Rico gathered all his courage to face Mr. Ortega and his daughter Dina. When he found out from his parents that Mr. Ortega is now in a stable situation, he asked permission from his father to visit Mr. Ortega and ask for his forgiveness. Mr. Ortega is still currently at the hospital but he’s no longer in the ICU. However, due to his very delicate situation, he is still under strict observation for few days.

“You’re a very handsome young man, my child.”, Mr. Ortega gladly complimented upon seeing Rico inside his hospital room. Rico’s parents were also happy as they saw Mr. Ortega seemed to be fond of their son even just seeing him for the first time.

But he has a very ugly heart, dad., Dina thought annoyingly as she ogles at Rico threateningly. She hated the idea of seeing Rico inside her father’s hospital room while she is still there to take care of him. Without a doubt, she utterly hated Rico.

”Mr. Ortega... I’m really sorry for what happened to you. I am asking for you and Dina’s forgiveness since I am the main reason why you are like this.”; Rico humbly said. Everyone was surprised, Rico’s parents because they are fully unaware of what he is saying, and even Dina too. She never expected that Rico would humble himself and would say sorry to them. She knows that this man is undeniably arrogant and so full of himself.

“Worry not, my child. You are out of the reason why I became like this. It has been a long time already that I told Dina to stop playing basketball. Ever since she got her arm injuries, I told her to stop already. But this daughter of mine is too hardheaded… it’s not your fault because this is due to Dina’s stubbornness.”, Mr. Ortega said to Rico.

“But Dina really does love playing basketball… and she can’t afford to lose it. Please allow her to play basketball, support her. After all, she is graduating already.”, Rico tried to persuade Mr. Ortega. What Rico had said only made Dina even more shocked. It seems like the man in front of him is different. This is not the unfriendly, sarcastic, ill-mannered guy without a heart she met a few days ago. Mr. Ortega was not able to say anything. He was amazed at how gentleman Rico is towards him and his daughter Dina.

“If it wasn’t just because of my voluble mouth and if I had just listened to Dina’s simple request, this wouldn’t have happened. I had made you sick and I feel guilty about it. So, please allow Dina to continue playing basketball. I feel that I played a major part in why you're ill. So… I would like to take responsibility for this matter, just let Dina play. You can scold me to your heart’s content, I would gladly accept it all.”, Rico said wholeheartedly to Dina’s father.

“My son…”, Rico’s parents were extremely surprised again. Especially Dina, she doesn’t know how to react to Rico. Everything he said was sincere as if he is really ready to face the consequences of his actions.

What did this guy eat? Has he gotten himself sick? Why is he defending me against my dad about playing basketball?, Dina wondered.

“Are you sure? Are you really willing to accept Dina’s punishment in her stead?”, Mr. Ortega looked at Rico meaningfully with a serious tone. Everyone inside Mr. Ortega’s hospital room felt anxious, pondering as to what punishment would he gave Rico.

“Yes.”, Rico nodded, his decision is final.

You don’t know my father, Rico. This guy is really pitiful… I am sure the punishment is really brutal… and yet he is willing to receive it., Dina thought and somewhat felt sorry. She doesn’t like Rico and she doesn’t want to become indebted to him. She will do all she can to stop her father from whatever punishment Rico would have. She is the one at fault, and it’s just right for her to suffer… not Rico Ballestros.

Mr. Ortega looked at Rico’s parents and gave them a modest smile.

“Dad---“, Dina was interrupted by her attempt to mediate between Rico and her father, when she began to talk again.

“Well then, I am quite sure that your parents won’t go against what I wanted to happen. After all, since you wished to accept Dina’s punishment and it looks like you are really clear with your decision on doing it… Well then… Dina’s punishment is to marry you, my child.”, Mr. Ortega said while looking directly at Rico’s eyes. Rico was caught off-guard and even Dina too. However, Rico’s parents are seemed to be pleased with what Mr. Ortega had just said.

“WHAT?!”, Dina and Rico both reacted at the same time.

“I want you to take Dina as your responsibility forever. Marry her… because seeing Dina becoming a part of your family, becoming a Ballestros is the only way I could feel at ease about her.”, Mr. Ortega said with full of mixed emotions.

“But DAD---“, Dina was interrupted by what she was about to say when her dad began to breathe heavily.

“I felt chest pains again… I want to get rest, please excuse me.”, Mr. Ortega excused himself from Rico’s parents while clutching his chest as if fighting against the pain but his suffering is still clearly evident across his face.

“I am hoping that you will be true to your word, my child. Thank you for visiting me.”, Mr. Ortega said but is only looking straight at Rico.

“Okay kumpadre, rest well.”, Rico’s mother said.

“Get well soon, kumpadre.”, Rico’s father also said but it is obvious on his tone that he is worried.

Mr. Ortega nodded and showed a modest smiled towards Rico.

Rico didn’t expect this to happen. What he just wanted is to ask for forgiveness and be punished a little to ease his guilt to what he said to Dina the last time they met each other… but his request to marry her daughter Dina--- is something he is incapable of doing.

Rico stared at Dina, she was also staring blankly at him too. He doesn’t know what to say.

“Let’s talk.”, Dina said, breaking their silence. Dina went out of the hospital room first and Rico was not able to do anything but to follow her outside.

“What are you doing?! Why does it have to be like this?! Why do you have to intervene against our family matters?!”, Dina said angrily but controlling herself to stay calm.

“I really didn’t mean for us to be in this kind of situation. I did not expect something like this at all! I just want to say sorry to help you persuade your father to allow you to play basketball. That’s all. Believe me or not, I felt kind of guilty that’s why I want to help you! But to marry you--- this is absurd!”, Rico confronted Dina’s angry tone. He is also worried about their current situation, and Dina can clearly see that even Rico is also shocked. It is written all over his face.

“Then what do we do now?!”, Dina said as if she wanted to cry.

“I don’t know. I don’t really know!”, Rico said angrily. He has felt the pressure and was really anxious about it. People around them start to wonder due to their loud voices and arguments.

“How about this… can we just forget that this had happened? Let us both forget all of these things, everything! Tell your father that I wasn’t able to hear what he said. I will go away from you and your family! Your family will never see me again---“, Rico was interrupted when Dina suddenly punched him. A crowd of people near them was all shocked due to Dina’s aggressive reaction. And for this curiosity, many of them start to become attentive to their actions. Some even began gossiping about what Dina and Rico were supposed to be arguing about.

“Why did you hit me!? Are you really this violent?!”, Rico said furiously.

“Yes, I am! I am capable of hurting others especially those crazy ones! Are you crazy?! Do you honestly think my family is that stupid to believe your alibi and excuses?! Dad will never believe that!”, Dina answered back angrily too.

“Then what should we do?!”, Rico said irritatingly. He doesn’t even care about the tension building around them due to various curious gossip-mongers.

“We don’t have any choice…”, Dina said and suddenly went serious. Rico immediately felt nervous. He doesn’t want to hear what Dina is going to say, or even just finding out what is inside Dina’s mind… he’s not even least interested about it.

“My dad will never accept NO for an answer---“, Dina premised but was abruptly interrupted.

“We-wait! Stop! Hold on! Don’t say it! I don’t want to hear it!”, Rico was infuriated.

“You are really proud of yourself, huh?. Do you honestly think I would want to marry an unfriendly, sarcastic, and ill-mannered guy like you?! I didn’t even show up on our date, right? Do you think that I wanted this? That I dreamed to be in this kind of situation?!”, Dina was fuming while clenching her fists.

“B-but---“, Rico wanted to disagree but he was not able to find any reason that could validate his argument.

“But my father… is already on his sickbed. And it’s all because of me… it’s all because of both of us! I can’t forgive myself if something even more terrible is going to happen to him because of us. I will no longer blame you as to why we end up in this kind of situation… but for my father’s sake…”, Dina still hesitant to continue what she was about to say because it is also against her will. Rico closed his eyes, forcing his mind to prepare for the unthinkable even though he doesn’t want to hear it.

“… Marry me, Rico. Prove him you’re indeed responsible to take me as your wife.”, Dina gathered all her courage to say those words to Rico, not minding what people around them might say. Everyone in there is already looking at the two of them. Rico was so horrified of Dina’s idea and his cheeks turned. He felt very embarrassed about what Dina is doing right now.

“What are you doing?! What are you talking about?! Stop joking! Stop saying scandalous words! It’s embarrassing!”, Rico prickly said, he was in a panic. He turned sweaty while looking at the people around them since he became aware of them already. He wanted to shout cursed words to Dina but it would just make him more ashamed.

“I am not joking, Rico. You know that. I am serious. I don’t have the time to fool around with you because of my dad’s critical condition.”, Dina seriously answered while looking directly at Rico, straight to his eyes, not caring about the prying eyes of people surrounding them already. Rico felt the seriousness of this matter, he realized Dina is indeed absolute with her decision. She will really agree to their marriage.

”No.”, Rico answered Dina directly. Due to this, whispers had become louder ever than before as if people had been watching a very dramatic scene from a movie.

“I won’t take no for an answer.”, Dina answered back immediately. Rico was left in disbelief.

“I can’t believe this! You’re a rebel to your father but… you know what? YOU are exactly like him!”, Rico sarcastically and grudgingly replied. He no longer cares about the scene both he and Dina are causing, even though this would portray him as the villain in this melodramatic scene.

“I am begging you, Rico. I don’t want to make my father’s situation worst. Please… I am begging you to marry me!”, Dina said with a sturdy tone without even realizing her tears began to fall. Rico was taken aback when he saw Dina’s tears. He became speechless and wanted to pity her… but he can’t marry a woman he doesn’t love and won’t be able to love. He is incapable of loving her.

”I’m sorry... but I can’t marry you---”, Rico was not able to finish his sentence when he saw Dina running away from him. Rico felt sorry for Dina but it is just the right thing to do.

Dina’s tears fell like rain, she swallowed all her pride when she begged Rico. Never in her whole life, she was able to beg someone like that, even to her father… even for her basketball.. BUT everything didn’t care. She felt so worthless.

It has been few days since the incident between Dina and Rico happened at the hospital. Rico even started to move on and forget everything about what happened that day.

Dina’s father was just discharged from the hospital. They just got home and were about to share a feastful meal as a celebration… when her father opened the topic about Dina and Rico’s marriage once again.

“I really like that guy, Rico. He is responsible. I really want him to become my son-in-law as soon as possible. He will teach our boyish Dina to become more refined. You are really lucky, Dina. Rico is a rare catch.”, Dina’s father said happily and all he could only talk about was just Rico’s good aspects. Everyone in the family laughed and agreed with him except Dina. Dina clenched her fist, forcing her anger on the knife and fork in her hands. She is definitely displeased with everything that her father says. She’s angry as she remembered Rico, this cold-hearted being.

I don’t want Dad to found out the man he wanted for me had declined his request… that evil jerk rejected me. It would be better if on his mind, it was I who rejected him., Dina grudgingly thought, and in one flash of the moment, she had made her decision.

“I don’t want to marry that guy, Dad.”. Dina coldly said to her father. The happy laughter of the whole family had come to an immediate stop because of what she had declared.

“Elder sister!”, Sunshine reprimanded Dina. It is a fact that their father has not fully recovered yet and he will not be able to withstand shocking and stressful discussions.

“I don’t want that guy! I’ll never like him---“, Dina was interrupted by what she was about to say when her mother began to speak.

“Dina! Your dad had just been discharged from the hospital! Don’t say anything that would cause harm to your father!”, Dina’s mother angrily said.

“But mom! It is not right to make dad believe that Rico and I will end up together! It’s impossible---“, Dina was once again interrupted, but now it was her dad.

“Until when will you become a rebel, Dina?! Until when will I have to endure your stubbornness! All you gave me is displeasure and resentment!”, Dina’s father said furiously. It was evident in his tone that he is already fuming deep within him. Dina was hurt by his words. For him, there was never a single memory of her doing good deeds.

So dad, all those times that I have listened and obeyed you… ever since a child… were all meaningless? I won a piano competition for you because you said I loved to hear me play the piano. I won quiz bees and academic tournaments because you proudly say that I am your smart daughter… All those things I did for you didn’t make you happy, dad?, Dina wanted to say but she couldn’t.

“DAD!”, Sunshine tried to get in between them.

“You are so hardheaded! Are we all meaningless in your sight? You think you are always right and all of us are foolish and wrong?! Do you really think you are that perfect on your own---“, Dina’s father angrily said when Dina interrupted him. Dina was so hurt by his painful words and was not able to stop her mouth.

“NOOO DAD!!! Of course not! But making me marry that guy is too much! I can’t do it!”, Dina answered with a loud tone.

“I know you don’t like him, elder sister, and I do understand why but that is not enough reason for you to hurt our dad! Elder sister, dad is very sick and you should have understood that!”, Sunshine shouted at Dina.

“But Shine, you were also a witness how arrogant that bastard is---“, Dina insisted but was easily cut-off with her words.

“STOP IT! Are we all gonna fight just because of this?! Dina… whether you want it or not, YOU WILL MARRY RICO. And that’s FINAL!”, Dina’s father’s voice roared like thunder inside the house. Everyone went silent for a moment.

“No, dad! NOOOO! Am I a robot to you, dad? When will you listen to me, dad?! I hope you’ll listen to me… please hear me just this once!”, Dina cried. Dina’s father feels pained when he saw his elder daughter’s tears. Dina is brave and never in his life had he saw Dina cried like this in his front ever since she was young… but now she is weeping. He felt a sharp pain in his heart and felt sorry for his daughter.

Dad, please… let us not stoop down and force ourselves to those people who don’t want us! Please! I beg you, dad… just this once!, Dina thought on her mind and in her heart.

“Dina stop!”, Dina’s mother intervened.

“You’re too much elder sister!”, Sunshine angrily said to her.

“How about you Dina, my child? When will you listen? Until when will you hear your own father’s voice?”, Dina’s father suddenly cried while speaking to Dina. He looks exhausted and downhearted. He was sighing heavily when he suddenly went unconscious.

“DAAAAADDDD!!!”, the three of them shouted together when they saw him fell. They all went to him quickly.

“Dad? DAAAAAAD!!!!”, Dina shouted and cried while hugging her father tight.

“Elder sister what have you done?! Dad! DAAAAD!!!”, sunshine cried while blaming Dina with her tone. Dina was in shock, it was because of her desire to keep her father’s reputation and not to hurt him with Rico’s rejection… it was her who scarred her father’s feelings. Dina cried like there’s no tomorrow.

Dad… Dad, sorry… Sorry, please… Wake up, dad…, are the only words inside Dina’s mind.