I left my parents at the table arguing, so much for dinner tonight. I laid on my bed hoping to fall asleep soon. I picked up my phone that was on the bed, I gazed at the screen to see no messages or missed calls. I did not want to call Maya or Ariana, I thought maybe I would invade their space if I did.
Ariana however seemed to be making progress with Avan. That was a good sign that they broke the ice, they made a cute couple after all. I felt my friend were angry at me, probably Brithney had already informed them about last night's incident. I was looking like a bad friend but of all people, Ariana should have understood why I did what I did.
Day by day things seemed to get weirder, strange people were walking into the town. They were dressed in all black and carrying weapons like crossbows, knives and some even had the strangest type of guns. The team of twenty-five could only be seen in the night parading the streets inquiring for answers.
They were questioning almost everyone in the streets of the town. It was like they were searching for someone or something. I did not suppose that they will be leaving town soon until what they were searching for becomes in their possession. Think it could not get any worse, our school was being invaded by the archers as well. I had just gotten off the phone with Maya, she had explained that strange people were surrounding our town.
“Katie, get dress, we’re getting late.”
My mom was excited to attend Sunday brunch this morning, it was the town's anniversary, a celebration to appreciate the years of Juneau’s growth.
After brunch, the town would host a carnival filled with many activities and goodies. Seeing my mother had made the town committee, I had no choice but to attend with her and dad.
I quickly got dressed, not noticing she had already laid out clothes for me on the chair, I wore my choice of style. I admired myself in the mirror, my off the shoulders mini white dress fitted perfectly. I quickly styled my hair in curls and then combed them out. I was not fancy for bold curls; I preferred the simple look.
“Katie!” I was late.
I immediately rushed down the stairs, could not keep my parents waiting any longer. This year they were hosting the celebration at Mirror Crystal lake, although it was a bit cold and there would be chilled winds, I was happy to see the beauty of spring.
As we park up, I opened the car door and my 2” heels touched the soft green cut grass. I noticed that the large table prepared for twenty people was all set on the boardwalk above the green lake.
The spring breeze blew leaves of orange and red colors through the pathway to the boardwalk, giving an image of a breathtaking painting.
As white Dandelions filled the air and the atmosphere chills touched my skin, immediately my eyes gazed upon the stranger that stood under the white gazebo. He was staring back at me as I slowly stroll on. If heaven existed, then I had surely found mines.
There goes my heart beating as the mysterious guy stood below the white structure scattered with endless green vines and clear lights. I turned my head to the side and smile in disbelief, what sign was the good lord indicating to me. My mind was crazy with thoughts as I walk with my parents, I could hear my mom saying something, but I did not pay heed. I turned my face to see that he was still there leaning against the gazebo pillar. All dressed in a black suit and white shirt inside he looked mesmerizing, perhaps he was attending the brunch as well. I saw a few people took their seats while others greeted one another, my mother was busy chatting with Brithney’s mom. I did not notice her presence at the table, perhaps she skipped the brunch.
As I took my place next to my mother I asked, “Where is Brithney?”
“Her mother said that she was running late with someone.”
Brithney was bringing a guest in her father’s place, perhaps it must be someone dear to her. My eyes caught the stranger as he made his way to the table, he took his place after being greeted by the principal of Mirror Castle school. He had the most charming smile I had ever seen as he carried on a conversation with her.
The host, the Mayor of the town Mr. Avalon then made a short speech, “Good Morning all, I would like to thank you all for coming out.”
He then turned to the stranger’s way and said, “And I would like to thank our special guest for making this carnival possible, his great sponsorship will be remembered.”
He quickly looked at me after raising a glass of Monsigny champagne to toast his welcome to Juneau. Everyone was eager to know who this beautiful mystery guy was. He had funded the carnival festival for tonight, which made the ladies thought he was young, handsome, and rich.
I noticed my mom whispering over to Brithney’s mom as I sipped on some orange juice, I bet they were gossiping about him. I pulled out my phone to check the time, it was already 10 o’clock and Brithney was still absent. As the caterers opened the warmers, I could smell the aroma of delicious food in the air. I focused my stare at the lake, I wonder how deep it was. I got up and walked to the edge of the border, I sipped on the rest of my juice and the wind blew my dress as I stood there.
Instantly my eyes turned and gazed at him. As the young principal touched his shoulder my eyes swiftly found Brithney arms around Dorian as they made their way to the table.
I threw myself into the cold waters of the lake, I wanted to fall asleep here and not wake up.
I floated under the water with my eyes open, I was admiring the beauty of it, this was not so bad after all.
My eyes closed in and I held my breath hoping to drown.
“Katie!” My mother shouted above.
“What the hell?” Brithney as she let go of Dorian and ran to the bridge.
He immediately threw himself in after me, not worried about the expensive clothes he swam down to my side. His hands then gently gripped my face, and I opened my eyes to the stranger’s face. There was a ray of light as he glowed, I no longer wanted to fall asleep seeing him now. I was intoxicated from his aura that he was giving out. His face was so close to mines and our hair and garments floated most gracefully.
“Oh my God, I can’t see them.” my mother was going crazy above.
I felt him braced my waist and pulled me up the waters. Immediately I gasped for air as my face reached above the lake, his hands still gripping me tight. I was shocked to see everyone gathered above us.
“Katie!” my mother screamed my name and reached her hand out.
I kept my gaze at him, and my hand wrapped over his shoulders. I could not believe he saved me from my toxic self. What was I thinking before?
“Someone gets them up!” the Mayor shouted.
I noticed Dorian stretched out for me as the stranger held me, quickly I grabbed hold of my father’s hand and ignored him.
My mother touched me most weirdly and asked, “Are you okay?”
“What happened?” My concerned father.
I stared at the stranger as he came out of the lake, I shivered, he then handed me his jacket that he left on the board way.
My mother quickly thanked him and wrapped it around me, “I slipped in.”
I then noticed he was having a conversation with the Mayor; I could not take my eyes off him as he stood there.
“Do you want to go home?” my mother asked.
I did not wish to ruin her brunch, I know she was having a great time, but I was dripping wet.
“This young man has requested to take her home.” the Mayor implied to my parents.
My father stared at my mother; he had some serious trust issues with letting me go with a stranger.
“Don’t worry.” the Mayor said.
“Let me take her.” Dorian requested.
“We just got here,” Brithney said with her arm wrapped in his.
She was being territorial of him and I did not want to upset her anymore. I needed to back off from whatever they had.
“I’ll be fine mom and dad.” I implied to the stranger, “Let us go.”
I kissed both of my parents on their cheeks and then walked off. I did not give them a chance to stop me and I did not want them to disappoint the Mayor. The stranger had already gone to the parking lot, I was stopped by Brithney’s mom, she was concerned about me.
After speaking to her, instantly I walked off from the boardwalk only to be intervened by Dorian.
“You do not even know him.” “What are you doing Katie?”
“Have fun, Dorian,” I said then walked off on him.
He did not even come to my rescue, instead, he was too busy with Brithney. I hopped onto his bike and without saying a word he rode off leaving wonders to everyone’s minds. For the entire ride, there was no communication between us, he kept pulling my hands to hold tight of his waist.
As he pulled up at my driveway, I got off from his bike, handed over his helmet, and said, “Thank You.”
He did not respond, he stared at my wet body as I held the helmet out for him to take. He smirked and started the engine, perhaps he was not going to take it. Swiftly he went down the road and left things awkward between us. I took his helmet with me inside and called it a day, I no longer wished to attend the carnival tonight. The spectacular event will be missed by me. As for Dorian, he knew that his father did not request the archers, so why were they here now. He needed answers to what they were up to.
In drama class Shelly was getting me on my last nerve, she was throwing tantrums at me about the Brithney situation. I guess Brithney had told everyone about me barging in on Dorian and her.
"Dorian and Katie your both up." Ms. Clark said.
I was called up along with Dorian to do a dialogue sketch scene. We made our way to the front of the class; it was his dialogue first.
Ehm, he cleared his throat before looking at me.
Reading from his paper he said, "Darling don't be angry at my poorly actions."
"Why shouldn't I." "All you do is go out with your friends."
He scratched his head using his left hand while reading into the paper before speaking again.
"Give me another chance and I will change." he said sarcastically " Not really." with a grin on his face.
Upon hearing his words, the class giggled. He was making a mockery of it, of me. The teacher stood in silence; she was done correcting the class joker. I did not bother to read my lines, instead, I walked off on him. On seeing this he clenched my arm and pulled me close to him.
He then whispered, "You deserve another chance in my arms."
Dorian read my script to me leaving the rest of the classmates to remain stunned. Suddenly I felt his lips on mines. He gave me the gentlest lock lips for the first time.
"Dorian that was not part of the script." the teacher complained, "You worthless boy."
Shelly made a coughing sound at his actions, "Boyfriend thief." murmured out of her mouth towards me.
"Slut." Brithney said.
The students began to stare at me. With my raging mind, I approached Shelly seated and shoved her off the chair. I then grabbed her hair and smashed her into the board, we tug on each other till the teacher came and parted us off.
"Enough both of you." "Principal’s office now!" the teacher screamed.
I was sent to the office first while she got to clean up herself. The principal was carrying on a conversation in closed doors. I patiently waited outside for them to finish. Five minutes had gone, and school was already over. I did not want to wait anymore, as I got up to leave, I felt someone bounced into me.
It was the 6’ 2” man dressed in all black who had saved me. He did not turn back to even say sorry instead he just kept walking to his path. I had a feeling that he was part of the archers that came to Juneau and he was in search of something.
More like someone!
Tuesday morning, another bright and beautiful day in my dramatic life with school. I headed straight to the principal’s office to confess to her how terrible I am.
“Knock!” “Knock.”
My knocking went from loud to a low sound on the half-opened door of the principal office. I came earlier to school because I wanted to get here a half hour before my class started.
“Come in,” she said.
I pushed open the door further to see her working on the laptop, “Katie, what brings you here so early.”
My principal was always a kind soul towards her students, she had a great understanding of rebellious students, perhaps this is why I had not been expelled yet.
“Good morning Ms. Maroon.”
“Have a seat.”
I quickly took a seat and stared at her as she pushes her laptop to the side of the desk to give her undivided attention.
I took a moment to process what I was going to say, I could not go back to Ms. Clark's class unless I saw the principal first.
“Well, I got into a fight yesterday in class, which I started.” I gripped my bookbag tight as the honesty escaped my mouth.
“Mhm, go on.” “Why were you fighting?” she straightened her poster after asking.
“I did not like the things they were saying about me.” my eyes then caught her phone vibrating on the desk.
“Go on,” she said and slipped her phone into the draw at her side.
“They were calling me terrible names in class.” “They also said that I’m a boyfriend thief.”
“Is this about Dorian?”
“Yes, but I was just trying to look out for Brithney.”
“Katie sometimes you just have to let them learn on their own.” “You’re a good girl, you have potential.” she cleared her throat and said, “I’ve read your file, incomplete assignments, and homework but you managed to pass your last examines.
I looked out the window and noticed some cars of the students and teachers were already parked up at the parking lot.
A few of the students were leaning on their cars, some of them were eating, some were chatting, and a few jocks were smoking behind a tree.
I instantly turned back to her way and said, “Yes.”
“I want you to see the guidance counselor from tomorrow after school.”
“Well it seems like you have a lot on your mind, and I happened to saw what took placed at brunch.”
I stared at her; I was confused. What did she saw at brunch?
“What did you see?”
She wrote on the slip and responded, “You threw yourself in and don’t ask me to finish.” “Do you think eventually I would not have come to you.? she asked and handed me the paper.
I remained quiet; she had observed it all that day.
“I am not going to suspend you if you do as I tell you, I rather you get your feelings out.” she handed over a red diary.
I opened it to the empty pages that she wishes for me to put my feelings in.
“Thank You.”
“Katie, I know high school can be tough.”
How does she know, she does not have to face mean rich girls every day?
“How would I know right?” “Well, I was once like you, pretty, smart but attracted to the wrong crowd.”
I scratched my nails into the red diary, and she said, “I even did some stupid things but with the help of supportive people I got better.”
“My parents are far from supportive; they are always busy.”
“Ring!” “Ring!”
“Then make your guidance counselor your guide, or even you can come to me.” “I am here whenever you need me.
I picked up my burgundy book bag, I looked at the principal once more as I gripped onto the diary, she had given me earlier. I was unsure if I was ready to come face to face with my first class this morning. I walked through the busy hall to my locker, everyone was blunt staring at me, I guess they were welled informed of the fight. I opened my locker to put away the diary inside and took out my chemist textbook. As I was about to close in my locker, I felt someone yanked my hair, I quickly turned around to see the hideous appearance of Shelly, Jessica, and Brithney in the middle. Not far stood the presence of Maya and Ariana who was observing everything.
“What’s up skank?”
I guessed Brithney only had power around her cohesive of pigs, otherwise, she was just a wannabe. I slammed my locker in. She was jealous, it was written all over her face.
“I get it, you are embarrassed that your so-called boyfriend kissed me in front of your stuck-up girls.”
“How dare you wretch?” Brithney uttered and the entire hallway gazed in astonishment.
Shelly laughed as though it would abash me and said, “We all know you have been begging him for attention.”
I smiled, they were just an amusing bunch of delusional girls, suddenly Brithney grabbed hold of my dress sleeve.
“You don’t want to start something you can’t finish Brithney.” I turned my head to sight her hand gripped on.
“What is going on Jess?” Dorian said after he entered the crowd.
“Please, stay out of it.”
“Oh yeah, what is poor Katie going to do?” Jessica uttered.
The other girls laughed from my class; I did not want to get into any more trouble with these girls, but they kept pushing me to. I got this rushed that instantly came out from my body and in no time, I slammed her to the other locker side.
“I need to, or she might kill Brithney,” Dorian said to Jess and then rushed to our sides.
He gripped hold of my waist whilst her hand kept its grabbed on my sleeve, I had her pinned against the locker of Ariana’s.
“Katie, find that sound of a waterfall and breath.” he pressed against my back with the front of his body hoping I would let her go.
Brithney eyes were filled up with water ready to burst out in tears when he rested his face close to mine. My face instantly turned to my heartache; his gaze had lowered its stare to my lips. Perhaps he was trying to end this drama that he had started in the first place. He slowly took my hand off her shoulder and immediately her face turned to the other direction in disbelief.
The second bell went for the first period to begin, he quickly placed his hand in my trembling one and pulled me to go with him.
“Dorian!” Jess called out into the far distance of the crowd that stood surprised, but Dorian ignored him, and we went out the doors of the school.
I pulled my hand away from his as we reached the path to the lakeside, “What are you doing?”
He turned to me and stared into my furious eyes, I gasped when he pulled me into a hot passionate kiss. He was tenderly massaging my lips with his and his hand instantly gripped my lower back. Jess and Brithney stood at the top of the stairway, Jess held his head down while tears flowed down Brithney’s face.
His touch was different from the first time he laid hands on me. The wind grew cruel when I moved back from him. I looked at him with uncertainty, why were his feelings changing towards me.
“No, once but twice.” “What do you want?”
He grabbed my hand and pulled me into him, “You!”
My nose touched his as I halted my lips from kissing him although I had desperately desired to all those years. “You know you can’t deny us.”
I closed my eyes by his fragile words, I could not deny he had been playing games. Brithney could not stand losing him, she quickly ran to the car park, after being humiliated she just wanted a getaway. I bit my lower lip to fight the urge of kissing him when his hand touched my face as he waited for me to say something.
My eyes remained closed and he passed his hand gently up to my neck, he was caressing my body and making it hard to let go.
In class, Mr. Henry was waiting to start the chemistry class, “Where is Dorian?” “I swear I saw that boy in the car park.”
“Sir can I use the restroom?” Nev politely asked, he knew both Jess and Dorian were out of class.
The teacher's face grew stern, he was indecisive if to let Nev go. Avan looked at Nev and placed his hand on his stomach. He was gesturing for Nev to make an excuse.
Nev immediately got up from his seat, “Sir I can’t hold it anymore.” he gripped his mouth and ran out the door.
“Jess where is Dorian?”
He pointed to the lakeside where we stood gazing at each other, “Dorian, Henry is looking for you!” Nev shouted.
In no time I switched my gaze to them, "Brithney.”
Quickly, I ran away from his side and up the stairs, my eyes crossed with Jess as I made it to the top, “Where is Brithney?” I asked.
“She left after seeing you two kissing.”
It was not my intention to hurt her, I did not know what had taken over my body but a part of me wanted Dorian as I watched him stood there. “I got to go.”
I ran to the car park not far in search of her, my eyes looked around for Brithney car, but she was already gone. I quickly got into mines to go look for her, I was desperate to find her.
“Let’s go,” Dorian said to his both friends before walking back inside the school.
They both looked at each other before entering after him, Jess was curious about D's motives because instantly his selections had changed from Brithney to me. Jess thought Dorian had returned from his father's covenant with a change of heart and he did not inform him about the investigation. Jess thought that he should just pay a visit to Andrei soon.
I had parked in front of Brithney’s place where she did not show up. I had already waited ten minutes and there were no signs of her or her parents around. I did not want to stick around any longer because my parents’ shop was not too far from here. I swiftly drove off, I could not return to school, not after what had happened, instead, I tried calling her phone but instantly I was sent to voicemail. She could not have blamed me for what transpired, she knew the type of guy Dorian was, a cold heartless player.
“Come on Brithney, pick up,” I said parked up in a corner street.
I was out of ideas on where she could of possibly go, this was all my fault, maybe if I did not stick my nose in the first place things would have been different. I spent my entire school day in the mall hoping she would show up, but I was out of luck. Ariana had sent me a message about how disappointed she was with or group, I had to call her.
I dialed her up seeing that school was already over, “Hey.”
“Hi,” she answered.
“He kissed me, and I don’t know what to say.”
She sighed over the phone, “Maybe he likes you but did not know how to admit it.” “Where are you?”
“I’m at the mall food court.”
“Go home, Katie.” “This isn’t your fault, she told me that he chased her out that night and she begged him to be with her.”
“I don’t understand.”
“He likes you, at least this is what he told Avan after the party.”
How could I have forgotten Ariana and Avan had been talking, “Talking about Avan, what is going on with you both?”
She chuckled and then said, “Well we went out two nights after the party.”
Now I realized why she was busy, Avan had been on her agenda all those times.
“So, tell me the details.”
“Not over the phone.” I put the phone on speaker, and she implied, “Check me at nine.”
“Brithney will come to her senses, don’t worry.”
“Still nothing has changed the fact that something is up with Dorian.”
“Katie lets be real, let’s say he is really what you said he was.” “Wouldn’t he have hurt you already if he wishes to?”
I quickly removed her from the speaker as an elderly man passed by. “Give him a chance Katie.”
“Let me think about it, please.”
“Okay, bye,” she said.
I then hung up the call and waited for my coffee while I sat there thinking about it all. I did not know him, but she was right, he could have hurt me if he wished to. I needed someone else opinion besides my friends, after the mall, I headed straight to my parent’s business. I went courageously into my dad’s office without seeking permission to, I had to get both of my parent's attention for once.
“Katie what brings you here?” he asked after he checked his watch for the time.
“Dad I have to tell you something important.”
His eyes immediately stared at my stomach, “What happened Katie?” “Are you...”
“No, that’s not it.” I suddenly stopped him from saying anything foolish.
“It’s this boy Dorian, he is some freak with red eyes.”
“Ha-ha.” He chuckled at my words, “Good one Katie.”
“No dad, I caught him and some of his friends robbing the quick shop.” “His eyes were all red and stuff.”
“Katie enough!” he shouted and then said, “Don’t let anyone hear you saying such things.”
“I’m telling the truth.”
“That’s it, no more from you.” he grabbed my arm and said, “I suggest you keep your mouth shut.”
My eyes widened; this was the first time my father had ever spoken to me in such a manner. I pulled my hand from his grip and directly stormed out of the building.
“Dorian, I need to see you!”
“Who is this?” Dorian asked.
“Meet me at the lakeside at 8 pm sharp.”
The rest of the week, my father seemed to be hiding something from me. Every time I tried to bring up the conversation of Dorian being supernatural, he would cut me short in front of mom and walk away. He was keeping his meetings low with D, but I had already figured it out because I had followed him. There were a few times I noticed Dorian stopping by the house and getting into my father’s car after school. I just needed to know what they were hiding from me, most of all why father was ignoring my words.
Dorian: Katie would not understand but I must do this, I am not going to leave this town because her so-called father insists on it. Is he forgetting who I am? I am the son of Andrei, the head of the sorcerers. We will fight back; I will listen to Jess and take his advice. I must tell her the truth since he would not tell me the truth about himself.
It was a rainy Saturday morning; I was home alone in my underwear and a long t-shirt with a bowl of cereal listening to Royals by Lorde. Suddenly there was a constant knocking coming from the front door.
I slowly opened it to see, "Dorian?"