Chapter Four: The Forgotten Pill

I try, and turn around but something's restricting me. I reluctantly fluttered my eyes open, to see Jake face to face with me. "AHHHH" I shriek, causing Jake to wake up, and fall out of bed. "What's wrong??!" he screams, getting up out of bed. "WTF are you doing in my bed??!" I scream, trying my best to not look down.

"You're the one that couldn't keep your hands off me last night!" he yells, rubbing his head.

"D-Did w-" I say, as he cut me off, "Guess," he says, winking at me, as he starts to get dressed. "Meet me downstairs in 20, else we're going to be late again." I sigh, stepping out of my shower. "I can't believe I did that...again."

"Hurry up!" He screams, as he enters the house yet again, through my window.

"I'm getting dressed!" I say, as I finish putting on my shorts, and make-up. I grab my backpack, and run down the stairs. "Finally." he says, rolling his eyes.

"Come on," I say, walking over to the car. "Your really not going to give me my motorcycle back yet?"

"Nope," he says, getting in the car.

"You know I could just call the cops on you right?" I smirk, holding up my phone.

"We both know you won't do that," he says, getting into his car.

"How do you know that I won't?!" I yell.

"If you were going to you would have done that already princess~," he says, knowing he was right. I sigh getting, in the car, before texting Melissa back.

"Who are you texting?" he asks, trying to look at my phone.

"Why do you care?" I asks smirking, as I start texting, and fake giggling.

"Is it a guy?" he asks, with a bit of agitation in his voice.

"So what if it is, " I smirk, as I go to start texting, Melissa, more random shit.

"Tsk, " he pulls over, and turns off the car.

"Hey what are you-" I'm cut off by him kissing me.

"You know your mine right, " he says, before kissing me again.

"I don't belong to anyone-" I say, as he starts to give me hickeys all over my neck. "Epp."

~2 and a half hours later~

You can guess what happened next, four times to be exact. "I can't believe we did that, " I sigh, as I finish getting dressed "again."

"You made us later than we normally are, " he says, turning back on the car, and pulling off.

"Me!" I scream. "Your the one making us late!"

"No it's your fault, " he smirks, looking down at me. "How could you wear something like that and not expect me to wanna take it off." I blush, before grabbing his hoodie, and putting it on. "This is mine now."

"Fine, " he says, pulling up to school. "But only since it looks so good on you."

"See you after school," I say, opening the door.

"Wait, " he says, grabbing my arm. "Who were you really texting?"

"Melissa, " I say, smirking as he lets go. He rolls his eyes, as I walk into school. I quickly, make my way to Bio class, avoiding all the crowded halls.

"What took you so long??" Melissa whisper screams, as I sit down. "I thought you were on your way three hours ago.''

" I got a little preoccupied, " I say, as Jake walks through the door, he winks at me, before sitting down next to Chase.

"Did he just wink at you!" She practically screams, as the WHOLE class turns to stare at us, including Jake. He snickers before turning back to his table. "Di-Did you guys??!" She asks, a little quieter this time.

"Yeah, " I say, knowing that lying to her was useless. "Four times." She chokes, on her protein shake, "Four times??!"

"Shhh, " I say, noticing a few people still staring at us, "That's not that much."

"Yes it is!" She say, practically screaming again. This continues on till lunchtime!

We sit down next to Jake, and his friends. Melissa, of course, sits next to Chase, leaving me alone with Jake. I start scarfing down my pizza, as Jake's hand slowly made its way up my thigh. "Jake stop!" I whisper yell, trying not to get the attention, of the rest of the table. "That's not what you were saying this morning," he says, smirking as his hand moves farther up my thigh. "Epp, " I blush, as he squeezes my thigh. "Jak-, " I say, as he cuts me off.

"Me and Andy are going home early she's not feeling well, " he says, to Chase and Melissa as he stands up.

"Andy what's wrong??, " Melissa asks, as her mama bear instincts turn on. "Do you want me to take you to the nurse??!"

"No it's fine I got her, " he says.

"Wait, Jake, I'm not finished with my pizza," I say, as he picks me up and thows me over his shoulder. "Let me down!, " I scream, as he walks out of the cafeteria with me still on his shoulder. He unlocks the car door, and throws me inside. "Wtf Jake!" I scream, as he gets in, and kisses me.

"I'm sorry princess I just couldn't keep my hands off you, " he says, kissing me again. I push him off.

"Jake stop, " I say, clearly upset. "We're going to buy pizza!"

"Fine, " he says, rolling his eyes, as he pulls off.

~When we get home~

I stuff my face with more pizza, as Jake sits down next to me on the couch, and turns on Netflix. "Hey I just noticed something, " he says.

"What?, " I ask in between bites.

"Where are your parents?" He asks. "I mean I'm not complaining, but why are they never here?"

"How come you're always here?" I ask, in a defensive tone.

"Why not?" He says, smirking. "You would miss me too much if I wasn't." I roll my eyes, and finish my last piece of pizza. "My father stays in New York most of the time near his job, " I answer. "With his wife."

"Oh," Jake says, clearly noticing that I don't want to talk about it anymore.

"So what do you wanna watch?" He asks.

"Harry Potter!" I say.

~After our harry potter marathon~

"I can't believe you made me watch all of that!" He groans.

"It's not that bad, " I say, getting up. "We all know you secretly liked it." I start looking through for something else to watch. as Jake goes to the bathroom. "It's getting late, " he says, coming back from the bathroom. "Do you want me to get us Chinese food??"

"Yes!" I practically scream.

"Heh I don't know how you eat so much, " he says, as he opens the door.

"Shut up, " I say, throwing a pillow at the door.

"Don't worry I'll be back soon princess, " he says, closing the door. "you won't have to miss me for long." I roll my eyes, and go upstairs to change into pajama's. After changing I burh my teeth, and go to take my birth control. "Ding" I stop upon hearing Jake's phone go off. I stare down at the message, debating on opening it. I pick up the phone, and go to open it. "No Andy what are you thinking you shouldn't be snooping!" I put it down. "but one quick peek couldn't hurt right?" I say, picking it back up again, and opening the message. I really wish that I knew just how much one message could really hurt, if I did I don't think I would've opened it that day...

I open his phone, to see a text from someone named Samantha.

S- "When are you coming over again?"

I debate on whether or not to respond.

"no we shouldn't it's none of our business," I say, trying to convince myself not to open it. "It's not like we're even together or anything he can do whatever he wants on his free time right??"

I go to put down the phone when another message popped up.

"Ugh I shouldn't open it, " I say, still debating on it. " Ugh I can't help myself."

I open the message, to see an inappropriate picture of her; I'm sure that you can guess what it was. I scream, almost throwing his phone, at the wall. After calming down, I go back downstairs, leaving my pills on the counter.