"Blood smears on his neck (part 2)"

I laughed and wiped the blood on his collar, making my wound bleed even more by pressing my finger I applied even more blood to his neck and he only said:

"Putting your blood on me doesn't bother me at all but if your heart receives any content by doing these actions of foolishness, do whatever you feel like."

So I recklessly, slid my shirt off my shoulder, baring my skin, I picked up a knife and slashed it across my shoulder and blood spurted out from my open wound. I didn't feel any pain as I applied the blood to the cave's walls by pressing my shoulder against them.

I raised the knife against my collarbone, ready to cut when a firm grip pulled me down and took the knife from me throwing it in a dark corner of the cave. It was Micheal.

"What are you doing? You crazy psychopath"

I replied: "Do you even care about what happens to me?"

His voice was hoarse and he yelled: "Yes, hell I do!. I do care about what happens to you."

A laugh escaped my lips. "Really? Me or your valuable merchandise?

He chose silence as the answer to my question. As I yelled again he pressed a drugged cloth against my nose. I was sick of constantly being drugged against my will but I was helpless as he stole my consciousness away from me once again.

When I woke up, my arm, shoulder and, hand were perfectly bandaged not a trace of blood remained on the walls and his shirt.

Finally, they decided to leave the cave. Everyone packed their things and Micheal blindfolded my eyes and afterward, I felt as if I had been lifted like a potato sack.

Later, the blindfold had been removed and Micheal instructed me to sit on a mountain bike and I didn't object. In my heart, I prayed that my mysterious savior would hurry as a part of me knew that I was near my final destination.

Micheal drove so fast that I felt like vomiting all over the forest, but the tight rope binding me to Micheal's waist made it hard to breathe not to forget my hands were also bound behind my back.

As we were traveling to my doom wave of tension hit all the bikers and milliseconds later gunshots were heard, screams of Micheal's fellow bikers were heard.


We were trapped in a crossfire between the police and Micheal's gang. But seconds later I realized that it wasn't the police instead they were thugs, deadlier than Micheal's gang.

My mumbles were enough for Micheal to explain the situation.

"They are the people who were going to buy you and all the other girls but since all the other merchandise is lost, thanks to you, and I have already spent all their money so they are here for revenge."

OMG! What idiocy this is. I screamed louder and Micheal whirled around to remove my gag. As soon as he did: "Why did you make such a foolish deal if you already know the results."

He was speeding across the woods, the heavy bike roaring with rage. He screamed: "I thought that they had agreed with the deal I gave them…. You!"

"But Micheal it seems they want more than just one charming girl. Anyway, what now?"

Micheal said: "We escape together leaving the rest of my crew to die at the hands of those thugs."

"You, mean you don't care what happens to them?"

"No, even the slightest bit."


"Because I am in their debt and all, this girl business is my way of paying the debt, Viviane."

I replied: "So you are their bewitching handsome bait for us."

"Yes, I am ."

After some time he said: "I am sorry for everything, you see after all this pain, my heart has gone stone so I don't love or treasure anyone but you almost changed that."

My reply was as cold as ice: "I am sorry too! But I don't want to forgive you after your betrayal Mike."

"I don't expect you to forgive me but at least when I die don't let me die all alone, stay by my side till my last breath."

"I swear it on my messed up existence!"


The next few moments we had escaped the battleground of the damned, but we also had reached the end of the forest.

Micheal stopped on the edge of a cliff, a wild breathless stream raced beneath it. Just when I thought that we were safe a wild hooting sound echoed through the forest, followed by a vicious laugh. A really horrifying man stepped out of the shadows, he was dressed like the ultimate villain.

Head to toe, weapons, and tattoos, he howled like a wolf. His eyes were wholly focused on me. A hunger for blood was coursing through his veins. He aimed for me and fired, I wasn't able to do anything, the reason wasn't me being completely tied up, but rather the ice that formed in my veins.

Micheal shielded me using his body as a wall of protection, the bullet pierced through his white t-shirt, blood spreading across his waist, he choked out on his blood that rushed from his nose and mouth.

I released an agonizing scram for what Micheal had gone through, just for the sake of protecting me.

Finally, Mike said: " Viv, the time I spent with you was the only happy moment of my life, but I am sorry can't save you any further."

I was speechless but tears filled my eyes and to my surprise, Micheal pressed the accelerator and our bike went straight off the cliff ready to crash into the wild stream below.


The first thing I felt was the hard striking pull of the rope to my waist and Mike's. I immediately started scanning Mike's pockets for any sort of blade that could be used to cut the ropes binding us together, then free my hands than his and somehow try to swim back to safety along with Mike, even though more than half of me hated him for his poisonous and deep betrayal, my heart still wasn't convinced on letting him drown to death alone.

Especially when I had sworn that wouldn't let him die alone.
