.

Micheal was frustrated: "Serves you right, you uncivilized wretch!"

He didn't bandage his precious merchandise which made things easier for me.

Then I lost all sense of humanity and performed the most despicable actions.