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Back from Hell

Odette screamed at the top of her lungs as she blasted another shot at Stacy's face. The black haired woman kept on shooting the Haverton running past, avoiding the bullets. Odette herself took a large step back after a bullet came out of Fang.

"Go!" Stacy spoke as she threw Fang in its rifle form, before it morphed back into its demonic dog form. Odette winced at the sight of the dog's disgusting looking mouth and face structure, it was more bony and crooked than a normal dog's. She winced when the dog's mouth clenched onto her right arm.

Stacy charged ahead, a jab was sent to Odette's stomach, as the hostile woman's hands let go of the Hellfire Arm, with Fang grabbing it with its teeth. Stacy's gloved hands pulled Odette by the collar, bringing her to her view before turning and throwing her onto the ground.