Chapter Two: Riding to school with Mr. Jerk Face

"Beep beep," I wake up to my phone, getting blown up, with calls from Jake. I decline his call, and attempt to go back to sleep. Only to get awaken by another call from him less then five minutes later. "Ugh," I let out a moan, as I pick up my phone, and answer it. "Get ready I'll be there in ten minutes," he says, before hanging up on me. I lay back down, and a few minutes later, I'm once again woken up by his call. I answer it, and he yells in my ear, "WAKE UP!"

'Owww" I say, I covering my ear. "Wtf was that for??!" I groan, putting my ear, back on the phone. "I knew you were still sleeping," he sighs, "I'll be there in a few minutes, hurry up."

"Who TF does he think he is, ordering me around like that," I mumble, getting up, and going into the bathroom. After a few minutes, I finish in the bathroom. I walk out in my towel. As I'm looking for something to wear, I hear banging on my front door. "Hang on!" I scream, running to the door. I open it to see Jake. "I hope you're not going to school like that," he says, getting closer to my ear, "Or were you just trying to seduce me again?"

I push him away, "tsk in your dreams," I say, "wait in the living room, I'm going to get changed." I turn around to walk away, but I'm pushed against the wall. "Maybe we can be a little late," he says, kissing up my neck. "Jake stop!" I say, biting my lip. "Aw that's no fun," he says, giving me a hickey. "Jake stop, I'm serious, I need to go get ready," I yelp. He lets me go, he sighs, and runs his fingers through his hair, "Fine but hurry up." He rolls his eyes, as I walk up to my room. "Tsk Jerk he's the reason we're going to be late" I mumble, as I'm getting dressed. I walk back downstairs, to see Jake, leaning against the wall. "Took you long enough," he says, before grabbing my hand, and dragging me over to MY motorcycle. "Were going to be late," I say.

"That's your fault," I argue, "If you didn't mess around we'd be on time." He says, getting on the bike. "What are you doing?" I ask.

"What does it look like?" he says, sarcastically, as I grab my helmet. "No, I'm driving," I say, waiting for him to get off. He dosen't get off. "In your dreams princess," he says.

"Tsk fine," I say, getting on.

"Hold on!" he says, and driving off. My arms unconsciously wrap around his waist, on instinct. We arrive, and park in the student parking lot. "Wanted to hold on to me that much?" he smirked, "You know you could have just asked." I blush, and let go of him. We take off our helmets, and get off the motorcycle. "I don't," I say, holding out my hand. "Can I have my keys back now?" I ask.

He dosent respond, instead he starts walking away. "No I think I'll hold on to them for a little while longer," he says, smirking. "That wasn't part of the deal!" I scream.

"Bye see you after school!" he says, walking into school. "Tsk, Jerk" I tsk, and walk into my first-period class; that I was late to thanks to him.

~Lunch Time~

Melissa sits down, at the lunch table, as I'm about to take a bite of my pizza. Keyword about to.

"Are you dating Jake??" she screeches.

"No!" I say, defensively, setting down my pizza. "Why do you think I am?" I ask, as she's put down her bag.

"The wholes schools talking about you riding on the back of his motorcycle!" she says.

She said his! They think the motorcycle is his! "You mean my motorcycle," I say, "He stole it I left my keys at his house and he won't give them back." I sigh, glancing over at him, he's smirking, and staring back at me. "Tsk stalker" I say, averting my eyes away, from him, as he gets up, and walks over. "Hey beautiful," he smirks, and sits down next to me. He puts his arm around me, and I quickly move it off of me. "Stop!" I whisper-yell, "People already think we're dating, don't make it worse."

"And what's so wrong with that?" He whispers, getting closer to my ear, "Why don't we?" I push him away, "Tsk, in your dreams."

He gets up. "Why don't you, and your friend come sit at my table?" he asks, purposely loud enough for Melissa, to hear. "No," I say, responding before Melissa got the chance too.

"Aw your not even going to give me a chance?" he says, teasingly. "Well if you change your mind you know where to find me." he says getting up, and winking. I look back at Melissa, she's begging me with her eyes...and now her mouth "PLEASE ANDY!" she shouts.

"No," I answer, and once again reach for my pizza. "But maybe if we sit with him he'll give you your keys back!" she says. I sigh, and put my pizza back down.

Note: This was going to be painful.

Melissa basically forced me to go. "Can I at least get my pizza!" I scream, as she drags me away from the table.

"No time!" she says, pushing me in front of Jake, and plopping down next to Chase. "Looks like someone changed their mind," he says, smirking. I tsk, "No Melissa dragged me here, literally."

"Well have a seat," he says, I look around to see Melissa, who had taken the last seat. "There's no more seats." I say, making his smirk get larger. "There's one left" he says, pointing to his lap. "No way," I say, I turn on my heel, and go to walk away. But I can feel Melissa's puppy dog eyes, boring into my soul. "Don't turn around, don't turn around" chant to myself, before turning around. "Please Andy," Melissa says, making her eyes bigger. "Ugh, fine!" I say, hesitantly sitting on Jake's lap. "Don't you dare make a comment," I warn him, as I take a bit of his pizza. "Hey that's mine!" he wines.

"Blame Melissa, she wouldn't let me bring mine," I say, inhaling his pizza. "I'll have to punish you later," he whispers in my ear. I put the pizza down. "I'm suddenly, not hungry, anymore" I say, making him chuckle. "Sure your not princess~"

Thanks to Jake, lunch felt like the longest period of the day. Luckily the rest, don't feel as long. I walk out of school, to the student parking lot, to see Jake waiting for me, by MY motorcycle. "What took you so long?" he asks, handing me my helmet. "Some of us actually go to last period," I say, getting. "Hold on!" he says, pulling off. I put my arms around his waist, and we drive to my house. We pull up to my front door, and I get off my bike, I take off my helmet. "What not going to invite me inside?" he asks, smirking.

"Nope." I ask, "Can I have my keys back yet?" I let out a sigh, as he puts back on his helmet.

"Nope," he says, while starting my bike. "See you tomorrow princess~," he says, driving off.

I let out a sigh, and walk to my front door, "Tsk, idiot tomorrow's Saturday." I say, opening my front door.