I shut my eyes in panic and shivered thinking that they will try to hurt me, instead, Jess moved closer and opened the van door.
“You can come in and wait for these,” he said while taking out the tray one by one.
They still could not get me to open those eyes of mines, so they invited me into the party to collect the trays. I had no choice but to wait for my mom's belongings. I slightly spread my fingers that covered my eyes to see if they were still around. No one was in sight, only Jess stood by the back-entrance door to the kitchen as he waited for me.
“It’s better inside than to be out in the cold,” he said then smiled warmly.
I nodded my head and gradually walked to his side. I did not want to be here; I did not want to see Brithney or the rest of my friends. Anywhere but here would be nice.
“Don’t be scared, I know Dorian can get to you sometimes.”
As I walked in from the kitchen, I saw Ariana sitting there and suddenly a text message came to my phone.
I did not recognize the number, but it stated, "He is going to hurt her!"
“What?” Jess asked.
I looked at my phone once more, “Nothing.”
“Okay, so you can wait here with everyone.” “I have to go check something.”
I asked briefly “Where is Brithney?”
“I’m not sure,” he said, then left me standing there alone.
Is it Brithney Dorian is going to hurt? She already sounded drunk from the conversation earlier on. Also, she was planning to give herself away to him, this made my speculations obvious. Now I needed to find her through this crowd. Not paying heed to what Jess ordered me to do, I flashed out of the kitchen in full force. I did not know I had such speed in me but as soon as I made it to the living room I came to a halt. The room was swarmed with students from my school and Mirror Crystal students. They were all holding drinks and looking all cheerful as I scoped out the scene for my friends. My eyes somehow caught Avan and Ariana having a comfortable conversation. Spotted not far was his resentful ex, Jessica. She seemed incensed as she keeps gulping down drinks at the bar side. I could see everyone around, Maya playing with her shoe buckle perhaps bored, Nev in a corner with some of the jocks carrying on a discussion. Brithney was not around nor was Dorian, I needed to find them.
Unsure what to expect but I could not just let him continue intimidating me. I went up the stairs and began to ask around but as always, no one seemed to know. I continued to make my way to the top; there it was a huge door that wanted me to find it. The only door left half-opened, for me to enter. I just had to look inside without considering what was going on.
As I barged inside pushing the red door wide open, I could only see him over her half nude body.
Ewe, I thought in my mind. Why did I have to see this sight?
"What the hell Katie!" she shouted instantly on hearing the door open.
Dorian immediately moved from over her and I could see how furious he was. Brittney got off the bed and quickly dressed as I stood there staring at him. I realized, he had set me up, this was deliberately done.
“Why are you here Katie?” his audacity questioned me as he puts on his white t-shirt before his jacket.
“You want D now that I’ve gotten him!” she ferociously shouted at me.
I grabbed her by the hand insisting that she should come with me. In fury, she quickly pulled her hand away from my grip.
“Hell no.”
The atmosphere grew extremely cold, I had melted their heated indulgence. She thought I wanted him, so she did not give into my heed.
“Please Brithney, let’s go.” I insisted.
“Shut up Katie, I know you wanted him.” As her right-hand reaches out to smack my face I held it back and immediately fling it to her side.
"He is using you for his list, you idiot!" I shouted as I pushed her away.
The argument prevailed as Dorian enjoys every moment being the center of attention. He wanted us to battle over him just for more ranks.
She picked up her handbag and said, “Ugh, Dorian meet me downstairs.” “This fool is not going to give up.”
I could not tolerate her doubting me, she would not listen and now she was insulting me. Instantly I slapped her across the face, likewise, she immediately smacked me back. In a fit of rage, I felt her push me onto the bed. I guess she wanted to fight with me, but he was so quiet, and I did not want him to get the best of me. I was not so desperate for his attention; this was not even about me being interested in him. He was just hiding his identity; this is something I had come face to face with. I got off the bed and looked at them, I could no longer try to save her from him and maybe he might win after all.
"Fine go ahead with him!" my sarcastic words as I glanced him directly in the eyes letting go of the situation.
He stared at me so innocently, “You should go too Brithney.”
He was insisting that she should leave, I then walked off on them, but she did not follow behind. My heart was pulsing so fast as I made my way out and into the hallway. I felt terrible that we were fighting over a guy, one that I liked even before her. I guess she got there before me, now I wished her the best by her choice. I was not surprised she chose him over me, I had seen it coming for a while now. As I made my way down the stairs I ran into Ariana.
Without saying anything to her I kept going, I was tired of explaining myself to people. I should have never paid heed to his message, maybe I would not have embarrassed myself tonight. Worst yet, Brithney loves to spread gossip and I know she was impatient to propagate this incident. I ran out the kitchen backdoor, I was in a hurry to get in the van and leave this place.
As I struggled to set my key in its place, I felt the hand of someone hold mines and turn it into the keyhole.
They remained firmed behind me; I could feel our closeness as they pull open my door halfway. I turned my face slightly to see an unfamiliar face next to mine, pieces of his hair fell in front of his eyes. His breathing flowed out and I felt the warmness of it against my neck. I was waiting for him to release my hand and at that moment I felt calm.
There was no word from him, I could not recall him going to my school. He was not from here; I was certain about that. I turned around gradually only to come face to face with him. Suddenly we heard some of the students coming out the door, one of them began throwing up in Dorian’s desert rose garden.
“I think I had too many to drink.” the girl held her stomach and exclaimed.
“Hey, drink this.” I saw Nev handing them a bottle of water.
Most of them were pretty wasted as the night was still young. Looking to my left I saw some girls stripped off their garments and run down to the open lakeside. My eyes then caught the man that assisted me earlier staring at me. I guess he was not going to speak, perhaps he was a friend of Dorian or related to him somehow, why else will he be here.
“Thank you.”
Without saying a word his hand reaches out and touching my side he yanks the key. He then placed it in my hand and remained the same, mysterious-looking and still. He was a closed treasure box, his pale skin, pink lips, and beautiful dark hair. I stared at his body, he wore a black jeans coat and a black vest inside, and his black jeans completed his look. I felt the rain droplets on my face and lightning stroke above the dark sky. I was assured I left home with stars bright in the sky, but I guess the weather had changed in no time. The rain wanted to burst down any moment.
The voice of Jess called out, “Katie I have been looking for you.”
Instantly he broke the moment. Quickly the tall handsomeness placed his helmet on and got on his 1290 SDR motorbike.
He speeds out in the night leaving a mystery behind of himself. I am sorry he did not stay any longer. Why did he run off leaving the party? The rain poured down on me, I watched the gates open as he left.
“Do you know him Katie?” with the trays in his hands Jess asked.
I did not know what to say so instead I asked, “Do you?”
Jess immediately looked at me, his quietness showed he was hiding something. I opened the back door for him and then stood there watching him pack the trays in. I could not get the moment with the stranger to go away, I kept recalling his face.
“Are you in a hurry?”
“Yes, I should get out of here.” I closed the door as he stepped back.
“Then drive safe.”
I started the van and left for home, I was soaking wet, my night was embarrassing but in the end, a mystery guy came my way.
I drove off only to notice D in the rear-view mirror, he had walked up to Jess as he watched me leave.
“Why are you out here.”
“It’s just, it’s nothing.”
They both went back to the party; Dorian was worried that Jess was not enjoying the party. He seemed to have a lot on his mind tonight. D had tried to make the celebration less vulgar because he knew it was not Jess's preference. For the rest of the night Jess remained in his thoughts, it was like he saw a ghost tonight. He sipped on some scotch and watched his friends enjoy the night. He just wanted to cut the cake and called it a night.
“Someone left this for you.” Nev handed over a wrapped box to Jess.
“Where did you get this?” he asked.
“It was outside on the front porch,” he said.
Nev stared at all Jess’s presents on the huge dining table, he was wondering why someone would leave a gift outside. Perhaps someone was drunk and took it up from the table, he thought.
Jess took the gift with him upstairs; he was curious to see what was inside the wrapped box.
I was on the main road heading home, passing the rainy town of Juneau. I was two minutes away from home and suddenly I noticed the motorbike of the stranger behind. I slowed down in front of my house and he did the same. As the car came to a halt, I grabbed my bag and quickly got out with the keys. I slammed in the door, he stopped his bike before me and took off his helmet. I stood in the rain as it poured heavily on us. I continued to gaze upon him as he sat on the bike also staring at me. I was hesitant to walk over to him and confront him even though I was not scared. I was astonished by his mysterious gorgeous-looking face. What did he want with me? I could not tell, I wished I could read his mind and make things easier. He started the engine again as a white car approached behind him. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared once more before me. I held my bag with both hands as my body shivered with uncertainty. I heard my phone chime in my pocket.
“Shoot.” I just remember, my phone is getting wet.
Quickly I head for the porch and opened the front door only to hurriedly lock it back. I pulled out my phone, it was a text from Dorian inquiring if I got home safe. I still did not know how he got my number; I should get it changed soon. Jess had finally found a safe room to unravel the gift box. He shut the door locked away from the commotion around him. His eyes widened with shock when he saw a gift card attached with the initials C.V.
Inside he found a sealed letter, he reads. I know you asked me to keep my identity hidden, even though I do not trust you I am allowing you to change that. Do not come looking for me, keep pretending that you do not know me, I want you to. Remember to visit Mia, she misses you. Finally, do not get in my way, I have come here for a reason with Alawai’s permission. Oh, almost forgot, Mia, sent you a present. Happy Birthday.
Jess was torn with emotions, the loud bang on the door made him jump. A voice then calls his name, he quickly placed the letter in his pocket to hide it away. It was time to cut the cake, Jess. Happy Birthday.
The following day, I woke up with an intense headache and a stuffy nose. I was not capable of getting out of my bed on this beautiful warm Saturday morning. The sunray shined through the white curtains of my opened balcony door. It was now seven in the morning; I switched the radio on at my bedside only to hear the song stranger from Secondhand Serenade playing. What a coincidence, it made me think of that guy from last night. There is always a song you can listen to and relate to it somehow, perhaps I was feeling like that. A beautiful song to a lovely morning is what I needed right now.
Although I wanted to remain in a fairy tale, I knew I had to face reality soon. Eventually, it was not going to go away so easily, Brithney hated me, Ariana was out of reach and only Maya seems to be the exceptional one. Today we were all supposed to do this thing, but the plans were spoiled since Brithney suspected I wanted Dorian. As much as hearts had to burn in sorrow, there was nothing I could do to make a difference. Whatever we had to do today was no longer important to them anymore.
Today made it six years since we declared our friendships, I thought they would have wanted to savor the time with me, but I was disappointed. No one spoke about it the entire of last week, I guessed Dorian’s party was more on their minds. Brithney kept saying she would have gotten us invited and so it happened she did, mission accomplished. Perhaps, our friendship was fading, it just took a while for me to notice.
On the other hand, Jess had something important to tell Dorian, his suspicions had grown stronger now. Although he wanted to keep a big secret hidden from D, there was still something he needed to say. There was so much on his mind and he dreaded something big yet treacherous lies ahead for them.
Dorian enters his room and instantly saw Jess was sitting by the window side. He was surprised to see him there; he placed the cup of tea on the table by the door side. Jess immediately turned around and saw Dorian standing by the doorway.
“Jess, you’re up early.”
Jess had not slept all night; he knew a cold war was brewing covertly and he needed Dorian to understand.
He said in an insisting voice, “We need to talk.”
He closed the door and said, “Is everything alright Jess?” Dorian was feeling a bit concerned, he noticed the change in Jess's personality.
Jess, "Dorian you need to know something, the archers are here, and it certainly means the brothers are closer than we thought."
“How do you know this?” Dorian was eager to know the reason behind all this.
“I saw an archer last night.” “We both know your father will willingly hunt down the brothers, but did he send them?”
Dorian sat down on the bed; he was trying to process everything Jess had said.
“We need to tell my father his nephews are back.”
“Let’s see what happens first.” Jess was hoping D would agree.
They could both read each other's minds, but Jess did not wish to stoop so low, he wanted to hear it from Dorian’s mouth.
"There is no turning back now, what needs to be done should happen now." Dorian implied.
Jess walked to the bed and respond with a thoughtful message, "Everything depends on you now."
“I also have something to tell you.” he said while Jess stared at him, “Something is up with Katie.”
“What do you mean?”
“I used the one-grade spell on her to forget.” “No luck, she suspects I am not a human.”
“Why you did not use your vampire abilities.”
Dorian sighs, he wished he did think of that sooner, he was able to do more than a spell and forgot.
“You know father does not encourage my hybrid abilities.”
“Wait, you said you performed the Omit spell?”
“That’s what I said.” “I did it right too.”
“You know that spell supposed to work on immortals or mortals?”
Looking at each other they became baffled.
“I knew it, Katie’s dad looked familiar.” Jess said, “I saw him a few times at the covenant, late at night.”
Dorian got up from the bed and said, “I think I know what I have to do.” “Father once told me that some of our spells do not work on certain sorcerers.”
“You mean of the dark bloodline?”
“You think she is of this?”
Jess was afraid that Dorian was going to try to get involved, he needed him to stay out of it, especially with the brothers. Jess had done his research and suspected they would not have come to Juneau without being certain that the answers they sought were near.
“D, please do not do anything stupid.”
Dorian smiled; he was up to no good. He knew exactly why they had come, after all his father was responsible for what had happened to them. For sure in his thoughts, he did not desire to see things in their favor this time. Although they were two brothers that had scholars at sorcery, Dorian could not resist proving his worth to his father. Dorian was eager to do some research now, he needed to investigate my family and me. He had suspected something was off the moment his spell failed to work on me. Jess however was against hurting people; he knew the archers were on Andrei’s side since the battle of the vampires and sorcerers. He thought Andrei had sent the archers to keep a close watch on the brothers now, only to lead everyone at Juneau. He thought the answer was right under their nose. Dorian quickly left without saying another word, he headed to his father on the outskirt of Juneau. The covenant he thought was the place that might have the answers he needed. He knew his father had the brothers under control for now, but he had to figure out my hidden truth.
The brothers were known to be the most powerful people that could ever enter Juneau but what was their business here. Maybe they had some scores to settle with old enemies. What was in Juneau that attracted two powerful sorcerers that much? Finally, some good news was here, my parents were back home from their short trip. It was a Saturday night family dinner at home, my mother had prepared the most scrumptious food. I was eager to dig in after being sick all day and I slept through the day on an empty stomach. I had recovered with all the sleep and some medication.
I sat at the dining table and said, “Mom, this looks yummy.”
She smiled and placed the red velvet cake on the table as my father stared at her.
“So, Katie, tell me what you did yesterday?” my father asked while he sliced the juicy roasted chicken.
My mom took her seat and I said, “I read books all day.”
“Really?” “Which?”
How could I have forgotten my mom love books, she loved to sit back with a book in her hands and a glass of wine by her side.
“Um, one my teacher gave me.”
My parents looked at each other and my father inquired, “What is the name?”
I had not done any reading last night, did they forget that they had sent me on a mission last night and I met a stranger.
“The Stranger.”
My father raised an eyebrow and my mother sipped on her wine, “What is it about?” she asked, then said, “I would like to take a read.”
“Oh, dear have you seen your mother’s Mayacamas Vineyards wine.”
“Cough!” “Cough!”
I almost choked on my food; I nodded my head.
“Are you alright?”
“Yes, mother, just the cold.” “I did not see it, dad.”
I quickly sipped on my juice; I was enjoying the food but not their interrogating. I could see my father was a bit spaced out, what was he thinking at that very moment, I wished to know.
“Your father does not want to admit that he took it up.”
“Darling I know how much you admired it.”
“Maybe you took it by mistake?”
I was causing my parents to argue for a bottle of wine, I had already drunk that and forgotten about it. Why could they just not get past it and enjoy this dinner in peace? I watched them both as they argued over the table, I presumed it was more than just the wine, possibly something happened on their trip.
“Mom, Dad, I have homework to finish.” “Goodnight.” It was becoming awkward sitting there; it was necessary to make an excuse to leave.
“Goodnight,” she responded.