Dina had locked herself inside her room all day. This is what she has been doing ever since her father died… she hasn’t been going to school either… and until now, her mother and younger sister aren’t still talking with her. That is why Dina was very surprised when one day her younger sister, Sunshine had knocked on her door and told her to come out. Dina was forced to open her door and face Sunshine.

“The Ballestros are there and they wanted to talk to you. You are the reason why they are here, come out and talk to them.”, Sunshine told Dina in a cold tone.

“No.”, Dina refused coldly as her response to her younger sister’s cold tone. She was about to close her door when Sunshine prevented it to happen.

“You know what… I don’t really understand why I had been tolerating your wrongdoings! If I knew that you will be the reason why dad will die, I shouldn't have done it!”, Sunshine angrily spoke to her elder sister.

“SHINE! ENOUGH! STOP IT ALREADY, WILL YOU?!”, Dina replied in a louder tone. She is in no mood to absorb another blame and hatred from the family.

“YOU ARE SO RUDE! OUR VISITORS ARE OUR DAD’S BESTFRIEND! EVEN UP TO THIS DAY YOU WILL STILL HUMILIATE OUR DAD?! ARE YOU REALLY THAT UNGRATEFUL TO OUR DAD, DINA?!”, Sunshine shouted as response to her elder sister loud tone. For this reason, everyone in the house had heard them arguing already.


“Wait a minute, kumpadre, kumare… I will just scold my daughters, they are fighting again.”, Dina’s mother said coolly to Rico’s parents but it was obvious that she was just controlling her anger.

“Oh wait, Mrs. Ortega… if it’s okay to you, can I talk to Dina instead? I really need to have a word with her in private. My mom and dad will just explain the further details as to why we are here today.”, Rico said abruptly when he saw Dina’s mom was about to go.

“This is embarrassing, my child… but if you really insist on speaking with Dina, then I will just agree to it.”, Dina’s mom answered without thinking twice. Rico thought maybe Dina’s mom had enough already and had no energy to confront her arguing daughters.

“Thank you.”. Rico smiled at Dina’s mom. Dina’s mom just nodded in return and Rico hurriedly went to Sunshine and Dina, using the loud voices as his guide towards there.


“SO?! WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO? SHOULD I KILL MYSELF FOR YOU AND MOM TO BE HAPPY?!!---“,Dina was interrupted with what she has to say when Rico suddenly arrived.

”Hey-hey!!! That’s enough.”, Rico intervened between the sisters.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!”,Dina yelled at Rico.

“Let me handle this.”, Rico said to Sunshine. His tone was full of assurance. Sunshine threw a threatening stare towards her elder sister first before leaving the scene.

“Why are you here?!”, Dina hissed at Rico. She looks annoyed but her tone mellowed down a bit.

“Listen… Let’s get married, Dina.”,Rico immediately and frankly said to Dina. Dina was shocked and was taken aback, she couldn’t even register any reaction to what Rico had just said.

“I know it’s my fault. The truth is that I had been blaming myself too why we ended this way… and why you have to lose your father... It’s because of my selfishness.That’s why… marry me, Dina.”,Rico said. Dina was able to compose herself now after the shock.

“What’s with this drama?”, Dina asked Rico sarcastically.

”I’m being serious and sincere... Marry me.”,Rico answered while looking directly at Dina.

“Why should I?! Heck no! You rejected me! Why would I marry someone who don’t want me and refused me?!”,Dina replied angrily to Rico.

“Because that is kumpadre’s final wish… to have Rico and Dina get married. Rico will take Dina as his responsibility. For sure, kumpadre will be at peace by doing this.”, Rico’s dad answered Dina’s mom when she asked as to what is their reason why they wanted to go through the wedding.

“But Dina doesn’t want to marry---“; Mrs. Ortega was immediately cut off to what she was about to say.

”She agreed. Dina will marry me.”, Rico said.

“H-How were you able to convince Dina?! “, Dina’s mom wondered asked Rico.

“Because she had no choice.”, it was what Rico could only say. For Mrs. Ortega, it was enough reason already and decided not to probed anymore. It was what she wanted as well, she wanted Dina away from them as soon as possible already. She will just continue to remember her anger and hatred of why her husband had to die every time she sees Dina. It will be good if Dina will marry Rico and and have her get away from them.

“Well… if that is what everyone wanted, especially it is also my husband’s final wish… who am I to disagree? Of course, I will allow it to happen.”, Dina’s mom said with a tone of relief. However, since she just lost her husband, there is no smile or indications of happiness that can be seen on her face. Rico’s parents’ reaction is the complete opposite of Dina’s mom’s reaction. The Ballestros couple smiled so happily up to their ears when they heard that Dina agreed to marry their son, Rico.

When they went home that night, Rico fell asleep soundly for the first time in weeks. He felt at peace and his burden was no longer on his shoulders. It is still fresh on his mind on how he was able to convinved Dina to accept and marry him.

“I know you are blamed by everyone… and I thank you because you took it all by yourself. You preserved the friendship between the Ortegas and Ballestros, the special bond formed between our fathers… however, this is also the reason why your father died. Despite all, you took the responsibility of being humiliated and blamed. I am deeply sorry.”, Rico sincerely said to Dina. Dina just fell silent.

”Let me bear your responsibility, Dina. I will receive and accept all the humiliation and pain you have been enduring because of me. Let’s get married but I promise… I won’t tie you down.”, Rico told Dina. Dina wasn’t able to understand what Rico is trying to point out.

“We will be married legally on paper, I will take you as my responsibility… but I won’t cage you in a relationship of being a husband and wife. We won’t be a couple and you will still have your freedom. Let’s get married for the sake of your father’s final wish. I know that he is gone already but at least he will be at peace wherever he may be right now. Let us grant his wish and we’ll be all at peace.”,Rico explained. Dina was still quiet as she is contemplating what Rico is trying to say to her. Few silent moments had taken over both of them. Dina still seemed to be thinking as if balancing what could be her decision until she let out a loud sigh as if she already decide what to answer Rico… a decision against her will.

“I wished you have done this much earlier…”, Dina had finally broke her silence. Rico didn’t answered, thinking that Dina might reject him.

“But I don’t want to hurt others anymore. Get me out of here… let us grant my father’s final wish for me.”, Dina said. Rico nodded as if a lump on his throat for a long time had been taken out at last.


Because Rico’s parents are in a hurry to have Rico and Dina get married, Rico had hurriedly processed their wedding procedures too. Even though Dina’s presence and willingness is not there, Rico was still able to take care all of it accordingly.

Dina, as usual always locked herself in her room, even though Rico kept on asking her out to take part on their wedding preparations such as choosing her ring or her wedding gown. However, Rico failed to convince her to come out because Dina never cares about their wedding as long as she just need to say yes to their wedding day. Dina would just always tell Rico “It’s all up to you.” Rico’s schedule is very hectic but despite this, he was still able to process their wedding… he is anxious that Dina might change her mind if he is not able to please her. It is too late to back-out that is why he is doing his best to get Dina out the Ortega’s responsibility and give her complete freedom from the prison she is experiencing now. By doing so, he will also clean his conscience from the guilt of Dina’s father’s death.


After one month, everything is all prepared already for Rico and Dina’s wedding. It was their wedding day… however, Dina is still in her room, locking herself up like her usual days. She is not aware of her surroundings and she felt as if time is not existing for her.

“Where is Dina?”, Mr. Ballestros anxiously asked the Ortegas.

“I told elder sister that she need to get ready because today is her wedding day and I also knocked at her door a lot of times too this morning. And she just told me that my mom and I should head out first.”,Sunshine answered.

”This child is really a burden! All she gives us if not pain, are problems!”, Dina’s mom said in an angry tone. She also looked annoyed and distressed.

“Calm down, I’ll call her instead.”, Rico said and trying to calm Dina’s mother as he reached over his phone to call Dina.

“It’s ringing… but she is not answering.”, Rico said after few times of trying to call Dina on her cellphone. Rico didn’t gave up, he continued calling Dina on her cellphone until they notice a taxi stopping in front of them. They saw Dina coming out of the taxi. She is wearing a loose shirt and baggy jeans. She is wearing high-cut sneakers and didn’t even comb her hair. She looks like she had just gotten up and out of the bed.

“DINA!”,Dina’s mom shouted at her.

“ELDER SISTER?!”, Sunshine shouted in horror when she was her elder sister.

Dina lifelessly stared at Rico, ignoring her mom and younger sister. Rico was in disbelief when he saw Dina.

What is she planning to do?!, Rico is wondered in shock while staring at Dina with doubt in his mind if he was really going to marry this woman.

“Why are you dressed like that?!”, Mrs. Ortega yelled at Dina.

“Why are you not dressed in your wedding gown?! Where is it?!”, Sunshine asked Dina in panic as she have noticed Dina hasn’t anything with her except herself.

“I couldn’t find it.”, Dina answered, uninterested. Without caring to what will her mom and Sunshine would react, she left them and went towards the well-dressed Rico instead.

“The only thing that I need to do to just say I DO, right?”, Dina was talking to Rico. Rico quickly nodded as Dina sounded so intimidating. Everyone was so shocked, the guests, and even the Ballestros seeing what Dina is wearing. However, for the Ballestros couple the most important thing is that she has now arrived at the wedding.

“Elder sister! I told you a thousand times that I put it in front of your bedroom door! You said that I just need to put it there! You still have enough time to get dress, hurry---“, Sunshine ran after Dina as she was preventing her to enter the venue without having her dressed properly.

”I. Did. Not. See. Anything.”, Dina’s tone was cold as she turn to face her younger sister.

“Let’s get on and start the wedding.”, Dina turned to Rico after giving a sharp glare to her sister.

”O-Ok.”, Rico hesitatingly answered as he is still in shock and disbelief. He can’t still get over seeing how Dina is dressed on their wedding day.

“You ILL-MANNERED b*tch! Are you CRAZY?! Are you uneducated?! ARE YOU REALLY THAT IMPOLITE?! IMPUDENT!”, Dina’s mom furiously yelled at her daughter as she went towards her and grabbed her by the hair. Dina was not defending herself. She just lets her mom hurt her its as if she is accepting her anger.

“WEAR YOUR WEDDING GOWN AT ONCE!!!”, Dina’s mom hissed at her as she continually grabbed her hair. Rico held Dina’s mom to intervene and stop her from hurting Dina.

”Please calm down, Mrs. Ortega…”, Rico persuaded as he noticed everyone around them had been looking at them like a scene in a movie. Dina’s hair is all messed up but she doesn’t care. Humiliation doesn’t affect her anymore.

”What do you think of the Ballestros? Can they really be insulted like this? Have you forgotten already, THEY ARE YOUR FATHER’S DEAREST FRIENDS… YOUR FATHER who died because of YOU!”, Mrs. Ortega’s words are full of hatred and anger.

“Kumare please stop… Calm down. We don’t really mind. It’s okay, really… it doesn’t matter. Dina looks beautiful to whatever she is wearing.”,it was Rico’s dad. His words are so comforting even though it can be seen on his face that he is still in shock with Dina’s actions.

“Yes kumare, she must have her own reason.”, Rico’s mom agreed as she gave a warm smile to Dina.

“All she gave us are pure problems! Humiliation! No wonder her dad dies because of her impudence!”, Dina’s mom was frustrated and she cried. Dina was hurt because her mother constantly blamed her of her father’s death, she is fully aware of it but they keep on reminding her, never letting go, having no intentions of forgiving her. Rico felt Dina’s pain.

“Rico promised me that he will never tie me down, that I will still be free even if we are married. So, it means I am also free to wear whatever clothing I wanted to wear.”, Dina sounded so uninterested, it was not even a question, she wanted Rico to acknowledge what she had just said.

“Yes. I said that to her.”, Rico confirmed what Dina had claimed.

“Yes, my child of course you can.”, Rico’s father affirmed as she took Dina’s feelings into consideration. Rico’s mom nodded as she agreed.

“Are we still gonna carry on with the wedding?”, Dina turned to Rico in a very threatening tone, it seems like she is considering not to pursue their wedding anymore. Rico panicked.

“Y-yes!”, Rico abruptly said to prevent Dina from thinking any negative thoughts.

“Of course, my child.”, Rico’s mom agreed too.

“Sure, I think we better start already.”, it was Rico’s dad as if signaling everyone to be on their places. Dina’s mom and younger sister went silent. They are still angry and annoyed as they see Dina wearing her boyish clothes instead of her wedding gown while walking down the aisle. Guests and wedding witnesses are also wondering with what Dina is wearing as well.

“Do you Dina Ortega accept---“, the minister was interrupted to what he was supposed to asked when Dina immediately answered.

“I do.”, Dina said in disinterested tone. The minister wondered and yet he continued and went on to ask Rico.

“Do you, Rico Ballestros accept Dina Ortega as your lawfully wedded wife,to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?”, the minister asked Rico. At that time Rico felt the urge to back-out. Everyone was wondering why Rico is not answering.

“Do you, Rico Ballestros accept…”, the minister repeated, he is talking but for Rico the words seems to become unclear as if they have no meaning anymore. He really wants to back-out and he is firm with his decision. He will do it because he doesn’t love the woman he is going to marry today. He opened his mouth to talk but there were no sounds.

I don’t love Dina… it is very wrong to marry someone you don’t love!, Rico thought as he attempted to talk, once again he opened his mouth but there are still no words coming from it.

Dina and I are not compatible with each other… just look at her! It’s our wedding but just look at how she looks!... , Rico stared at Dina and Dina stared back at him. Their eyes meet and he felt her sadness. He felt pity for her. She looks very desperate in her life, it looks like she doesn’t want to live anymore too, she looks lifeless and no longer cares about herself and whatever the world does to her…

Could I really more add another burden that this woman is already experiencing?, Rico asked himself as guilt filled his heart. Dina looked down… maybe because of the hardship she is experiencing, she no longer have the energy to face the world confidently anymore.

Should I really need to humiliate this woman? Am I really capable of backing out and embarrass her in front of many?”, Rico still thinking as he saw Dina turned her back to him and started to walk away.

Why is Dina walking away? Where is she going?, Rico wondered. His mind went blank as he have forgotten his wedding and was just about to realize his mistake when the minister tried to asked him he-doesn’t-know-how-many-times-already again. Rico panicked.

“I DO! I DO! I DO!!!”, Rico yelled with full emotions because he was so anxious especially when he saw Dina still walking away from him, unaffected of his answer. Even though everyone was wondering even the minister itself as well. Despite wondering, the minister continued to say the famous line on every wedding event…

“And now, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.”,the minister.

Dina was already in the middle of the aisle when Rico ran after her… and caught her… Rico held her shoulders, had her face him, and he immediately held and locked her cheeks with his two hands as he gave her lips a kiss. Dina was so shocked. Everyone stood up and clapped their hands as they all went to shout…

“CONGRATULATIONS TO THE NEWLY-WED!”, everyone celebrated. They cheered and clapped but Dina pushed Rico away from her and was about to punch him. However, Rico was fast enough to stop her as he caught her fists.

”You can’t do that here.”, Rico smiled.

“Yes, I can!”,Dina stubbornly said and went on to trample Rico’s foot. Rico felt the pain but he endured it because all the prying eyes are on them. Dina hurriedly went out of the scene as Rico quickly ran after her outside. Eveyone cheered happily to the newly-wed.

“CONGRATULATIONS TO THE NEWLY-WED!!! BEST WISHES TO RICO AND DINA!”, everyone happily cheered the new couple.