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The Violent Goodbye

"Are you kidding me?" Silverton asked upon being phoned by Valefar. 

Valefar himself was flying in the air, still within his human shell. He didn't want to go all over the place in his Duke form, at least not yet. His power however, was still in place, still beating like his own heart within his body, mind and soul. 

He had phoned Valefar, and informed him of the situation that was currently going on. 

"You sure you trust this demonic crimson dirtbag?" 

"Not like I have a choice here." Valefar said in an upset manner. "Besides, even with my Duke powers I can't just tear off Chance from that crimson beating heart." 

"Now hang on." Silverton interrupted. "How exactly can't you get Chance off from that thing."

"We're here!" Karmoz yelled as Valefar and all of the other demons stopped within Concrete Park. The beating of a heart was booming around them, and soon they turned to a building where the heart was seen. "Holy moly."