Chapter 14

Alarm rang across the room. Veronica peeked out from the blanket to see the time.

"Fork me." Veronica groaned as she saw it was 7:39 am. She has to reach Alden Enterprise by 8:30 am.

She quickly got up and ran to the bathroom to complete her morning rituals and get dressed.


At 8:20 am she reached the lobby of the Alden Enterprise with Navi.

"Its all because of you. I asked you yesterday to call me by 7 am so that I am on time." Veronica blamed Navi

"Veronica we are past this. I already told you. You didn't ask plus I was also late. And to begin with you didn't tell me about the asshole boss of yours." Navi replied

"Hey, You said we are past this." Veronica said

"I meant the late part Hon. We are not past that fact." Navi replied referring to the part where Veronica started working again for Arek.

Veronica ignored her.

Both ran towards the elevator and saw it crowded. Suddenly Veronica remembered she can use the elevator that Arek uses. She ran towards the lift, and waved Navi "See you later" as she got inside the elevator and pressed the button.

"Bitch." Navi murmured

While waiting inside the elevator Veronica checked the time. It was 8:27 am.

"You have got to be kidding me." Veronica groaned again.

As soon as the elevator reached the floor Veronica ran as if she was in a marathon. She reached near the Arek's cabin and knocked not before checking the time which was exact 8:30 am.

"Come in." She heard Arek's voice.

"Good morning Mr Alden." Veronica spoke while catching her breath as soon as she was inside his cabin and saw him engrossed in the paper work.

"You are late." Arek replied nonchalantly

"No, I am not. Office time is 8:30 am and I reached exactly at 8:30." Veronica replied simple and short still catching her breath.

"You do realise that you are working as a secretary?" Arek replied sarcastically while looking at Veronica

Veronica gave a confused look.

"Ms Ray you are working as my secretary, you should ideally arrive before me." Arek explained while looking at his file.

"You got to be kidding me." Veronica replied

"I don't think I am." Arek replied still looking at the paper work

"So exactly by what time do I need to be here Mr Alden.?" Veronica asked

"Before me." Arek replied simple and short

"And how am I suppose to know when you will come? Because practically you live inside this box." Veronica replied referring his cabin as box.

This caught Arek's attention. He stood up from his seat and started walking towards Veronica while keeping his hand in his pockets.

Once he reached near Veronica he spoke "So I live inside the box? Huh. I suggest you start coming on time before you have live inside this box with me. 'Practically'." Arek spoke while mimicking the last part.

Veronica didn't reply as she was only looking at the distance.

"What's wrong Ms Ray? Did you forget to breathe?" Arek replied amused

Veronica gave him weird look.

"Mr Alden, please let me know what I have to do for today." Veronica spoke

"Ms Ray, I have to tell you one thing. Never. I mean never try to work as anyone's secretary. You are not at all good at this job. Neither you are on time, nor you are of any help. And.." Arek spoke and before he could complete the sentence Veronica interrupted "I helped you with Thomson's" and before Veronica could continue Arek spoke "and you never listen. Instead of you telling me what to do, you ask me what you have to do." Arek finished

"Wait. Am I suppose to tell you what you have to work on? What am I? Company's owner?" Veronica replied in confusion with the tone of sarcasm.

"Ms Ray, you have 2 weeks to learn how to be a secretary. Do you know what secretary does exactly?" Arek asked ignoring her previous statement.

Veronica didn't reply.

"Ms Ray, you need to arrive early to setup my schedule. That's what a secretary does. Instead to me telling you everyday to come with me, you should come to me and remind me of my schedule." Arek informed while walking back to his desk.

Veronica nodded.

"We have to go to Thomson's office today." Arek continued while looking back in the files

"Ok." Veronica replied and was about to leave.

"And Ms Ray." Arek interrupted

"Yes Mr Alden." Veronica replied

"On Saturday we are having dinner with my family." Arek spoke while turning the pages of the file

Veronica looked beyond shocked. She was not able to comprehend the sentence.

"Why are you so shocked?" Arek asked looking at her expression

"What do you mean why am I shocked? Last time I came there for your own sake and you insulted me and.." Veronica was trying to find exact word to define the situation but before she could continue Arek interrupted

"Ms Ray, thats all in past. Like I said when I came by your place, 'We are even.' I hurt you and you hurt me." Arek replied while sitting on his desk and looking at Veronica

"Right Mr Alden, you said that but I never agreed to it." Veronica replied looking back at him

"But you came back to work for me." Arek pointed

"Not because we are even. I came back because I had to work. It would be really unprofessional if I would have left things in between because of the personal grudges." Veronica replied

"So, you are not going to work here after you are done with the secretary job?" Arek asked

"Frankly I don't know. I just want to do my job for now." Veronica replied

"Ms Ray, I know I had gone too far that day and just to say sorry I would like to properly invite you. My family would be there too. In fact my parents asked me to bring you home for dinner. Bring Natalie with you." Arek replied

Veronica looked in his eyes to confirm whether he meant what he just said.

Arek looked in her eyes and spoke "I mean it Veronica."

"I can't bring Natalie." Veronica replied

"Why is it so. I believe she would enjoy. My cousin's children would be there too. Bring her in, she will definitely make lots of friends." Arek replied

"I don't think she would be comfortable going out like that and meeting completely new people." Veronica replied

"Ms Ray, can I ask you something?" Arek asked

Veronica nodded for him to go ahead.

"Who is exactly Natalie is to you. I mean you are not married." Arek spoke

"Mr Alden, do you ask all your employees these types of questions usually or it is just a special thing for me?" Veronica sarcastically

Arek saw her dodging question so he didn't pursue more.

"I would still request, you could bring Natalie with you on Saturday. I believe she will enjoy. But choice is completely yours." Arek replied

Veronica nodded.

"Mr Alden, when do we have to leave for Mr Thomson's office?" Veronica asked

"In 5 minutes." Arek replied

"Do you need coffee? Or anything?" Veronica asked

"No, Ms Ray. Lets get to the car." Arek replied

Veronica and Arek took the elevator and was waiting outside the building for their car to arrive.

As soon as car arrived Veronica and Arek took backseats inside the car. The chauffeur started the car. The whole ride was silent. Veronica kept staring outside the window and Arek kept replying his mails on the phone.

"What happened yesterday?" Veronica broke the silence.

"What happened?" Arek questioned

"You left me in the car yesterday." Veronica replied

"So?" Arek asked

"Weren't you suppose to wake me up when we arrived? Normally people do that." Veronica replied sarcastically

"Ms Ray, you were sleeping during your work hours and you expect me to wake you up?" Arek replied

Veronica knew there was no point to argue. So she kept quiet.

"Mr Alden, we are here." The chauffeur announced

Arek and Veronica got out of the car and walked inside the building. Mr Thomson's secretary was waiting for them in the building. She guided them to the conference room where Mr Thomson was waiting.

Arek went near Mr Thomson, greeted him and shook his hand. Veronica did the same. She didn't understand what she was doing here. She didn't have any work here. Arek and Mr Thomson started discussing the deal and Veronica stood awkwardly in the corner and waited for them to finish their work. Once both agreed on the terms, they signed off the deal.

"Mr Thomson, I would work hard on this project. Just leave the work on me. Lets meet on Friday with the final plan." Arek spoke while shaking hands with Mr Thomson

"I know son you will and Friday would be great. We will make an official announcement for our joint venture by throwing the party on Sunday evening. Ask Alden to come with Andrea." Mr Thomson spoke

"You come there too dear." Mr Thomson spoke referring to Veronica

"Sure Mr Thomson." Veronica replied

Once they were done, Arek and Veronica left Mr Thomson's office and came back to Alden Enterprises.

Both took elevator together and reached back to the cabin. Veronica started setting up Arek's schedule. She maintained it on a tablet and asked Arek if its ok with him. He nodded.

Both got busy with work.

Arek gave Veronica some files to work on. Veronica started studying the file and began making presentation.

The day went by like that. Veronica and Arek discussed the project together.

"Mr Alden, Can I add something?" Veronica asked

"Did you ever wait for my answer to ask something. Go on." Arek replied sarcastically

"I think you should go with the cost effective way. I mean the way you initially planned." Veronica replied

"Why do you think that? You were the only one who suggested not choosing that option as it would cut labour cost and this project is only looking for ways to provide people working for this company with a way they can earn." Arek replied

"Yes, I did. But I think that option would be more beneficial. Just think it in this way. The packaging of goods can be done by machines but making of goods can be done by people. Packaging area would save cost and that money can be used as a bonus or some kind of incentive to pay back the labour. Plus hand made good still has its worth." Veronica replied

"Hmmm." Arek replied

"What? You are not going to say anything?" Veronica asked

"No." Arek replied

"Why? I mean this idea is great. I find it hard to say no." Veronica replied

"Ms Ray, I didn't say yes or no. When we will have final presentation we will see about it. For now just do what I am asking you to do." Arek replied

Veronica continued working on the presentation.


Days passed by with Arek and Veronica working together on the plan and presentation. Finally Friday arrived. The day was official verdict of their work. Veronica was too nervous about it.

Arek and Veronica arrived together in the Thomson's office. Lewis Thomson welcomed them. They went inside the conference room where board members were present to see the final plan.

Arek began with the presentation. Veronica sat in the corner noting down the minutes of the meeting.

"We, as Thomson-Alden will be working on this project. My work will be bringing Mr Thomson's ideas into reality. In front of you is the plan of 4 building. The buildings will comprise of the sales area, mechanical machinery, hand equipment, and hand made goods. The first base will be sales area and the people working their will work upon selling the goods and maintaining logistics and supply chain. The second base will comprise of machinery. Please note that these machines will only be used for packing the goods made at the factory by these workers. I will come back to this point. Third base would be making of goods and the forth would be planning of goods. Coming back to the second base. I know earlier when I presented the plan to Mr Thomson, I mentioned there would be no machinery as the purpose of this project is provide earnings to the people not making profits. But a very good point has been raised by my secretary Ms Veronica Ray, who while discussing the project mentioned her idea." Arek explained

Veronica was too shocked. She didn't expect that Arek would actually listen to her and include her perception in the presentation. He also gave her the credit for her idea. She didn't know how to react.

Arek continued with the presentation "I think providing workers their earning doesn't have to be so hard earned. In fact the machinery would help them with the packaging part decreasing their workload and making them more efficient. Plus the profits earned because of these machinery can be given back to the workers as a incentive or bonus. This way they still maintain the quality of hand made goods and their work can be eased out." Arek explained

Mr Thomson looked at Veronica and spoke "You young lady, come here." while pointing her to go and stand beside Arek.

Veronica became nervous as she started walking towards Arek. She didn't know how will the board members react to this changed plan. Veronica stood beside Arek. Arek smiled at her to assure her.

"So what is your opinion about the presentation?" Arek asked finally.

Mr Thomson was the first one to speak "Mr Alden, I believe this is the best work one can do with this project."

Rest of the board members agreed with Mr Thomson.

Veronica beamed with joy and started jumping up and down.

"Ms Ray, we still are in the conference room full of board members. Did you just forget that?" Arek asked

Veronica stood straight and Mr Thomson started laughing.

"You really are something." Arek murmured

Soon everyone congratulated Arek and Veronica for their successful plan. People were going ga ga over Veronica's idea. At last Mr Thomson came to them and congratulated them.

"You did a wonderful job Veronica. I knew the day I met you. You have this energy that everyone can't see. Arek is the one who saw that first. Use your potential Veronica. You will be very successful in the future." Mr Thomson appreciated Veronica

"Thank you so much Mr Thomson." Veronica replied

Finally Arek and Veronica got out of the Thomson's office and walked back to their street where their was waiting.

"Why didn't you tell me that you were going to use the idea?" Veronica questioned

"Aren't you full of questions Ms Ray. I had something in my mind to figure out. Once I did, I found it best. Presentation brings the best out of the ideas." Arek replied

"Thank you Mr Alden." Veronica replied

"Ms Ray, your idea was worth it. I didn't do anything." Arek replied

"No, I was not thanking you for using my idea in the presentation. I was thanking you for sharing your achievement with me. I mean you did gave me the credit for the idea." Veronica replied

"It was your idea. Obviously you deserved the credit." Arek replied

Veronica smiled.

Both reached the office and finished their work.

Soon it was 5 pm. Veronica got up from her seat and went to Arek to inform him she is leaving for the day.

"Ms Ray, tomorrow at 8 pm come by the Alden Mansion." Arek replied

Veronica stopped in her track. They didn't talk about the dinner at all because of the work. She thought maybe Arek will forget and then she didn't have to go. But he never forgets.

Veronica nodded.

"How are you planning to come?" Arek asked

"Cab." Veronica replied

"I don't think so." Arek replied

"What do you mean." Veronica asked in confusion

"My parents insisted I pick you up from your place." Arek spoke and before he could complete his sentence Veronica interrupted

"There is no need for that Mr Alden. I can manage on my own. Please tell your parents thanks on my behalf. I will meet you at your mansion by 8." Veronica replied

Arek nodded.

"And Ms Ray, for God's sake please be on time tomorrow." Arek said in amusement

Veronica ignored him and left his cabin.

She called Navi and both met in the parking lot.

Veronica told Navi about the events of the day. Navi was already surprised by the fact that Arek invited her to his family home for dinner. The same place where he had her forbidden. Now he is asking to come for dinner. And then he is giving credits for the project.

"Dude, I think he has a thing for you." Navi spoke after Veronica explained everything

"Shut up Navi. You are out of mind." Veronica replied

"Dude give me one logical reason why he is being nice with you? Arek doesn't hold a great reputation when it comes to friendly gesture. Plus he was a total asshole to you from the beginning and now he is all nice and gentle man. I am telling you he fell in love with you." Navi spoke

Veronica raised her hand to touch Navi's forehead.

"Dude. What the hell." Navi replied while driving

"I think you are running fever that why you are talking all nonsense." Veronica replied

"Ver, I am serious. Either he wants something from you or he is in love with you. Only in these two cases he would play nice with you. I don't think he want something from you I mean apart from sex you know." Navi spoke and Veronica slapped her arms in response

"Ouch. What was that for?" Navi groaned

"Really." Veronica replied

"I think what you are telling can be right. Let's see. After I rejoined office he started behaving nicely. Was mostly nice actually not always and knowing him from past 2 weeks I know what a pain in the ass he can be." Veronica spoke while thinking deeply

"So you agree he is after sex with you." Navi spoke

"Euuuuhhh... Navi. No that's not what I meant. I mean he is playing nice because he definitely want something and of course not sex." Veronica spoke and before Navi could speak Veronica added

"And don't say he loves me."

"Then what?" Navi asked

"I don't know. I have to find out." Veronica replied