Chapter 7, MIDAS TOUCH (Story)

Chapter 7



Every reader by reading this caption would have understood the meaning. Yes, it is true. People, who say YES all times to their bosses, will get everything without asking for, that too in quick time. Any boss will identify his own Yes man. A boss prefers to have his Yes man always to be his side by. The boss always entrusts jobs and other confidential matters to his Yes man. Everybody knew that the Yes man will have Midas touch. Some staff will try to defame and destroy the image of Yes man. Many politics will be played to distance the Yes man with the boss. Yes man need not necessarily be a qualified one. Yes man is entrusted with various jobs by his boss. Some jobs will be official. Some jobs will be personal and some jobs will be semiofficial & semi personal.

Moreover, the Yes man always is an agent to boss. Yes man always carries various talks of staff and colleagues to the boss knowledge. Yes man acts like a secret agent.