Supernaturals Exist

She was always more like a Gothic chick and mostly all to herself even before her mother’s death. Ariana could be easily described as a beauty with smoky black hair, red lips, a tight body, and deep dark blue eyes with a story hidden inside. She was like a red rose flower in the pale cold snow. Her broken personality she tried to hide while she was among her friends. She sat on a wooden bench behind the school puffing on a cigarette. It was the only way she could relax and keep the stress away just for a bit.

"Ariana!” A female voice shouted out.

Ignored it.

“Ring!” “Ring!”

The bells sounded for the first period.

Everyone was settling in class except for late Ariana and myself. Miss Jenny was already at the board writing up some quotes.

The voice of annoying Shelly "Ariana and Kk..."

"What's that Shelly?" I grinned when I walked to my seat.

There goes my reminiscence again, I had the tendency to hate Shelly, she was never friend material. One time she had trampled my chance to speak with Dorian. There I recalled I was approaching him at his lunch table and moments away my hair was filled with a green slushy. With my hands held on to his textbook that he had forgotten in Miss Jenny's class, I turned to see Shelly behind me. Yes, it was deliberately done but I did not run away in shame. Oh no, I was not the type of girl to run away and cry, instead, I hit her the book in her worthless face. That was just two months ago, I bet he had already forgotten but she never did. I recalled him laughing at my actions after I remained standing in front of her.

Maybe if I did run away and cried, he might have come after me, so you would think but remember he had his reputation. Dorian and Shelly used to be a hookup couple and nothing more, yet she was still overly protective of him.

Shelly had once stolen Jessica’s Avan, there were numerous times I caught them under the stairs making out. That is why she hated me so much. She was more of a person to easily stab you in the back and steal your boyfriend type. Shelly was the most popular girl in our school and a total seducer in my opinion. She dressed like one, short skirt, cleavage sees through the top and a little help from her push up bra of course. She always wore her blonde hair down with a ribbon bando and pink shades of lipstick was usually her choice. She had beautiful green eyes that matches her well-done make-up and contoured nose. Shelly was known for attracting attention from the guys along with her follower Jessica. They were both stock-up girls that came from wealthy families of doctors and university lecturers. Shelly’s father is an electrophysiologist at Juneau’s Hospital, while her mother is an English professor at Excelsior University. Jessica's mom Lauren and Shelly’s mother Hailey lectures in the same college and had always been best friends since fifth grade. Jessica’s father was a Marine Biologist, who had passed away five years ago from a brain tumor.

Miss Jenny was so focused on the board that she did not even notice when I came in. Someone smelled like nicotine as she boarded her seat behind me. I did not want to bring up the topic of it during class because it was not a good time to do so. I was in glee as I admired the crush that sat near to me. I finger comb my hair just so it can fall a little to the right side of my face. Slightly covering my right eye, it was just enough to spy across Dorian's side as he sat there beaming bright all so charming and innocent. Mm, what is he doing? Of course, tapping his pen on the textbook-like he always does.

There was a smile when he turned my way to speak with his Jess.

"Party later?" he asked.

"D I'm not sure, let's hang out instead," replied Jess.

Dorian smiled; he took it as maybe a yes. He knew that there was still going to be alcohol involved, something he wanted. Dorian was known for the master of parties and all fun. He had a reputation and he always manage to keep the girls going all out for him. There was not a single thing that Dorian could not have. Everything he wanted was easily given to him because he was rich and good-looking. After three classes lunch had just begun and all four of us girls got together to plan for the weekend. It was always the same typical boring topic about shopping day, movie night out, girls slumber party and choosing colleges.

In my mind, I thought “Blah blah!” Nothing ever involved guys when it comes to my girls.

It never gets old, and each of us never opened to one another about our crushes. It would cause some one-on-one girl fights. Although I wanted to let it out, how desperately I wanted Dorian in my bed, I know I could not say. Brithney would hate me for feeling such a way about him. She was crushing on him the same way I did; the sad thing is I caught her once talking to him. I am not certain if they secretly had some sort of friendship. I wished to let her know how I feel before she made it clear, but I could not because Dorian and I never spoke. Ariana kept to herself all the time, then why should not I? I could only let her in on it because I knew she cared about Avan. Deep down in that dark heart of hers, she had feelings for the hot stud. For a while now she knew how I felt about Dorian and all but somehow, I could never pick her mouth about Avan and her addiction to cutting herself. It was seen by me from the stretch wrist band she wore and the way she kept pulling it to a certain spot. Trying to hide something?

Gothic my foot, I thought in my mind, it was just a cover-up to hide her emotions. She was scared to say how she felt because we may all get hurt. I wanted to be selfish, if it were not meant to be after risking exposing my feelings, then I might feel hurt. I considered it before if he did not like me back it would be alright. I knew I had nothing to lose, senior year was over. I may not have to see these people again; I can just go to California as I dream of.

I slowly walked off on the girls and there he stood by himself. For the first time, his eyes caught mines only to make me melt on the spot. As he passed his hands on his falling hair back to his head. I managed to gather up some courage to walk up to him. Seeing that I got his attention alone. Step by step I slowly moved towards his corner, but it was too late. In no time I was pushed away by some of his friends and I bet they were planning to hook up with some of the hot girls at school. The sly grins and excitement made it clear to me that it was nothing more than this. I thought to myself how he was an ass, no different from the others. Except for Nev, he was so simple and true. D loves to play games and his favorite of all was.

"Who can get the most girls in bed!" I shouted without thinking as I remained standing there.

His eyes focused on me, I guess he had heard me, but I was not so loud for the other guys did not turn my way. This had me thinking that we girls were on his list and somehow Brithney would love herself if so. Even though I had feelings for Dorian I did not want to expose it now. I knew the type of guy he can be. It was clear to me that he was just the rich playboy who believed that he could have any girl he wanted. I did not want him to think that he could have me so easily now like the rest. I quickly walked away from his site; I knew it was the best thing to do.

After leaving Ariana's dwellings, I began my journey walking home. It was late, I just wanted to reach home and take a warm shower. I was just a couple of houses away from where I resided. As I was strolling through the night’s cold breeze, I could see the stars glittering brightly in the sky. Most of the houses on the street were already in darkness as people were fast asleep. There were no sounds of humans parading the streets, it was a beautiful silence to my ear. I rubbed both hands against my shoulders as the chills bit my tender skin. Either I had forgotten to wear a warmer jacket, or it was just extra cold tonight. However, I had loved the atmosphere, alone and at peace. Even if my parent were at home, they would not have noticed my absence, but they were not.

They probably went to the Royal’s Crown Casino, where the ad says, “Never go home empty.”

On a Friday night like this, the casino would be crowded with so many familiar faces of Juneau. These residents had a propensity to gamble heavy, especially the rich. My parents would often go and spend their money, have loads to drink, and return home drunk with empty pockets. They did not care, for all they knew it was a pleasurable thing to gamble, they were not rich but happy in money. Their absence would only give me time to carry out whatever I desired.

Like tonight I stole from my mom’s cabinet a bottle of expensive Mayacamas Vineyards 2014 wine. I took the bottle over to Ariana’s; she had asked me where I got it from, and I told her it was just an old bottle. My mom was in love with the taste of the wine, so we drank it all and spent the night old talking. It was refreshingly delicious, and I could not wait to do it again with Ariana. Expensive wine and an interesting conversation about our crushes were what I called a great Friday night. I was coming close to the quick stop mart not too far from my home. I was reflecting on what Ariana had told me tonight, that I should forget him. She did have a point, after all, I was a sore loser, stealing my moms’ wine to get wasted. The wine had kicked in a little, I gradually drifted my path home. My head began to spin, I was feeling sleepy now, I was desperate for my bed.


There was a sudden loud sound of smashed glass being broken. Immediately I halted on spot not sure what to do. My heart was racing, as I looked around my sides to see. Unexpectedly there were giggles from males coming from my right side. It seemed like it came from the quick shop where I was standing in front of. Immediately I furtive behind some bushes just enough to see what was going on. I heard a voice somewhat like Jess insisting that they should not do it. There were big pieces of smashed glass stocked to the double entrance doors.

Slowly stepping back into the full blast of the moonlight I saw the charming face of my crush. He removed his black jacket and gave it to his friend Jess for safekeeping. In the blink of an eye, he spun straight through the shattered area of the entrance door and into the quick shop. He was as quick as a lightning flash while his friends just stood adjusted and calmed.

“O m g.”

I thought why my eyes had to see that. My mother used to say curiosity killed the cat. That was not affirmative, for him to succeed and made it on the other side without even falling or bruising himself. He could have harmed himself from the pieces of broken glass still stocked to the door frame. He seemed all right, there were no sounds of agony or bones being broken.


Dorian quickly opened the commercial doors complete with a banging kick. His accomplices each smiled as he fiercely walked back out, holding two cases of beers in both of his hands. With a smirk on his face, he then handed the cases over to his friends, Nev and Avan. I could see a luminous red color in his irresistible eyes when he smiled in excitement with his charming aspect. Was I seeing fine? Could they all do that? What are they? I needed to leave silently before they saw me present on their scene. It was just not my place to get involved in this messed-up situation. I would expect him to do something like this, so foolish but his eyes glowing red, that had shocked me. As I was about to walk away the air became thrillingly quiet, only my breathing loud could be heard.


“Ahhh” I jumped as I screamed in fear of seeing him.

Here I had realized curiosity did kill the cat as his acquaintances approached. My heart was racing, my thoughts were that they had caught me spying on their robbery. He was so rich, I bet he could have just purchased his beers from the quick shop, but it seemed like he was just rebellious and stubborn.

Folding in his right jacket sleeve D asked, "What did you see?"

“Mm.” I was lost for words by my distracted mind.

I did not know how to react to his interesting question. What did I see, I could not explain for I was darn confused? I needed to press playback and analyze that crazy moment he went through the shattered glass. Humans were not born with such speed and talents to smash through glass without getting stabbed.

“Look at me.” his stern voice with warm air as he gazed upon my still face.

I stood there in silence as I did not consider looking his way even though he wanted me to. Quickly, I try to run away from him but in no time the guys crowed around my body. I thought they were going to kill me if I told them what I saw happening.

"Look at me!" once again his demanding words as he pulled me by the shoulders.

It was the first time his soft hands touched me, I was between butterflies and fear. There was this churn in my stomach as I gulped my saliva. He was holding me at the wrong moment. I was afraid to look into his eyes for I would melt on the spot while drowning in them. He could not be human, not after what I saw. I felt so confused after seeing those red eyes, I just kept my head down.

"Why should I?" I shouted at him whilst remaining with my head down.

I could tell he was annoyed by the way he gripped my shoulders tightly. He got closer and angry at me in one night. I picked the wrong night to walk home. It appears he needed me to look into his enchanting eyes. Dorian then held my chin up, instantly I shut my eyes hoping they would all go away.

“Katie, Right?” “Please don’t make this complicated.”

“Dorian, we should just leave.” Jess gestured with his hand pulling Dorian’s shoulder.

I would never imagine Jess would try to help ease the situation, I was grateful he was here. I was so scared that he could see it all over my face and feel my shoulders shivering while he held them.

As the sirens were near, he came to a halt and whispered in my ear, “I’ll get you."

I did not know what surprised me the most, him being close to my face or what happened earlier on. The guys all manage to run off, they were swift on their feet. They headed down the opposite direction from the sirens. I then proceed to run to my house which was twenty steps away. As I got to my front door my hands were trembling trying to open the front door. I was terrified and alone and I know anytime they can return. I quickly grip my keys before they can fall on the wooden porch. I looked around the porch white lattice to see if there was anyone around, but the coast was clear.

Finally, I can breathe as I got inside the house. Immediately I latched all windows and door locks and then ran up to my bedroom locking myself in. It was already one o’clock in the morning and my parents were still out which made the situation even more complex. I knew that those boys were coming back for me. For goodness sake, this is not how I asked for Dorian.

Wishes do come true, just not the way we expect them to. Suddenly there were tapping sounds on my front door and windows as I concealed in fear. I could hear my name being whispered from every corner; it was like they were already inside the house.

“Leave me alone!”

They were driving me crazy, I just wanted it to go all away. I wished that I did not witness what I saw. I quickly picked up my phone and dialed Ariana. I needed to try and explain what had happened, but I could not. I know she was not going to believe me but at this very moment, I needed her here with me more than anything.

As she took up the call, in no time, “Hi please get here now, I need you.”

“Is everything okay? her calm concerning voice while she gripped the phone tight.

“Please come,” I said in a weeping voice with my nails dug into the floorboards.

“I am coming even though I’m grounded.”

“Hurry, please.”

Even though her father had forbidden her from leaving the house she still wanted to come over. I had faith in her as I ended the call between us. Never have I ever begged someone before to stick around me. I would usually prefer to be alone but not this time. Ariana managed to sneak out of her home and immediately headed straight to my place. Thank goodness we did not live far from each other, if I had to wait for my parents, I might be dead. I knew in my heart she would show up and that I could trust her to make this all go away. She was running to my home hoping I was alright come what may. Ariana did not know what to expect as she made her way up to the porch with a courageous heart. Using the spare keys, I had given to her, she promptly opened the front door. Defensively, she was gripping a club stick in the right arm as she gradually made her way in. Quickly, without turning around she back kicked the front door shut and twisted the lock closed. In her awareness, there was no room for fear because she had to keep a strong head for my safety. Ariana knew I was all alone but unaware that I was hiding in my bedroom as I waited for her.

“Katie are you there?”

I heard her voice calling my name from upstairs where I hid.

“I’m up here,” I shouted from my lungs as she came up the stairs.

She wanted to keep it that way, making sure I was still safe. The banging of glass windows had stopped, she came to the top of the stair and I could hear the squeaking sounds of footsteps on ply. Without noticing, my bedroom door was pushed open in force.

"Shoot!" "You scared me." “I thought it was them,” I muttered to her as I gradually climb onto the bed from the left side corner.

I was happy to see a friendly face by my side. I breathe out when she closed the door. It was not yet certain if the coast was clear, I was not certain if they had left. Without saying a word, she was looking out the windowpane to see if anyone was hiding around the house.

Moving from the window side, "Are you alright?" she stuttered looking me dead in the eyes. “Who are you so scared of?”

I immediately closed the blinds and went back to the bed. I was unsure how to explain everything.

“I don’t think anyone is here.” she sat on the bed and said.

Of course, I was not fine, my crush turned out to be some supernatural freak and no one was going to believe me. Worst yet they were out to torture me and probably eat me alive, I suspected. I had such a wild imagination, I kept thinking about all the things they could do to me. I knew I owed her a detailed explanation for I did not give her any over the phone. Whether she was going to believe me I just had to tell her everything.

“That’s because they are probably hiding in the brushes.” “Please stay with me.” I insisted as I grabbed her shoulders with a dead look in my eyes.

She sighed and pulled out her phone to check the time. It seemed like she was worried about getting into trouble at home.

“It was Dorian.” I just had to let it out.

“Dorian attacked you?” she was shocked after I mentioned his name.

“He’s a freak, Ariana!” I got up from the bed and uttered.

Ariana was baffled in thoughts and her face showed boldness of it. I know right, what will Dorian have with creepy Katie. Turns out it was the other way around.

“What are you saying?” “Did he try to rape you or something?”

It was far worse than that, the willing never calls it rape. She should have picked that up before.

“His eyes turned blood red and he was flying, spinning through the glass at the quick shop,” I said as my hands held the sides of my head.

She stood up from the bed and said, “O my goodness Katie.”

Her hand clutched mines and said, “Are you drunk?” “The alcohol was pretty tensed for the first time.”

This was absurd, she thinks I am drunk, If I were, I would have already been knocked out somewhere on the streets. Ariana was making a mockery of the situation; she did not believe me. Who will? Supernatural is just fiction people read or write. This was no tale of a princess falling in love with a prince. This was a story about a monster chasing a girl to torture her with all his might. After I stole my mother’s pricey wine and offered her it, she rubbed it in my face.

I questioned with stern eyes, “Are you trying to make me feel guilty for stealing that expensive wine?”

To be honest, I could not pronounce that name if I had to. I just knew my mother spoke highly of it, which made me steal it in the first place.

With her handheld on her waist, “I thought it was nothing Katie?”

Her face grew angry, I had deceived her.

“I am leaving.”

“You just going to run away with those freaks still out there?” “Aren’t you concerned about what had happened at the quick shop?”

I walked around her once and implied, “You probably passed the police there because it was a break-in.”

She would have noticed the sirens on her way here, it is something Ariana should not have disregarded. She took a moment to digest what I had said, something was highly fishy.


The phone buzzes with a message, I picked it up from my bedside table to read what was it.

I looked at her and confidently said, “It’s him.”

She quickly took the phone from my hand and read what it said, “I would get you next time, love, D.V”

He left his initials at the end; Dorian was not afraid to get caught after all. I was dumbfounded, he had my number now, impossible I thought.

“What is this about Katie?”

My frustrated tone, “I already told you.” “He caught me after I saw what they did to the store.”

She sat on the bed and indicated, “Please explain everything.”

I inhaled a deep breath and then let it out slowly, it was already two in the morning. I guess my parents were staying out, perhaps at a hotel. I sat on the bed as I got ready to clarify everything to my incredulous friend here. We stood awake as I recalled the entire incident that I witnessed tonight. I could see the fright on her face, she perhaps was thinking that I was on some drug just by her expressions. In her notions, possibly I was sounding insane but, in my mind, I was hoping that those boys were long gone and forgotten my existence. I barely slept the rest of the night, as Ariana remained by my side bolted in the bedroom. For that entire week, I was disturbed by the boys. On seeing my state Ariana would come over to stay with me till my parents were home. I was anxious to get even close to them while we had our classes. D tried to make his way closer to me at every chance he had gotten but failed. I knew it was unfeasible to avoid him, but I needed to try my utmost best.

One evening I was the only girl in the changing room. After a sweaty game of field hockey, I took a shower and was getting dressed. Suddenly I felt someone push me up against the wall.

“Look at me.” “It will only make things easier for you.”

I instantly noticed it was Dorian pinning both hands on the cold walls of the school as I remained wrapped in only my towel. How did he even get in the girls changing room without being noticed? Perhaps, everyone had left school already and Ariana was absent today. She was under the weather, I guess he grasped the opportunity to come at me.

I tried to fight my hands off, “Why are you here?”

“You gave me no choice.” his pink moist lips caught my attention.

He was trying again to make me look at him. I could not understand why he desired for me to stare into his cold eyes. I bit my lip and inhaled slowly before allowing my eyes to gaze upon his.

“Forget what you saw that night.” “Sle a frond omi ezel flemie.”

My eyes remained glaring into his gleaming red ones. I exhaled and replied, “I understand you want me to forget that night but what did you say?”

He had spoken some strange language to me, I could not understand what he meant by it, for nothing had changed. He was still a freak to my knowledge. His hands gripped tightly of my both wrists, perhaps Dorian was outraged by the way he did.

“Why can’t you forget?”

“What the hell?” Brithney walked in on us and saw him holding me down.

I shouted, “Brithney help!”

She uttered, “You selfish witch, how dare you?”

Leaving us there she stormed out of the girl's room in agitation. She had gotten the wrong impression. Brithney had given me no time to explain myself.

“You’re a lucky girl.”

Dorian followed behind; he was not willing to take any more risk by lingering around. Somehow, he wished I forget what had happened, but I could not even though he tried. I gripped my towel tight and hoped Brithney would not say a word about what she saw. The following day there was gossip going around in class and it led to the principal office. While the class was going on a teacher came walking in along with Brithney. She then went to her seat and the teacher was having a word with Miss Jenny.

"Dorian and Katie, Principal's office now!" immediately I heard Dorian and my name called out by Miss Jenny.

We both got up to make our way to the office, he glanced at me before proceeding and the rest of the class stared disturbingly at us. I had a feeling Brithney got jealous and reported a story that did not happen like her imagining. As we walked to the principal quarters, Dorian quickly snatched my hand, I tried to pull away, but he would not release them back. I could see the principal making her way to us and still he did not let go. Instead, he had an acquitted look on his face as she stops to confirm if what she was sighting was accurate.

“Ehm!” Ms. Maroon cleared her throat and waited for him to let go of my hand.

He chuckled, "Nothing mam!" as he gradually released my hand and winked at her.

In a strict tone, she asked, "What were you two doing yesterday in the girl's room?"

Huh? My expression was a confused one. I had no sort of excuse; I could not have told her that he was a psycho with strange abilities.

"Brithney said she saw you both together, is that true?" the principal exclaimed as she signs some papers.

That stupid witch, how dare she say that I thought in my mind.

“No, Brithney likes me you see but I picked Katie.”

Dorian denied the allegations and even exaggerated about us being a couple. I was stunned by his finishing words that he had picked me. What, it was a competition now?

She stared at Dorian as she breathes out, "Good I hoped nothing happened as you both know sex is prohibited at school."

Mrs. Crasberry was straightforward with her words. Perhaps, she thought Dorian and I were intimate. I was feeling the urge to kill Brithney now. I could not understand why she did this. She tried to jeopardize my life because she had a crush on him and thought I went behind her back. I already had so many warning letters on my file, the last thing I needed was another one for sexual conduct at school.

“We are very aware and if we need to have sex the school usually provides condoms.”

The principal gulped her saliva, she was lost for words, I turned to face him as I was even shocked.

Her stern but calm voice, “Mr. Valentino, not on my compound.”

“Ha-ha!” “I got you.”

As she walked off, “Are you crazy?” “The last thing I need is another warning letter.”

“Relax, my dad owns this school.”

Wow, so this gave him the authority to do what he wants and take advantage of others.

I was annoyed by his bragging “You are such a hypocrite.” “I need to get back to class.”

We did not get into trouble but for now, the principal would be keeping her attention on us for a while.

I left him standing there to reflect on what I said, I felt I was done trying to get him to notice me the way I desired.

Dorian: Why do Katie still remember that night even after I used the one-grade ultimate memory Omit spell. I need to inquire more, perhaps Jess would know.

It was a cool Friday, and the stars were luminous in the night sky over the town of Juneau. Unfortunately, we did not have a heated summer, the scorching sun, or lemonade sipping while diving in the warm lake. It was always cool, especially the cold lost woods. After that embarrassment at school with Dorian, I stayed in bed while everyone else was attending the big birthday celebration D was hosting for Jess. How spectacular you would think, but this was just an opportunity for D to get what he desired. It came to my knowledge that Brithney would be attending and rumor had it, Dorian was planning to take advantage of this. Ariana had given me the details that they received a late invitation at school from D to Brithney. He was happy to also have Brithney friends attend, after recognizing she was into him, he just had to send an invitation. Ariana also mentioned before that Brit determined she was going to let D take her virginity tonight. She was confident that he was interested in her after the couple of conversations they had.

He had told Brithney that I had dispersed a rumor about us being together, the reason he confronted me in the locker room. It seemed he was putting in the efforts to win her over and it was unquestionably working.

They were all lies, he seemed more dangerous than I thought. I still could not understand what he was under his beautiful skin. If I attended my heart would just get broken knowing that they would be together all night, even though I knew he was a beast inside. There was an incoming call from Ariana, I knew she was keen on getting me to attend.

"Yes," I answered.

“Have you considered attending tonight?”

I already had my excuse planned out, “No I am not feeling so well but enjoy for me.”

“But I need you,” she said as I stared at the time, it was already after nine.

I could hear Brits' voice in the background, “Get here Katie, we are all waiting and I’m drunk.”

How enthusiastic and ecstatic she sounded like all was forgiven between us. I knew she wanted me there just to brag and flaunt it in my face that she had the charming Dorian. Wow, good for her I thought. I did not want to mention to Ariana the list that Dorian had with names, his little game might well just play off tonight.

“I got to go; mom just text."

As I cut the phone off, I read the message from my mom. It stated that she wanted me to deliver some pastries to an event. Since I needed to take my mind off the party, I decided to take up the task seeing that my parents were busy. I text her back that I had agreed to do it. I then left home after changing into a casual floral mini dress.

The destination to my father's baking shop was not far from home, we lived close to the town. His workers were already finished and waiting for my arrival. Since both, my parents were out of town, I was willing to assist in the business in any way I potential could. After I picked up the goodies from my Dad's shop, I read the address that was given to me by text. It did not ring a bell to me, I have never heard of the address before. Thankfully, there were directions given that made it possible to get to the journey a bit easier.

After constantly driving around the blocks in circles here I was at a corner far from the main streets and town side. I spotted the dark lake that was written as part of the direction on the note. I knew I was closer to Mirror Crystal lake from the view. The scenery was a bit spooky from on the outside, there were no other houses around this area. The thought of it made me feel like turning back but my parents were counting on me. Who would even live in this secluded place? Suddenly the gates started to open, I could hear loud music being played from on the inside.

The house was breath-taking driving in from the outside pathway and the lake was continuing at the side of the mansion. It looked like a fairy tale scene, the crystal lighting, and lavish drapery at the second top half of the mansion. It looked vast enough for fifteen people each to have their rooms. As I parked to the side of it, I got out to open the back-door van. Before I could place my hand on the handle, I felt another appearance at the back of me. I turned slowly around to my worst nightmare, D and his friends stood prompted before me.