Chapter 15

A day passed by and Saturday evening arrived.. Veronica was in her room getting dressed for the evening. She choose high neck silk white dress which had small asymmetric prints of flower. The dress covered her fully from neck to feet. As usual she kept her face makeup free. Once she looked at her reflection in the mirror she was satisfied.

"What are you doing Ver?" Navi spoke as she came inside Veronica's room

"Dancing." Veronica replied sarcastically while rolling her eyes.

Navi glared.

"Don't tell me you are planning to go looking like this." Navi spoke while scanning Veronica from top to bottom

"What do you mean by looking like this." Veronica asked in confusion

While Veronica was replying Navi went in Veronica's walk-in wardrobe.

"Here wear this." Navi spoke while handing Veronica short red lace dress.

"Are you out of your mind. I am going for dinner tonight at my boss's place with his parents. I am not out on a date." Veronica replied

"First of all, stop looking like this. It's hurting my eyes to see you like this. Don't you think it's too much clothes in summer. Plus you sweat like pig. Don't wear this full length crap. Wear this." Navi spoke while pointing to the red dress

" I am not going to wear this. It's short." Veronica complained

"So?" Navi questioned

"I told you how weirdly he behaved when I wore that short pencil skirt." Veronica replied

"Are you kidding me. You are thinking of choosing clothes according to his selection. Awwwww. Do I see love?" Navi spoke to annoy Veronica

"Shut up Navi. I just don't know these people. Plus I am going to the Alden Mansion, so he is the host I think should wear something that blends well. You know. Doesn't catches much attention." Veronica replied

"Dude if you have issues about catching on attention I believe you should dump that dress immediately. Are you going there to impress his parents or what. Just get dressed up like you normally do. Why are you putting so much effort to look like a.... I don't know what. May be a saint or something. Yeah.. right it feels like you are going for sainthood. They will seriously be scared after looking at you. Just wear something normal." Navi spoke

"Shut up Navi. I told you the host is an asshole I don't want to be the subject of 'why is she wearing this.'" Veronica said while pointing to the red dress.

"Ver, people will definitely say that if you wear this crap. Stop being so intimidated by him. Do what ever you feel." Navi replied

"I am not intimidated by him. Shut up Navi." Veronica replied

"Really? Are we really gonna have this conversation right now when you are getting late and Natalie is not even ready?" Navi spoke

"Does it seriously looks that bad?" Veronica asked while pointing to what she was wearing

"Do you seriously need answer for that after so much of explaining?" Navi groaned

Veronica didn't argue and took the dress Navi passed her and changed quickly. Once she saw her reflection in the mirror she looked confused. Navi saw her and asked "What?"

"Nothing. I am not sure how I look. I mean not in look wise way. I mean there. I.." Veronica tried explaining before she could complete Navi interrupted, " I understand, what you are trying to say. But trust me, it looks fabulous. Now let's get your make up done." Navi spoke

"No way. Navi you know I am not a make-up person. Once my face starts sweating I would look like a ghost. I am not wearing any makeup." Veronica explained

"Why are you such a sweaty pants?" Navi replied which gained her a glare

"Okay fine. At least do something about you cracked lips." Navi spoke

"I will use lip balm. Nothing else." Veronica replied

"Okay while you are on it, I will get Natalie ready." Navi replied to which Veronica nodded.

While Veronica was completely ready and came downstairs with her stilettos banging on the floor, making her presence known, Navi joined with Natalie.

"My baby looks so pretty." Mr & Mrs Ray spoke while looking at Veronica

"Mom. Dad." Veronica spoke and went near to hug them.

" Don't stay out too late. How are you going to go?" Mr Ray asked.

"Dad, Navi will drop and pick me up. Don't worry." Veronica assured

Mr & Mrs Ray nodded to this.

Veronica with Natalie in her arms left behind Navi.

"Let's go." Navi spoke

Veronica only nodded.

"Ver, I wanted to ask you something. Why are you taking Natalie with you? I mean you didn't even agree on coming then somehow you were convinced but still you never agreed on bringing Natalie along. Then what happened?" Navi enquired

"He said there would be children. Natalie is always alone. I mean we all are here. But not someone of her age. So I thought maybe she will make friends." Veronica replied

Navi didn't speak after that. The ride was smooth with every now and then Natalie was squealing out of joy watching everything that was out of the window. Since Veronica was here before, she knew the route. They finally arrived at the destination. Veronica got out of the car while holding Natalie in her arms.

Navi was inside the car. Veronica knocked on the window, Navi pressed the button to slide the window down.

"Don't wait up here. I will call you once we are done." Veronica spoke

"Okay." Navi replied

Veronica and Natalie waved Navi and started walking towards the main gate of the mansion.

The guard quickly identified Veronica and before she could speak, guards opened the door for her. Veronica was shocked for a moment. Before she could utter a word, she saw Arek standing by her side. Now being in shock would be an understatement.

'When did he come out?' Veronica questioned herself

"Hello Ms Ray." Arek greeted

"Hi Mr Alden." Veronica greeted back

"I see Ms Ray you decide to bring Natalie here." Arek spoke while smiling at Natalie

As soon as Natalie noticed his face, she started to jump up and down in Veronica's arm.

"I guess I did a good job bringing her here since she looks so excited right now." Veronica replied

Natalie started moving in Veronica's arms and raised her arms asking Arek to carry her.

"What? Now are you going to dump me for him?" Veronica joked while Natalie giggled

Arek laughed on her statement. Natalie kept raising her arms for Arek to carry her. Finally Arek took Natalie from her arms and tugged Natalie in his arms.

"You don't have to Mr Alden. I will carry her. Come here Natalie." Veronica spoke while raising her arms to get Natalie back from Arek. To her action, Natalie replied by cuddling more in Arek's shoulder and hiding her face near his neck.

"I think the lady made herself quite clear." Arek replied to Veronica in amusement

"She is quite adamant." Veronica replied

"Yeah. Just like someone I know." Arek replied to her statement.

Veronica ignored his statement.

They came in front of the mansion after walking for 5 minutes.

Veronica was awestruck after seeing the beauty of the mansion. Even in the darkness, one can see it quite clearly how it looked.

"Are you planning to keep looking at it like that or shall we go inside." Arek spoke while pointing to Veronica's awestrucked face. Veronica again ignored him and followed him inside.

Last time she visited, it was daylight and right now since it was night time, all the lights were on which made the mansion looked more beautiful.

"There you are honey." Veronica heard someone speak

As Veronica stood beside Arek, she saw a lady in her mid fifties dressed in simple yet expensive clothes sitting on one of the white couches. She was holding a designer magazine in one hand while the other one was carrying phone.

"You must be Veronica." The lady spoke

Veronica nodded.

"Hi, I am Andrea Alden, Arek's mother. It's a pleasure to finally meet you Veronica. I hope you didn't had difficulty in finding the place." Andrea spoke.

"Hi Mrs Alden. It's a pleasure to meet you too. I have heard about you a lot. Finally I get to see you in person. And no I didn't have any difficulty in finding the place." Veronica replied

"That's good to know. I hope it's all good you heard about. I don't know what people are writing about me these days. Also Veronica please call me Andrea. Mrs Alden sounds too old and boring. I hope I can call you Veronica? I mean if that's okay with you." Andrea spoke

"Sure Mrs Al... I mean Andrea. Well they write only good things about you." Veronica replied while smiling

Andrea nodded.

"Btw who is this cute little princess?" Andrea asked referring Natalie.

"She is Natalie. Mr Alden asked me to bring her here. I got to know that there is a scope of her making friends of her age." Veronica replied

Andrea laughed at her statement.

"Of course dear. She will find her future friends in the backyard garden playing in the mud I believe. But before she can meet them, I want to meet her." Andrea spoke while asking for permission from Natalie by raising her arms to carry her. Natalie responded to her by pressing her baby face more into Arek.

"Well I think she is not going to come to me. Why Natalie? Don't you like me?" Andrea asked in a baby voice.

Natalie giggled at her statement and again hid her face behind Arek's neck.

"When did you became so friendly with her?" Andrea enquired Arek.

"Ma come on. I think she likes me." Arek replied while looking at Natalie. He kept caressing her head every now and then.

"Sure she does." Andrea replied

"Fine. Take her to the children while I and Veronica have a chat." Andrea spoke

As Arek left with Natalie, Andrea spoke "You look so pretty today Veronica."

"Thank you Andrea. You too look so beautiful." Veronica replied

"Thanks dear. But something is missing from you today." Andrea spoke

"What?" Veronica asked in confusion

"Your feisty self is missing." Andrea joked

"I am sorry Andrea for being like that." Veronica replied

"No no no dear. You took me wrong. Actually I was quite satisfied with what I saw that day." Andrea replied

"I am sorry. What?" Veronica spoke in confusion

"You know honey, since the time Arek was born, he has always been a big deal. Big deal in the sense, all about power, monetary control which means work work work. He is all about work and values it very much, but at the same time he is one of the arrogant asshole that I gave birth to. Arek keeps his private life away from work but it's not a vice versa thing. Per say, poor guy doesn't even have a private life because of work. That's why he doesn't bring work here whenever he is around because he find his leisure time here. Time to cash out on family, friends. Well, technically I asked him not to bring work here. I am thankful that he listened to me. I know the way he behaved was not justified at all. And I am so glad he finally found someone who cannot be tamed by him. It was really good what you did that day. And if it makes you feel any better, I too scolded him really badly." Andrea explained

"Andrea, thank you for understanding." Veronica spoke

"Veronica, you are one of the few people who are genuine. Don't feel bad about it. You took your stand instead of feeling pressure about the situation, you did what was right. If I would have been your mother, I would be proud. I feel terribly sorry for how Arek behaved that day. I am really sorry Veronica. I must not have brought him up well, maybe that's why...." Andrea was speaking before Veronica interrupted "Andrea please don't say that. I think you have done pretty amazing job with him you know. Because of few glitches, I don't think I can judge the entire person."

"You are really sweet Veronica. You have a heart of gold." Andrea spoke while smiling at Veronica

"It's nothing like that Andrea." Veronica replied

"It is honey. It is." Andrea replied

Before they could continue the conversation, Arek interrupted

"Ma, dad is looking for you."

"Ok honey. Keep her company." Andrea spoke before leaving

Arek nodded.

Now Arek and Veronica are alone.

"Is Natalie okay? I mean she doesn't mingle with everyone easily. She is not crying? Is she?" Veronica asked Arek.

"No no. She is perfectly fine. Playing with Denis, Emma, and Shelby." Arek replied

Veronica nodded.

She felt quite awkward because she didn't know what to say as she cannot talk about the work and there is nothing else she wants to talk about. To get rid of awkwardness, she diverted her mind by looking around. Arek studied her face and asked, "Would you like to look around?"

Veronica looked shocked for a moment and nodded her head.

Arek showed her around. She was amazed by the architecture of the house. Everything looked antique. Veronica noticed many portraits of the family. The house was quite big. As they were going around, Arek brought her near the balcony of the 3rd floor. Veronica stood holding railing and grazing down. She found Natalie playing with 3 other children all had mud all over their clothes, hands, feet.

"No no no. Natalie don't." Veronica spoke as she rushed towards the door to exit when she saw Natalie trying to put her fingers in her mouth. Before she could get out of the door, a hand grabbed her arm and pulled her back. Veronica turned to find the culprit.

Before Veronica could speak, Arek pointed towards the garden. Veronica saw a guy standing in a formal uniform cleaning Natalie's hand. After watching that she sighed in relief.

She continued looking at Natalie for a while then shifted her graze to the sky. The sky was full of stars, the moon was full and shining brightly above her head.

"Beautiful. Isn't it?" Arek asked

"Very indeed." Veronica replied

"I find this place best in the entire house." Arek informed

"I guess, you are right about this one." Veronica replied

"This one? Seriously? When was I ever wrong?" Arek asked

"When we were there, and you insulted me." Veronica spoke while pointing in the corner of the garden

"Look Veronica, I said I am sorry. I really am. What do you want me to do?" Arek asked

"If you are truly seeking for forgiveness, will you buy me what I ask you to?" Veronica asked

"Depends on what you are going to ask. If it will be in my hands, I will get it." Arek replied

"Can I have a chocolate fridge in the office?" Veronica asked

"What?" Arek asked to confirm if he has heard right or not

"Chocolate fridge." Veronica spoke again

"You are kidding right now? Right?" Arek asked

"No. I am not. I brought so many chocolates on daily basis for myself, I use to keep it in the office fridge. Whenever I wanted to grab one, I would find the fridge empty." Veronica complained while looking at the sky

"You want to have your own fridge that too for chocolates in the office. You really are something Veronica." Arek replied in amusement

Veronica smiled at his statement.

"Mr Alden, if you don't mind, can I ask you something?" Veronica spoke

"Did you ever wait before to ask a question?" Arek replied sarcastically

"Why are you doing this?" Veronica asked

"Doing what?" Arek enquired

"This. I mean being nice to me and all." Veronica replied

"Well, this is being me. If you call it being nice then let's play it around this way." Arek replied

"Mr Alden, you don't have quite a reputation of being nice to someone." Veronica answered

"Well, what kind of reputation do I have then?" Arek enquired

"A very bad one I believe. But still that's not what I asked." Veronica replied

"Bad one really? What did I do to get that kind of reputation?" Arek questioned

"Mr Alden, you are clearly trying to change the topic here." Veronica replied

"I believe I have already answered your question Veronica. This is just being me." Arek replied

"No it's not. You don't do nice things unless you want something." Veronica replied

"I really need to check what the hell kind of reputation do I have." Arek replied

"What do you want Arek." Veronica replied

"Why do you think I want something?" Arek asked

"Well because you don't do good for a person unless you want something from that person." Veronica replied

"Really Veronica, what would I want from you?" Arek asked

Something in his face changed while speaking this.

"I don't know, you tell me." Veronica replied

"Wait a second. Do you by any chance think that I like you or something?" Arek replied

"Well, do you?" Veronica asked

"Well, do you want me to?" Arek replied in amusement

"Absolutely not." Veronica replied

"I don't think that's true." Arek replied with amusement filled voice

"Well, Mr Alden, you are not the type of guy I look for dating or anything. In fact you are nothing near that place. I don't know about yours but from my end there is no issue. I would never, never fall for a person like you. That's for sure." Veronica replied

"Are you sure? Maybe you have some sort of interest." Arek replied

"In your dreams Mr Alden. In reality it's never going to happen. And still you left my question unanswered." Veronica replied

"Fine. Look I felt guilty about what happened last time you came over and I just wanted to compensate for my behaviour." Arek replied with seriousness

Before Veronica could reply, she heard, "Dinner is ready. Come downstairs wherever you both are."