"The Amnesia Fakeout!"

I woke up early in the morning, all my body's soreness had vanished and I felt super excited for what I didn't really know. Maybe seeing my savior again. We were just like Superman and Lois Lane. Just when I was daydreaming my phone buzzed and Tara was calling me like crazy.

I had almost a zillion messages from the rest of the girls and Tara. OMG! I had forgotten that I was kidnapped and had spent a whole day in a horrible captor's cave and then was about to be sold to a perverted gangster, If it wasn't for the heroic entry of Daniel I would have been dead.

The very thought gave me shivers. I had also forgotten about the death of Micheal. Just one encounter made me forget my horrible adventure just a day earlier and probably my kidnapping would be the most popular social media topic and not to forget I owed my girls and Tara a detailed explanation about my disappearance at the nightclub.

So I attended Tara's phone with a heavy heart and her voice sounded all through my apartment. Finally, I answered:

"Hey Tara, don't worry"

She shrieked: " Viv, my dear are you all right, are you still in the dreadful hands of Micheal Drew, tell me and I'll come with the police!"

I spoke as fast as I could:

"No, I am at my apartment totally unharmed, come see for yourself."

And with that Tara disconnected the call. After fifteen minutes, someone wildly pressed the bell at my door and I ran to get the door.

As expected it was Tara!

She thanked god when she laid eyes on me and immediately hugged me tighter than ever! I also started crying when I saw her tears. Tara asked:

"How did you escape, Viv? and how is Micheal Drew dead?"

I paused to think of a story that excluded me from saving Micheal and (Daniel) and my savior, and it had to be believable too!

So I said:

" I helped the rest of the girls escape, but failed in escaping myself, so Micheal caught me and kept me tied up in a cave for a day, then he was personally going to deliver me to the buyer, but some other gangsters began shooting at us. And while the two groups were busy in their battle, I took the chance and escaped, I immediately came back to my house and locked my doors."

Tara shrieked:

"Why the hell didn't you call the police? and why aren't you in the hospital after all they drugged you multiple times!?"

So many questions! I needed an escape route! So I used my superior acting skills and fainted in the arms of Tara, at least I pretended to faint just for the sake of avoiding all those questions.


I woke up in a hospital bed and couldn't remember a single thing about my past. After some time a sweet girl came to me and asked how I was feeling and I replied:

"I am fine but I can't remember anything and who are you miss?"

Hearing that made Tara's jaw drop and she said:

"I am Tara, your best friend, and you are in a hospital, Viviane dear."

I answered:

"Oh, thank you miss Tara, so my name is Viviane"

Tara banged her forehead in the wall dramatically and scream for the doctor. After a moment later, the doctor came; she brought two nurses with her.

Tara explained my situation to the doctor. She explained:

" Calm down, Miss Tara your friend has been through a lot so she has temporarily lost her previous memories."

Tara looked like she was going to burst into tears but the nurse beside her calmed her down and told her that I wasn't the first Amnesia case. The doctor said:

" My dear take your medication regularly."

She gestured towards Tara saying that she will help with the medicines and Tara nodded.


I woke up fresh and relaxed but still couldn't regain my memories. It was almost 6 in the evening. I walked towards my balcony window and opened it . The fresh air was a sweet caress against my skin. The world seemed so beautiful from up here and part of me wanted to soar in the skies as I had before.

I remembered my flight but not the person who was with me. As I was searching through my blurred memories, the girl named Tara came up to me and asked:

"Oh! Viv, you are up! Want to eat something? Shall I order Chinese? After all, that's your favorite."

Oh! I remembered my favorite food is Chinese, a flashback of a memory of me eating it with my friend or some girl. So I said:

"Oh yes!"

Hearing that made Tara smile and she handed me a glass of orange juice, after that she left to order the food. I drank the juice and ate the medicine on my side table.

After some talk with Tara, the food arrived and we ate it. It was mouth-watering.

Tara looked exhausted as she was constantly doing all the work so I said:

"I am tired so I am gonna sleep, you should go home too."

Tara exclaimed:

"Oh no! Viv I am going to stay here with you."

"Okay, It's fine with me."

And so she went to the guestroom and I went to my bed.

After a few hours of kicking and tossing over bedsheets, I jumped out of bed and went out, on my balcony. I loved to spend time here as it was a peaceful spot.

I talked with the stars and enjoyed the one-sided conversation.

Finally, I asked: "Why? Why did you take away my memories?"

My question wasn't particularly for someone to answer but a familiar male voice answered it.