Chapter Three: Punishment

"Open the fucking door!" A loud bang on the door, wakes me up. "Ugh," I roll over, and check the time; it's only eight in the morning. "Who would come this early," I let out a groan, as the banging finally comes to a stop. "They finally went away," I say, smiling as I curl back up, into my white comforter. "Ah," I hear a loud bang, and a scream, once again disturbing my sleep. I quickly spring up out of bed, and look for the where the sound is coming from. I hear another noise coming from down stairs. Me being the dumb bitch that I am, I follow it. "Who's there?" I ask, walking down the stairs, as if it was a murder that just broke into my home, we'd just sit down and have tea. If I was in a horror movie, I'd be the dumb ass, you yell at, to get out the fucking room. But she's a dumb ass, so she doesn't listen. "Boo!" someone yells, jumping out from behind the sofa. I punch them in the nose, on reflex. I turn around, prepared to fight my attacker is now on the ground holding his nose. It takes a few seconds for me to register that my so call attacker, is Jake. "What are you doing here?!" I yell.

"We'll you didn't answer the door," he says, standing up. "What else was I supposed to do?"

"Oh, I don't know," I answer. "Leave maybe."

He disregards my comment, and sits down on the couch, still holding onto his visibly swollen nose. "Did you really have to punch me in the nose princess," he says, "I think it's broken."

"We'll maybe if you didn't break into my house I wouldn't have!" I yell, turning on the light, and walking into the kitchen.

"Fine, point taken I'll knock next time, ok?" he says, as I throw an ice pack into his lap.

"Maybe you should do it all the time," I say, clearly pissed off. "Do you break into everyone's house or just mine?"

"Nope, you're special princess." He says, smirking.

"Oh, lucky me," I say, sarcastically, walking over to the door, and opening it. "Can you leave now I'm going back to bed." He stands up, and walks over to me. "Nope today were going on a date!" he says, closing the door, and pushing me up the stairs. "What do you mean by date!" I shriek, as I walk up the stairs to my bedroom. "That's your punishment princess~, " he smirks. "Well more like your dream come true."

"The only time you're in my dreams your dead, " I tsk.

"And don't forget to wear something sexy, " he says. In response to his comment, I grab a pillow off my bed, and throw it at him. "Pervert!" I scream, before slamming the door. After throwing on some comfortable clothes, I meet Jake outside. I walk over to my motorcycle, hoping he'll let me drive. "That's not what we're driving today, " he says, smirking.

"We?" I say, questionably. "I'm driving."

"It's my car, " he says, jumping in the drivers seat. "You could at least open the door for me on our so-called date," I whisper under my breath.

I look around the car, it looks almost brand new, there's no reason for him to not drive it. "If you have a car, " I ask, "why do you need my motorcycle?"

"Maybe I just like messing around with you, " he says, pulling off. After what feels like hours, I slowly start to become that kid, every parent hates on a road trip. "Ugh, " I whine, "we've been in here for hours. Are we almost there yet?"

"Calm down, " he says, slightly irritated due to my winning for the past hour. "Where almost there."

"You said that an hour ago, " I say, debating on jumping out the window, and ending my suffering.

"Yep, " he says. "And we're even closer now." He lets out a sigh, as I begin to play with the window button. "Only tweny more minutes."

Twenty minutes go by, and were still not there yet. "Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?" I ask.

"Yes!" he screams, pulling into the parking lot of what looks to be a carnival.

"Finally!" I yell, as I practically jump out of the car. "That took so long!"

"I know," he says, stepping out of the car. "It felt like an eternity with your winning." He locks the car. "On the way back do me a favor, and sleep."

"I was always going to," I flash him a smile. We walk into the ticket booth, and get two admission tickets, and a ride tickets. "Ok what do you wanna do first?" he asks, as we walk into the park. I quickly run to the nearest game booth, ignoring his comment. "I guess you already decided."

"I want the turtle!" I scream, as Jake walks up to the booth.

"The turtle really?" He asks. "Why not the bear, or something?"

"Turtles, are my favorite animals, " I say, glaring at him out of the corner of my eye. "Which you would know, if you weren't constantly arguing with me, every time we talk."

"Ugh fine," he rolls his eyes. "Two tickets please." After around thirty, forty, rounds, we finally win the turtle.

"YAY!" I scream, as the lady in the booth hands me the turtle, and a bear which I so graciously won Jake, on accident. "Here, " I said handing him the turtle, and the bear. "The turtles name is Bob, take good care of him."

"Thanks, " he says, snickering, as I run to the cotton candy booth. "One cotton candy please," I ask, the man at the food stand. "

Cotton Candy?" Jake says, walking up to the food stand. "You're going to get sick if you eat that, before we go on any rides."

"I'll be fine," I say, paying for the cotton candy. "I have an iron stomach." I get my cotton candy, and we go over to the ride section. My dumbass wants to ride the biggest roller coaster we could find, and after I learn that my stomach wasn't as durable as I thought.

"This is what you get for eating that cotton candy," Jake says, holding my hair back, as I barf everything I ate, into the trash can, in front of the ride. After I finally stop puking, we take our winnings, and go home. I fall asleep during the car ride, and Jake wakes me up, once we get back to my place. "Ok we're here," Jake says, lightly shaking me awake.

"Just five more minutes," I moan.

He sighs, "Fine, I'll just carry you." Jake reluctantly, carries me inside, and brings me to my room. "Night, " he says, throwing me onto the bed.

"Wait," I grab his sleeve. "Don't leave."

"Come on," he says, trying to pull away, "I have to go home."

"Pease." I beg, half asleep.

He sighs, "Fine, I'll stay. But, just for a few hours..." I happily drag him into bed with me, and he quickly falls asleep, and ends up staying the rest of the night.