Rico just went home from work when he saw his parents wearing black funeral clothes.

“Mom, Dad… where are you going?”, Rico asked when he saw them looking unhappy and dejected.

“Hurry up, son. Change your clothes. Wear the funeral ones. We’re visiting the Ortega family to extend our condolences.”,it was Rico’s mom.

“W- Why?”, Rico asked nervously.

“Mr. Ortega, Dina’s father had just died.”, his mother answered with sadness on her tone. His father’s eyes had turned red, might be because of crying because Mr. Ortega is his bestfriend. Rico was not able to say anything because he was shocked, he thought Dina’s father was in stable condition already.

At the funeral, Rico saw Dina’s mother and younger sister crying… but Dina was just sitting in a corner, silent and without tears.

“Condolence.”, Rico sincerely said to Dina after saying his condolences to her mom and younger sister… however, it seems like Dina was not able to hear him. She did not care or acknowledge his presence. Rico sat beside Dina.

“I am saddened with the news---“, Rico was interrupted to what he was about to say.

“If you are really saddened, please do me a favor… leave this place at once.”, Dina said coldly. The words were directed to Rico but she didn’t even wasted her time to look at him. It was like she was talking to her self.

”I know what’s happening right now is extremely sad and depressing---”

“GO AWAY! I SAID GO AWAY!!!”, Dina shouted at him, it was full of anger. For this reason, she caught the attention of people around them. Dina’s mom turned her head to look angrily at her.

“Dina! Do you intend to disrespect your father even during his funeral?! He’s already dead, Dina and you still don’t want to give him peace!?”,Dina’s mom shouted at her furiously.

“They are here to extend us their condolences for your father’s passing… and you still want to make a fuss out of it?! Compose your self and stop embarrassing us!”,Dina’s mom added angrily. Dina’s tears fell but she never said anything, instead she hurriedly ran away. Rico was wondering about the commotion between Dina and her mom. Rico doesn’t want to do anything but for some reason, he felt it was his fault why Dina got scolded. So, he decided to ran after Dina. He saw her nearby, just crying.

“Dad… Dad…”, Dina whimpered. Rico got worried and he wanted to console Dina but he is doubting because he doesn’t want to make Dina angry if he goes near her. He decided to just stay and watch her back not far from her. In the end, he couldn’t do anything for Dina and after a few moments he decide to just let her be. He went in and stayed inside together with his parents.

The Ballestros stayed for a little while as they mourn for Mr. Ortega’s death. Rico saw his father grieving. He also waited for Dina to come back but she didn’t. For some unexplainable reason, Rico felt uneasy when Dina avoided him. He is wondering why Dina is so angry at him, she didn’t even return at the funeral until when they got home already.

“Mom, what is the reason why Mr. Ortega died?”, Rico asked curiously when they got home. He preferred to ask his mom because he knows that his father is in no condition to talk about the death of his bestfriend and he also remembered that it was his mom who talked a lot with Dina’s mom at the funeral earlier. His mom went silent for a moment.

“Mr. Ortega suffered another attacked. His weak body hasn’t fully recovered yet when he suffered another episode. Due to severe complications, his body wasn’t able to withstand the recent attack.”, his mom told him. She was sad and Rico just nodded as if contemplating her words. They all went silent then his dad went off a loud sigh.

”I’ll go get some rest.”, his dad said after sighing.

“Mr. Ortega is your dad’s only bestfriend. They treat each other as brothers. This is really a saddening event. For sure, he will just cry inside the room. I think he also blames himself of his death.”,Rico’s mom sadly commented. Rico wonders why his dad blames himself for Mr. Ortega’s death.

”Why?”, Rico curiously probed his mom.

“Your dad really wants you to marry Mr. Ortega’s eldest daughter, Dina and Mr. Ortega wanted the same for her. He also likes you to be with Dina. They both agreed to have you married at all cost. They are close to each other and that is why they are also confident to entrust you and Dina together.”,Rico’s mom had told him. Rico continued to listen to her attentively.

“However, Mr. Ortega didn’t see even the least interest of Dina’s willingness to marry you.She didn’t meet you on your date, which made him feel embarrassed and argued with Dina. While having a heated discussion with her, he suffered an attack. Remember, it was during that time when we visited him at the hospital, right?”, his mom said and Rico nodded to affirm as he remembered his final moments with Mr. Ortega.

“Yes mom… remembering it, I’m saddened that it was my first and last time that I saw of him.”,Rico sadly commented to what his mother is saying.

“I think Mr. Ortega is determined to have her marry you quickly… I guess he already felt these things would happened that is why he frankly asked you to marry Dina at that time.”, his mom told him. Because of what his mom said, Rico felt anxious and guilty especially when he intended to refuse Mr. Ortega directly despite his critical health condition. He also felt relieved at the same time that he wasn’t able to do the refusal in front of him because he died just before doing so.

“… but when they went home from the hospital, Dina told him that she doesn’t want to marry you and that her decision is final. They had a heated argument again which causes him another attack but this time…”,Rico’s mother sadly said but Rico heard her clearly.

Rico’s eyes widened as he wondered.

How come she’s disagreeing with her dad? Wasn’t Dina willing to marry me just for him? Why did she say she refused me?!, Rico pondered.

“Mrs. Ortega and Dina’s younger sister, Sunshine can’t avoid blaming Dina… I felt sad about that child. I think she felt alone, an outcast… and I think she is also blaming herself. For her, she is the reason why her father died… it’s like she killed her own father. Such a pity.”;his mom said and helplessly sighed due to Dina’s pitiful situation.

Little by little, everything came on to the light inside Rico’s clever mind… the reason why Dina is resentful and vexed against him is because… he is the reason why she had become fatherless now. Rico’s declination to Dina’s father’s offer and refusal to Dina’s plea… and now that the whole world is blaming Dina but in reality, it was him. He is the one truly at fault.

Rico wasn’t able to say anything even though his mom had continued saying lots of things but everything became blurry and he doesn’t understand anything what she is saying. Her words is not registering on his mind because there is only one thing that is clear to him… He is the reason why Dina why lost her father.

“Son, are you okay? I think you also need to get some rest. We are all tired.This has been a sad and long day for all of us.”, his mom said and eventually, went inside their bedroom as well.

I-I… am the reason why Dina’s father died and she is also blaming me why she have to suffer all of these things! It’s because of me! I am the root cause of everything! Dina is a prideful woman and she swallowed all her ego when she begged me to marry her… but I declined! I rejected her and humiliated her! And to not embarrass her family of my refusal… to protect their dignity… she didn’t reveal the truth! She covered me up and made it appear as if she’s the one who refused me… but the truth is… it was I who declined! She took all the blame for me!”, Rico thought with distress. He sat down on the sofa, he was trembling all over and his knees had lose all its strength because of what he realized. He felt sick and queasy.He wiped his faced and couldn’t believe what he had done. He made someone become fatherless just to cover up his selfishness.

Rico became depressed as he felt guilty tp what happened to Dina… it was his everday burden from the moment he wakes up in the morning until he sleeps at night. His guilt is all he could ever think of and because of this, he never had a good night sleep ever since he realized what he has done. Thinking he is responsible for Mr. Ortega’s death, he could concentrate even at work. He keeps on convincing himself that he never wanted this to happened but everytime he tried to reason out, Dina’s pitiful face would always pop out. He felt regretful and culpable. He can’t deny his mistakes especially when he remembers Dina crying while whimpering her father’s name, grieving alone without anyone consoling her.

“Rico, my son… are you sick? You look restless these days. Are you okay?”, her mother asked him when he noticed her son acting uneasy and anxious for almost a week already. Rico can no longer deny he felt guilty not saying the truth. Rico cried, he is not able to ease the weight of his burden. His parents begain to worry, they never saw their only child cried like this, not even when Alice left him.

“Rico? My son? Why?”, his mom asked with worry painted all over her face. Rico shook his head as his tears fell.

”Mom! I’m sorry! I cannot take this anymore! Mom, I think… I’m the reason why Mr. Ortega died!”, Rico confessed to his mom. Her eyes widened, fully shocked as his father just overheard what he is saying when he entered the room.

”W-what are you saying, Rico?!”, it was his mom. She couldn’t believe what she is hearing.

“D-Dina… actually didn’t refused to marry me. The truth is she was really begging me to marry her for Mr. Ortega’s sake… but mom… I-I declined. It was me, mom! I was the one who disagree and I refused her. I turned her down. I rejected her even though I know it was hard to beg me because. I know she hated me but she swallowed all her pride at ill-feelings towards me when he begged me to marry her. I was aware of this but yet… I still rejected her. I humiliated her that day mom… and to protect their family’s dignity, she made Mr. Ortega belive that she was totally against it but in reality… it was me mom. It was me. My selfishness forced Dina to do that… in her good intention not to humiliate their family… to save them from the embarrassment of being refused, she lied to cover me up…and I didn’t expect that… it would happen this way---“, Rico was interrupted when his dad went over him and held Rico by his shirt’s collar. It was clear on his face that he is extremely furious over his son’s actions.

“Rodrigo! Calm down!”, his mom mediated him and his angry dad, even though she is still shocked over his son’s confession.

“How are you able to sleep soundly at night, Rico?! How are you able to do that despite of these horrible things that you have done?! Despite knowing that you made the Ortega’s become fatherless! You took away their family’s foundation!! You took away my bestfriend away from me! But even worst is that you let Dina took all the humiliation and blame! What kind of person are you?! Is that what we have taught you?! NO! You are not my SON!”, Rico’s father angrily said, trembling with too much disappointment to his son. He went out of breathe and tried to stop whatever violent things he could done further to his own son, instead of physically hurting him, he went inside his bedroom.

“Rodrigo!”, Rico’s mother tried to call his dad.

”Take a rest first, my son. ”, his mom said to him in a calm voice, before going after his father to console him. Rico obeyed his mom and went inside his room, however when he closed the door, he loses all his strength and fell silently on the floor. He cried.

Dina was right… there is nothing we could do.My conscience won’t let me be due to my guilt. If I only realized this earlier… Mr. Ortega wouldn’t have to die like this… we won’t be in this kind of situation., Rico thought. He was not able to take rest because various things had bugged his mind… until he came up with a firm decision.

“Dad!”,Rico said as he went inside his parent’s room without knocking. Both of his parents were surprised to see him rushing there.

”AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!”, his father shouted at him.

“Dad…”, Rico started but his father seems uninterested to listen to whatever was supposed to say.

“Don’t call me dad! You are no son of mine!”, he said to him angrily.

“Rico, my son… just let your father be, let him take a rest first.”, his mom tried to persuade him.

”But dad! You must listen to me first!”, Rico insisted.

“WHY?! Why must I listen to you?! You’re no less evil than any beast without feelings!”, Rico’s father answered furiously. His words couldn’t ease his father’s anger.

“Dad… I’m begging you, please listen to me. I really feel guilty that is why I want you to hear me… I know I’m wrong dad! I know it!”,Rico cried in front of his father. His father saw his haggard face… it seems like he really had been having sleepless nights. His dad slightly calmed down and went silent when he heard what Rico said and felt pity on him, Rico grabbed this opportunity to say what he wanted to tell his parents.

“I will take responsibility, dad. I will take Dina as part of my obligations! I will marry her!”, Rico said firmly. His father was taken aback when he heard what his son had just said, even his mother was shocked too.

“You should’ve decided that earlier.”, his father sadly said and became calm because he felt compassion towards his son.

“Dad, I know it’s too late but because of what happened… Dina was blamed. She took the accountability of these things not even realizing that she too… had lost her loved one. She is sad, alone… and yet she chose to be silent. That’s why I won’t let her be alone anymore. She had no one that’s why I want to stay by her side. You taught me to become responsible and take consequences of my actions… you brought me up to become a good person dad, mom. All I want to do is to fulfill Mr. Ortega’s final wish and that is to marry Dina.”, Rico said. His father shook his head.

“I also want that to happen, my son… but I am not sure Dina will agree especially with the bad things that’s been happening to her. I don’t think she will accept you easily. Remember, in Dina’s eyes… Rico, you are her most hated person because you are the reason why her father died.”, Rico’s father answered.

“I know dad… so please, help me persuade the Ortegas to agree.”,Rico said. He is very determined to ease the burden of his guilt. His father stared at him as he saw his son’s sincerity. Rico is truthful to his words and he decided to take Dina into their family.