Chapter Five: The Picture

After around an hour of me trying to wrap my head around, wtf just happened, Jake finally comes back. "Hey, I'm back." he says, closing the door, and walking into the kitchen. "They ran out of the chicken teriyaki sauce so I had to wait a little longer."

"I think you should leave," I say, coldly.

"What do you mean," he says, walking over to me.

"I said, I think you should leave," I avert eye contact.

"What? Why?" He asks, confused.

"This," I hold up his phone, and show him the message, from Samantha. "Leave."

"Wait, princess," he says, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"I said I think you should leave!" I say, sternly, giving him back his phone, and pushing him out the door.

"Wait, I can explain," he puts his hand on the door, trying to stop me from closing it.

"I don't want an explanation," I say. "Just get out of my house, and don't ever contact me again!" I get his hand away, and I slam the door. I open the door, remembering that he still has my motorcycle. He looks at me, hoping that I changed my mind. "And I want my motorcycle back by tomorrow morning!" I yell, before slamming the door again. I reach for my face, only now noticing the tears running down my face.

~A Few Weeks Later~

"Ow," I moan, grabbing my head, in pain. I had a major hangover, and my head was pounding. I hear someone banging at my door, I rush down the stairs, to open the it. I'm met with a familiar face. "Where TF have you been!" Melissa screams, pushing herself inside the house, "You haven't been to school in over a week, and you look a mess." I open my mouth to say something, but I have the sudden urge to puke, I quickly run to the toilet, almost throwing up all over my bathroom floor. "Are you hungover!" she asks, holding back my hair.

"Y-Yes" I manage to answer, in between vomiting. Once its over, she proceeds to yell at me.

"Go take a shower and do your hair, we're going to school!" she yells.

"Yes mother," I sigh, before doing as I was told. After I get ready Melissa drives me to school. "So are you going to tell me what happened?" she asks, pulling into the student parking lot.

"Jake-" I'm cut off by Melissa. "There's Jake, " she says, pointing at him. "Who's that girl with him?"

I looked over to see Jake getting out of his car, with the girl from the photos. "Melissa can we leave?" I whimper.

"Why," she asks, looking over to me.

"Please," I say, in a low voice, as tears well up in my eyes.

"Sure Andy," she says, noticing my tears. She pulls off, and we drive back to my place. "Do you wanna talk about it?" she asks. I shake my head, no. And start looking out the window. I zone out the whole way back. Melissa stays over for the night, and I try my best to forget about what happened. Morning comes, and I'm forced back into realty.

"Come on Andy were going to be late!" Melissa says, shaking me awake.

"Ugh," I mumble, "Do we have to go?"

"Yes Andy!" She screams, "It's bad enough we missed yesterday."

"Fine!" I say defeated, as I get up, and getting ready. Melissa raids my closet, for something quote on quote "decent." Once she finally picks something out, I get ready, and we go to school. I try my best to avoid Jake, but seeing him at Lunch would be unavoidable. Especially with Melissa, dating Chase, his best friend. I sit down at my lunch table; next to Melissa. And lunch was going well, until Chase came up to us. "Hey babe, why are you guys sitting over here?" he asks, wanting us to sit with him, and Jake. Melissa glances at me, clearly worried about sitting there. Before she can open her mouth, to answer, I answer for her. "Sure we'll sit with you," I say, grabbing her arm, and pulling her toward the table. "Andy are you sure?" she asks.

"Of course I am, why wouldn't I be?" I say, sitting down at the lunch table next to Melissa, and Chase; right across from Jake, and Samantha; who was sitting in my seat! I'm totally not jealous right now I'm completely and utterly calm. "Hi Andy," Jake says, awkwardly.

"Hey, Melissa did you, and Chase hear someone?" I ask, sarcastically.

"Babe don't bother talking to her," Samantha says, as she plants a kiss on his cheek, while glaring at me. She successfully pisses me off, so before I do anything rash, I get up. "I need to use the restroom, I'll be right back." I quickly walk to the bathroom, before any of them have the chance to say anything. I lock the stall door, and I suddenly get the urge to puke, thinking about what had just happened. I try my best to calm myself down before leaving the bathroom stall. I walk out of the bathroom, and see Samantha, walking towards me, with a smirk plastered onto her face. "Heh, I can't believe he was with you." she says. "You're a train wreck." This is the point where I snap. I punch her, in the face. And I keep punching, and punching, until people from the cafeteria come running over to us. Jake is one of them, he tries to pull me off of her. "Wtf Andy!" Jake says, still holding me back.

"Let me go!" I yell, back kicking him, causing him let to me go.

"What's going on here??!" Ms. Miller; my science teacher, screams, running over to us. She looks from me, to Samantha; who Melissa was currently helping up. And decides to take her side. "Andy to the principal's office now!"