"My Crimson Eyed Savior"

So I struggled as water started filling my lungs. I had found a dagger in Mike's shirt pocket and freed myself completely and now I had to get Mike to safety. The water's current was so fast that it was hopeless to struggle aimlessly so I took a minute to think.

I figured that the rope that was around Mike's waist, that bound me to him earlier, was long enough that if I could tie one end to a tree or rock, I could easily pull us back to the riverbank and so I did so.

I threw the rope in a lasso around the nearest rock and once the rope's grip was firm enough I tied it around my waist. I had my arm around Mike's shoulders and my arm began to hurt like hell but I still held onto him.

I was determined not to let him die like this, especially when he had taken a bullet for me. But sadly all my luck had been used up in escaping so the moment I threw Mike forcefully on a huge rock that was connected to the land, Mike was still unconscious when he was laying on the rock and I struggled to push the water out of his lungs.

Suddenly a drastically painful shot pierced through my left arm and within seconds I lost my grip on the rock and the current took me far away from shore since I was too injured to swim, I let myself sink into the water and my heart knew that my pain would be forever removed by the calming, soothing waves of water.

Just when I had let go of the last strand of hope, someone grasped it timely as if he was destined to protect me for eternity.

The first thing that I felt something soft and warm on my lips and moments later saw those crimson red eyes that were wholly focused on me and my breathing.

I painfully coughed out the water that made it impossible to breathe. I couldn't ease myself as I was in my savior's strong, tattoed arms. He carefully placed me on the ground and noticed the damage due to that bullet in my arm.

My arm was numb and totally paralyzed. He wordlessly understood all my pain and problems. He advanced to heal my arm, he gently placed his hand on my wound and chanted a spell that was unfamiliar to me. As he chanted the spell my arm began to glow and so did his red eyes.

His face was so emotionless but his eyes were so full of emotion, that it felt as if his eyes had stolen all his emotions from his face. After he removed his hands, my arm was completely healed and perfect!

I was so shocked that I jerked up in a sitting position, but he eased me back on the ground. His first words were:

"Take it easy, for now, you aren't completely healed, your ribs are still fractured."

I merely nodded and questioned about Mike. His face became cold as ice at that question but he answered:

"He didn't survive. The police took him away."

I was shocked and pain flowed through my veins as I replied:

"But I tried my best to protect him, I had sworn that I wouldn't let him die alone."

Tears filled my eyes but my savior's words were the bitter truth:

"He deserved his death, Viviane and he is freed from all his pain."

My mind focused on the fact that he knew my name rather than his words. So my next question was:

"How do you know my name?"

His reply was silence then I further spoke:

"It's not fair that you know my name and I don't know yours.... so tell me!"

He was surprised and replied:

"I am the Devil, but my name is Daniel."

I would have laughed but his eyes told me that he was really the Devil and so did his majestic powers. I replied:

"A very attractive name you possess, Mr. Devil."

I could have sworn that a smile with a hint of laughter appeared on his liss and he said:

"Your kind words are highly appreciatable but Miss Viviane, you must reach a safe place as soon as possible."

He was right as the sun was setting and the night was close. I gave him a smile with a nod of approval. After that he didn't let me move an inch, he wordlessly picked me up like a weightless flower and told me to close my eyes and hold on tight.

And so I did as I didn't want to know the consequences of disobeying his commands. I felt a sudden rush of cold breeze across my face and when I opened my eyes I was within the reach of the stars. We were flying, unbelievable!

But I didn't dare look down as I was scared of heights and if I did look down I would scream to death. So I kept my eyes on his enchanting face, he noticed my stare and smiled. I questioned him:

"Where are we headed, Daniel?"

He replied: "To your residing place, obviously."

Which I believed he already knew about so I let myself enjoy the starry sky while I was enjoying my first ever flight with my mysterious hero. Daniel was enjoying my reactions to seeing birds and fireflies flying along with us, lighting our way.

Something made me ask him whether this was his first time flying with someone to which he replied:

"No. I had the company of my mother till she was deprived of her beautiful wings."

I felt sorry for his cruel fate and I expressed myself by consoling him.

He merely smiled every time I spoke or our eyes met. So, my savior was a Devil of few words. I was enjoying my adventure with Mr. Devil far too much to realize that I had almost reached my apartment.

He landed with expertise in my balcony that was connected to my bedroom. I slightly jumped onto the ground out of his. I was standing on my balcony when he was about to leave but I asked him to show me what had happened when I was unconscious and he pressed his hand against my forehead and then I saw it all:

"I saw myself drowning deep into the bottomless water when he dived in the water from the skies. He grabbed my waist and then kissed me!

Then he fished me out of the stream and brought me safely to land, then kissed me till all the water was almost out of my system. Afterward, I regained my consciousness.

So that warm, soft stuff on my lips was his very own lips. OMG! He kissed me. When I had seen all my previous adventures I asked him:

"Why did you kiss me?"

I was blushing so much when he quietly replied:

"My intentions were not to kiss you but instead I wanted to help you breathe. I am ashamed if I disturbed you. Accept my apologies, Viviane."

I immediately said:

"No need for apologies and suppose it was necessary for my survival."

He was a bit relaxed when he heard me. I said:

"And no need for all these formalities, Daniel, call me whatever you feel like and I suppose we should start being friends, after all, you were my first kiss, besides I owe my life to you."

He laughed and replied:

"Viviane, you were not what I had in mind for the descendant of Angelina."

I wanted to question him but he threw a spell upon me, I fell asleep and he left me in my bed, peaceful and enchanted. I dreamt about my handsome dreamy-eyed savior that night.
