Chapter One: Waking up next to Mr. Jerk Face

"Ow," I moan, holding my head, as the alarm on my phone goes off. I look around for it, but my eyes our met with unfamiliar surroundings, and I'm naked! "Where TF am I??!" I jump up, and look over to see Mr. Jerk Face, naked! "Can you keep it down," he groans, as I sprint up out of bed, and begin looking for my clothes. Once I find them, I quickly put them on, he sits up. And I find my phone, in my dress pocket. I turn it on, to see thirty missed calls, from Melissa, and over twenty texts. "Shit!" I whisper yell.

"Stop being so loud princess, its 6 in the morning," he groans, before getting up, and putting on his pants. "Starring now our we princess?" he asks, in a cocky tone. "What's there to see?" I ask, sarcastically, looking away from him. He walks up to me, and moves my head, to face him "Do I need to remind you about last night?" I slap his hand away, "No, I'm leaving!"

"Oh so soon," he asks, clearly trying to annoy me. "Yes, I shouldn't have stayed, to begin with. And if you ever tell anyone about this, I'll have your head."

"Oo looks like I was wrong about you, you're, not a princess you're a queen, of hearts," he says smirking, as I slam the door, and run down stairs. As I walk out the door I call Melissa. "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU??!" she screams. I move my phone away from my ear, wincing. I turn my phone volume down, before putting it back to my ear. "I went home early," I answer, hoping that she'll believe my lie. "Why didn't you answer any of my calls, or texts??!"

"I have to go...I'll tell you at lunch," I hang up, before she has the chance to ask anymore questions. I let out a sigh, before opening my door.

~At Lunch~

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?" Melissa yells, as I reluctantly sit down, at our lunch table. I sigh, and take a sip of my water, debating if I should tell her the truth or not. I decide to go on with my lie. But before I have the chance to, Jake plops down in the seat next to me, with noticeable hickeys covering his neck. Which I assume to be from me, but GOD knows how many other people he's been with, recently.

Note: This is the moment HE fucked everything up.

"You forgot this," he says, handing me the red underwear, I had on last night. "Next time try not to forget anything, you left enough reminders of you, on my neck." He winks at me, before standing up. "Oh and princess," he comes down to my level, and whispers in my ear, "You have a few noticeable ones as well, you should cover them up unless you want everyone to know our little secret" He nips my ear, before walking away, leaving Melissa in shock. "DID YOU SLEPT WITH HI-??!" I quickly cover her mouth. "Shut up! I don't want the whole cafeteria to know that!"

"I can't believe you slept with Jake!" she screams, doing the one thing I asked her not to.


I glance over at Jake, to see him smirking, and holding back a laugh, "Tsk, Jerk." I sigh, before turning back to Melissa, and glaring at her. "Melissa what did I specifically ask you not to do?" I asked clearly annoyed.

"Let the whole cafeteria know," she responds.

"And what did you do?" I ask, as my glare intensifies. "Let the whole school know," she answers.

~Three Hours Later~

"FUCK!" I scream, while digging through my backpack, for my keys, which were not there! "Fuck that means they have to his house." I say, before walking to Jake's house. I walk up to the fence, of his house debating whether to go in, or not. "Looking for something princess?" I look up to see the one and only Mr. Jerk face. "I think I left my keys here," I sigh, as he pulls something, out of his pocket. "You mean these keys?" he says, dangling them in front of my face. I try to grab them. but he moves them up higher. "Tsk, childish much?" I say, with a hint of sarcasm in my voice. "Aw, can't reach can we?" he says, smirking. He slides his arm around my waist, and pulls me closer. "Maybe we should finish what we started this morning," he says, leaning in. "Tsk, dick," I say, kicking him in his knee.

"Feisty now are we?" He says, unfazed, "You weren't like that last night." He puts the keys back in his pocket, and opens the gate, "I'll pick you up in the morning." He smirks before closing the gate, and walking away. Taking my keys, and leaving me without any means of transportation.