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Assault on Bright

Valefar placed Denton and Karmoz onto the ground, before ordering his legion to keep a watchful eye on them. Many of the demons were grounded, their own eyes full of anger and hate, as well as dislike for both the crimson demon and Denton himself, once human, now no more. 

"You claim to that you honor your colleagues, but you didn't do jackshit when that lightning bolt shot and killed Chance." Valefar spoke. 

"Seeing how I represent Denton, I can say that he does indeed feel the same anger as you." Karmoz spoke, in the middle of the circle of demons from Valefar's legion. Several members of the legion were also standing on top of the rooftops, crouching or sitting on the roof's edges, and their eyes locked on to the two temporary captives. 

"Fuck outta here." Valefar exclaimed, pointing his finger at Karmoz. "You ain't representing shit."