Chapter 6, WINGS OF LOVE (Story)

Chapter 6



[There are five main characters in this Story. (1) Krishna,27, Civil Engineer (2) Shankar, 27, Management – MBA- Degree holder (3) Ms. Julie, 23, Management – MBA – Degree holder, old Saint Guruji, (70), palmist, astrologer and philosopher and Gopi, 25, son of a Cobbler]

It is a city and thickly populated residential locality. Two friends, Krishna, a qualified Civil Engineer and Shankar, a qualified Management degree holder lived with their family people and was neighbors.

Both families live separately, side by side. These two friends are in 27 years age group. Both earn their lively-hood by doing small real estate and construction business. Both families participate in all the house-hold functions and attend to marriages of their known persons. They lived happily. Krishna earned substantial money and acquired own building and car.