I was hoping to get this right, to bring them together and restore the bond that they once had. I settled the dishes of food on the table and quickly went to get Caspian and his brother. First, I went to Alejandro room seeing that it was before his brother. I knocked on the half-opened door and waited for a response but ten seconds after there was none.
"Hey, lunch is ready." I said hoping to get an answer.
"Okay coming." he replied.
I walked off to the weapon room where Caspian had locked himself in all morning. He was quite busy and I believed that he was either avoiding his brother or me. It seems like he was not happy on having Alejandro around.
"Caspian can you come for lunch!" I uttered.
I stood by the door waiting for him to open it but he did not and shortly I started knocking on it.
“Knock Knock!”
"Casp." I called his name.
"I'm not hungry." he replied in an annoyed voice.