Valkarien gradually walked out of the room making everyone forget what they had witnessed a few moments ago. He was here for all his swords now and Caspian had failed him. He was excited to do what he does best, chaos. The lands of Juneau were about to face a supernatural war between the covenant and the mastermind himself Valkarien. The team of archers stood there hypnotized and the door shut while lightning pierced the night sky. Valkarien walked in glory as the thunder clasped because he knew a storm was about to happen.
As he drove, I could see that something was bothering Caspian.
“What is the matter?” I asked.
The thunder clasped and instantly I squeezed his hand in fear.
“It is okay, just bad weather.”
“Yes, of course.”
He smiled and gripped my hand a little tight gesturing I should not be scared.
I still needed to know who would want me dead and somehow, I summoned the courage to ask him, “Who was the person that sent you to kill me?”