The Day goes by

The next morning, I was extremely too tired to get ready for school. After a restless and emotional night, all I wanted to do was stay in bed. I hated the thought that when I get to school D together with Brithney doing the lord knows what. As I stepped into my classroom, I noticed three new faces all dressed in black attire, they were already seated and waiting for class to start. I took my seat and observed that D and his groupies were not in class yet. Brithney was already seated with her head down all frown while she had earplugs in her ear. This was good that D was not with her. As I stared at the doorway hoping D would walk in, suddenly instead the mysterious archer walked in so graciously. He then gradually came towards my way and took a seat behind me when there were already so many ones available. After preventing himself from coming closer to me last night he decided to change his mind now. It now made sense why D was not in class today, he claimed that the archer was his father’s friend but perhaps it was a lie.

It was unusual that the four of them did not show up to class and that this guy happened to be a part of the archer’s team.

I then received a text from Maya stating that these were the archers she heard about. I turned my face just a little and glared behind my side where he was seated. The archers were present here at our school and for whatever reason was still a mystery. I was uncertain if they started attending our school from now on, I felt uneasy having them around. However, the mystery guy looked a bit mature enough for college and not high school and I doubt that he was a repeater. The first period was drama class, and the teacher was still not yet seen present.

“Hi, Katie are you alright?” leaning over my desk Ariana asked as she stood there concerned about me.

“I think I am,” I responded softly, and I tried to remain strong even though I wanted to cry.

She looked back and said, “Okay, the teacher is here, we will talk at lunch.”

I nodded my head in response and the teacher settled herself in to begin.

Ariana then went to her seat and Ms. Jenny was by her desk as she observed a pamphlet that was written safely in front of it.

“Good morning class, okay we have a few volunteers here to demonstrate self-defense.” she looked around only to notice her four favorite students were absent on the same day. “Sir why don’t your team come forward.”

I was wrong about him; he was not going to our school but volunteering. I thought this was part of their mission to come here as volunteers. Wow, he was rather ravishing with his black tresses and piercing dark brown eyes. I could not tell if he was one of the good or bad ones. I could not find any fault in him besides possibly that he was the reason D was absent. During class, we were learning so much from the archers on the lessons of self-defense except for my mystery guy, he said nothing besides observed.

“So, class my name is Charlotte, and my favorite move is the groin kick.”, everyone laughed when the young female archer spoke. “Ladies this should be an easy attack to the front of a guy.”, she demonstrated and said, “Lift your dominant leg and drive the knee upward.” Charlotte stood in a straight position facing her opponent and extended her leg out, “Extend the leg and kick forcefully out and make sure to drive that hip forward for effect.”

The girls in the class started giggling at the boys, some of them were perhaps eager to attempt this.

“I wonder when that tall handsome man will teach us his sex attack.” Shelly stared at the stranger that stood in front of us.

Brithney leaned over to Shelly and said just enough for me to hear, “I don’t mind getting down for him.”

“Oh, Brithney you whore, didn’t you enjoy D already?”

I shook my head and widen my eyes at their annoying conversation.

“I almost had him, but some people are just so desperate for him too.”

“Well, babes you should speak to him.” Shelly grinned and replied to Brithney, “Anyways, let me have this one.”

They both smiled and stared at him.

“Is it true he saved Katie at the brunch?” Jessica asked and they all glimpsed at me.

I could tell she was speaking about me and that she wanted to itch my nerve, but it was not possible to do because something at that moment made me felt calm. I looked at him and noticed him leaned on the desk with his eyes gazed at me.

“Yes, he did, he was all wet in his suit that morning,” Brithney said and bit into her apple after.

“Lucky bitch she was.” Shelly annoyed.

Jessica pulled her desk closer to the girls and said, “Also, my mom said that he took her home.”

“Why am I now hearing about this?” with her elbow pressed against the desk and her head leaned into her palm Shelly waited for a response.

“Well, it had always been about D till he started showing up.”

“You think he touched her cookies?” Shelly's eyes widen when Brithney made the statement.

“Perhaps she lost her v card to him, let’s ask Dorian!” Shelly uttered.

The girls laughed out loud and Ms. Jenny scolded them, “Shelly, that behavior will not be tolerated, girls.”

“Sorry mam!” the girls uttered, and my eyes continued to stare at him.

The three girls looked at each other and smiled, finally there was some new competition in Juneau. They saw him as a hot stud but to me, he was more of a mystery man. They seemed to think that I had scored with him but honestly, he was complicated. As they were distributing booklets, he approached my desk with one.

He tardily handed me one and I asked, "Why are you here?"

He quickly ignored my question as if he did not hear me.

“Ring!” “Ring!”

The first period was now over, I remained in my seated area as the girls surrounded me.

“So, I heard you slept with that guy and Dorian refused you because you won’t a virgin.” on the spot Shelly made up another rumor.

“No, but maybe I should have before.” I smiled and then said, “Come to think of it, maybe it isn’t too late.”

I got up from my desk and then made my way out of the classroom, I was pleased on seeing the jealousies and mostly I was proud of myself for just letting it go a bit. After torturing hours of school and no D, I was happy to go home. I slowly took my time and walked home minding my own business. Instantly a black jeep pulled up to the side and a muscular woman approached me and quickly shoved me into the jeep. Immediately I screamed in her ear and my eyes noticed to my side was the mysterious archer. I stared into his eyes like I was not afraid of him but deep down he knew I was probably a bit.

“You are a brave one, aren’t you?’

I did not reply to his question, instead, I asked as the van drove off, “Where are you taking me?”

I could not tell him anything, I was unaware of Dorian’s whereabouts. I was not going to trust this stranger even if I admired him.

The van slowly came to a halt, he then got out and the woman grabbed my arm, “Let’s go!”

I immediately got out of the jeep by her force. I first noticed that I was in front of my home.

"If you know something then you should tell me." he implied.

The muscular woman opened my front door after pick locking it. That was thoughtful of her, but I had the key on my bracelet. Suddenly he pushed me into the house. I can feel they meant serious business, with his stern sexy looked he was craving answers. I did not have any, besides knowing Dorian was supernatural. I could not understand why he did not confront me last night instead of now.

“This girl needs some cutting.”

“No!”, he shouted, then calmly said, “No cutting.”

What freak she was, not just strong and bulky but insane as well. He was not going to leave without an answer. The man then made me be seated and stooped down in front of me.

“Now tell me, did he say where he was going?”


“Don’t play stupid, you know it’s Dorian.”

“I don’t know, Dorian and I broke up last night.”

“Sir, you said that you were aware of this.”

“Shut up.”

“Wait, how did you know?” I asked blatantly as he stared at my face.

“I will ask the questions.”

“Did he have any strange weapons?”

“What are you talking about?” “I barely got to spend time with him.”

The handsome man stared at me with certainty, perhaps he was thinking if he should forget it all and just leave. His hand accidentally touched mines and instantly I felt something spark in my inner self, he got up immediately with his eyes remained on me. Even he could not deny that he was feeling a connection between us and it was not the first time this had happened.

Breaking the moment, “I think she is lying, sir.” The muscular woman said as she speculated.

“Believe me, I have no idea of anything you are talking about.”

“She can’t, I can feel it.” “Sara gives us a minute,” he said.

She walked out of the house and swiftly closed the door leaving us to remain alone.

“Now if any of your friends are carrying strange weapons, I will have no choice but to confront them.” “This is not about Dorian.”

I got up from my seat and said, “Then be clear to me, what is it really about?”

“In time maybe you shall know.” “For now, I’ll be keeping an eye on you all.”

With that said he left my house leaving more questions to be answered. He was definitely up to something and using Dorian as a cover-up. He had claimed to be looking for weapons but did not say specifically what type.

After leaving the town of Juneau, Dorian had returned to his father’s covenant on Douglas Island, the place of sorcerers. Dorian was eager to hear from his father after he was humiliated by the archer and sent to the covenant. Jess had also returned with him while Avan and Nev remained low key in Juneau. Andrei, Dorian’s father was getting ready for his meeting with the ministry of the Valentino covenant, there was much to disgust behind the covenant’s secret doors. His father was aware of his son’s returned but prohibited him from entering his domain. Instead, he requested that his right-hand man should discuss the matter with Dorian while Jess attended the covenant meeting.

“Dorian, glad you are here.” “How are you?”

“I am not here for a chit chat Hagreive, so tell me why I was embarrassed by a stupid human?”

“Do you remember stories of the exorbitant battle?”

“Yes,” he said and seated on the blood-red chair in the chamber.

“Your father was not going to win this battle alone, so he got the archers to intervene and that’s how the vampires of Juneau were taken out.”

“Okay, so what?”

“The covenant owed their victory to Alawai and when he contacted your father to grant permission for some archers to visit Juneau Andrei agreed.”

“So, my father does not know why they’re here?”

Hagreive took a seat opposite Dorian before he could answer the question. He was thinking twice if to discussed anymore further of the situation. Dorian poured some scotch into a crystal glass and waited for the man to confessed.

“You know one day this throne will be mine and if you don’t answer me now, I promised on that very day I will behead you in front of the entire covenant.”

“I understand your curiosity but threatening me would not make a difference.”

“So, what’s it going to be?”

“Alawai said they are in search of dark sorcery.”

“This makes it less work for father, doesn’t it?”

“Well with the archers in town, it can give some discipline, and now wolves, vampires, and dark sorcerers may need to be alert.” Hagreive implied.

“You may leave.”

Hagreive immediately got up from the chair and rushed out of the chamber before Dorian could say another word. He did not wish to get a father or son on their bad sides.

Dorian: So, my father is getting the archers to do all the work, now what if there are dark sorcerers around. So far Katie seemed to be immune to my magic and now she might just not give me a chance to test my hybrid abilities on her. Again, I am left with so many unanswered questions. Can Katie be a dark sorcerer and even though if she was, which bloodline did she came from? My uncle once told me the Zita was the last existing sorcerer of dark magic. I just have a feeling, but Nick and Dimitri seem to believe that she is, so my plan did not go in vain.

Dorian pulled the drawer of his chamber desk and took out a book, he carefully observed what his uncle had given to him. He opened the first chapter and began to read what was hidden in his deceased uncle's diary.

“Michael Valentino seeks, and you shall find.” “These are information of the four swords.”

Dorian was in disbelief when he read more about Michael discovery of the four swords and what he came to notice those times he was alive. After thirty minutes he was reading and trying to comprehend what his uncle had written on each page. Most of it was scratched and the writing was scribbled on some of the pages.

“Knock!” “Knock!”

“Dorian.” Jess entered and walked into the chambers.”

Dorian quickly hid the diary back inside and said, “Hi Jess.”

“So, what seems to be the truth?”

“Father allowed them to parade Juneau and they are in searched of dark sorcery.”

“Why would the archers want to find such without magic?”

“I’m not sure but I can’t stay in this covenant anymore.

“Well, I spoke to your father and in a few days, we shall head back to Juneau.”

Dorian took it as good news, he wished to keep a close eye on the team that suddenly set foot in his town.

“I can’t wait.”

Jess quickly made his way out and back to his room; he was so tired of the dispute between supernaturals. Dorian however desired a change in his town, he wanted everyone to just feel at home in Juneau. He took back out the book and continued to read the thoughts of Michael. He even tried to trace over the drawings in the book because he was desperate to see Michael’s vision. The rumors of the brothers coming to town were true, Jess had known this, and he feared bad things were about to happen. It was a full moon night and Ariana was straying the town all alone. The atmosphere was so quiet that the sound of water from leaking pipes and street signs swinging back and forth could be heard. Seemed like her depression had kicked in again, so she wandered the streets late. It did not occur to her that suddenly someone was following her.

She heard a car coming her way and before she tried to turn around instantly someone covered her mouth and pushed her up against a dark alley wall. She was baffled on seeing Avan pressed against her up an alley side. She attempted to speak but his hand kept on her mouth so firmed. He knew that the brothers had just entered into Juneau with no chance of remorse and this is what they had awaited. He moved his hand away as the car went further up the street.

"What are you doing?" she muttered in fear.