Chapter 6 ALICE

Chapter 6 ALICE

It has been almost a year already when Dina became a part of the Ballestros and her mom and younger sister haven’t visited her or even attempted to contact her and ask if she was okay. She haven’t seen them ever since she moved in with the Ballestros.

Everything went smoothly with Dina’s studies and as usual, she is still aloof at school even with her classmates except with the women’s basketball team. She was able to feel comfortable with her teammates which is vital because unity is a primary source for a good play. Teamwork is the key for a successful game. She is close with her teammates but not too much as there is a limitation with her friendship with them. She is never too open with them and her friends doesn’t even bother to probed her too much as well. Despite with the situation, she still get along well with them and for this reason, they were able to win the championship during that basketball season… Dina defeated the previous basketball team where she belonged once. Others felt bad to what she did and had taken it personally, treating her as if a traitor because she ignored the moments she had with the team. Although, some of her former teammates are open-minded enough to understand that it was sports… everyone are doing their best to win the game for their respective teams. However, Dina must have been given a ton of luck with her excellent talent and playing skills. Dina’s current teammates are fully aware that she had a major impact why they won the game, it’s because of her why the members of the team learned how to cooperate, they learned teamwork instead of hogging each other for points.

Rico was also happy when Dina was telling about it during their meal. Everyone was so proud of her, especially Rico. He boasted Dina’s proficiency in playing basketball in front of his parents and he felt proud of it, Due to this reason, Rico’s parents are both happy for Dina winning the game and also for Rico’s reaction towards Dina. They continually hope that the newly-wed would later develop romantic feelings towards one another even though it has been a year already and they still treat each other as friends.

After few months, Dina had successfully finished her college degree… and yet, not even a shadow of her mom and younger sister came. She felt a bit down because the family she knew when she was young until she got married weren’t there to witness her success. She felt disappointed but it was a good thing that the Ballestros were there. There presence cheered her up a bit. However, she felt sad again when it came to her realizations that she had graduated already… it means, Rico will no longer support her studies… and that she must look for a job, it’s the right thing to do.

“Rico… I have graduated now. I have earned my degree.”, Dina premised when she was along with Rico inside their mini-library at the house.

"Well, congratulations Dina! I am truly happy. We are so proud of you.",Rico said happily.

“You sounded so old.”, Dina laughed but went serious afterwards.

"Uhmn… Rico… since I have graduated already… is it okay if I moved out of this house, I feel embarrassed staying here without---“, Dina was interrupted to what she was about to say. Rico eyebrows crossed signifying as if he didn’t liked what she had just said.

"NO.",Rico answered instantly.

“But Rico… I won’t be doing it right away. I will find a job first and if I am able to stand alone---“, Dina tried to explain her point but she was again cut off to what she wants to say.

"Job? You will look for a job?”,Rico still sounded angry as his eyebrows still met in the middle. In an effort to convince Rico, instead of arguing and answering him in a loud tone like the usual, she decided to nod sheepishly.

“Why do you need to look for a job? My job is enough to not make you starve---“


“DINA! You are my responsibility until the day I die! That is my promise… I am acting like your guardian.. like your father now. This is the truth and we can’t get away from it! We are now your family, Dina.”

“Rico, didn’t you say that you won’t tie me down?!”, Dina complained and her voice seems like she is annoyed.

"WHY?! Is there a man who is brave enough to take you away from me already?!”. Rico answered in a much louder tone. Dina fell silent and was not able to answer Rico.

"Have you forgotten already that parents only set their little girls free when they are supposed to marry---“, Rico was interrupted with his argument.

"Then what will happen to me? I am already married with you Rico! How can I free myself when I already knotted the ties with you?!”

"If he can't be a man enough to face me... then he's not worth to have you and I won’t even give you to just any man. You will stay with me.",Rico simply answered. Dina became impatient and held Rico by his collar and pushed him against the wall. Rico was surprised although he is fully aware it is Dina’s natural instinct but he was still taken aback when he saw the anger in Dina’s eyes. He held Dina’s hands and reversed their positions. Now, Dina is locked between Rico’s strong arms and wall. Dina was shocked with Rico’s actions that’s why she had loosen her grip against his collar.

“Remember mom and dad… they treated you like their own child. They loved you so much. Haven’t you thought of their feelings, Dina?”, Rico asked. Dina fell silent and was shocked with Rico’s words as she remember how kind Rico’s parents are to her. Rico had taken Dina’s silence as his opportunity to remove her hands against his collar.

"Don’t be selfish. If you don’t have enough reason to get away from here… then don’t. Stay here with us. You will also do your father a favor by doing so. My parents love you so much, especially dad… he really likes you… for me.”, Rico said and Dina still went silent.

"Stay here, Dina. You don't have to go. You don’t have to be alone anymore because… you have us, we are your family here.”,Rico gently said as if it was to comfort Dina. Dina felt soothed with Rico’s words and it made her cry.

“The truth is… I really want to stay here, Rico. But I am embarrassed because every time I thought that I am useless here and I am just forcing myself to be in this family…”, Dina confessed.

"No. That's not true. Who says you are useless? You are not useless Dina. You make us all happy here. I hope you know how happy we are to have you here. Since you came here, the house had filled again with laughter.”,Rico smiled. Dina stared at Rico when she saw his gentle smile. She just stared at him and she felt her cheeks turned red.

"Wipe your tears now, okay? We want you, Dina. We want you to stay here with us.", Rico repeated and tapped her shoulders then went on to mess her hair like a little kid. He was about to leave Dina to give her space… when Dina suddenly went on to hug him from behind his back. Rico was taken aback because he was able to feel Dina behind him, even though he cannot see her, he felt her warm embrace.

"HEY! What are you doing?",Rico asked as he felt awkward but Dina didn’t stop from hugging Rico. Rico was about to push Dina away because what Dina is doing is making him feel uncomfortable.

"Thank you, Rico. The truth is I also want to be in this family. Thank you for bringing me here.”, Dina shyly said while letting Rico go, hurriedly left the mini-library and went to her own room.

Rico felt ashamed to himself because Dina was able to show her gratitude. She is the type of woman who is very prideful and not vocal with her feelings. It must have been hard for her part to say those words and she must have gathered all her will to tell it to him. Rico smiled and was amused with Dina’s reaction. He is also aware that it was normal for Dina to feel shy because it is not in her character to say thank you to just anybody and that is why he is really happy because he felt like somehow, Dina is opening up to them little by little unlike before. Now, they are still constantly arguing like cats and dogs but there is no hatred in it anymore. It was a casual habit or like a routine but no more anger. They are used to their arguments but there is care with each other now… like a family.

When Dina closed the door to her room, she immediately looked at her hands.

Why? Why did I do it? Why did I hugged him?!, Dina thought, she is confused of her actions. Her heart was beating really fast as the thought of Rico’s gentle smile still lingers on her mind.

Am I… Am I starting to like Rico? NO! Impossible!!!,Dina is annoyed with her thoughts.


Rico was about to go home when he saw someone familiar waiting outside his office. Rico’s eyes widened in shock as he cannot believe who he was seeing. The woman waiting in front of his office turned to face him and when she saw him, she immediately waved her hand.

"Rico...", she said with a soft smile.

"A-Alice!", Rico was in shock and his bag fell on the ground. He ran towards the woman and hugged her instantly.

"Where have you been?", Rico cried.

"What’s more important is… I’m back.”, Alice smiled.

They went inside a café to talk.


“Mom… who is Rico’s first love?”, Dina probed curiously. These past few days Dina had been constantly asking questions about Rico. Her curiosity made Rico’s mom happy. It just shows that Dina is quite interested with Rico lately. With this thought on her mind, she felt glad and was hoping that this interest would deepen and develop into real romantic feeling.

"Rico only had one girlfriend… it was his first love, Alice.”, Rico’s mom answered honestly.

Alice? Her name sounded too childish, meant for nursery rhymes.,Dina commented on her mind.

“Rico and Alice became lovers ever since they were still high school. They are really committed with each other even during their college days. The foundation of their relationship is so sturdy that most of the people who knew them thought they would end up marrying together, even us. But Alice left Rico without telling why. It was too sudden… and even up to this day, we don’t have any news from Alice.”, Rico’s mom added.

"Maybe she was not able to tolerate his grumpiness anymore that’s why she left.”, Dina joked. Rico’s mom just smiled because she was aware of Dina’s tone somewhat hinted a little bit of insecurity.

"Originally, Rico was not really grumpy, my child. He became like that when Alice left him. The truth is, Rico was a very warm and happy person towards everybody. But everything change, he become lifeless when Alice left him three years ago. That is why, we are truly happy when you agreed to marry him, my child. We believe that you will melt his cold heart and make it beat again.”, Rico’s mom happily said to Dina. Dina blushed which only made Rico’s mom even happier.

“M-mom… of course stop hoping. It will never happen. I will never fall in love with Rico because he is a bully AND he will never fall in love with me too. I will fight with him because he keeps on bullying me.”, Dina was annoyed and hurriedly left before making herself be in a more embarrassing situation.

Really… let’s see…, Rico’s mom thought while unable to hide her happy smile.


“I had anorexia nervosa, Rico. I don’t want you to know at that time because I don’t want you to worry with my embarrassing illness. I was slowly starving myself, making myself as thin as possible… making my self ugly to the point that I was almost killing myself for it. I don’t know why I became like that. I don’t want you to see my ugly situation and I made a choice…I need to hide and make myself healthy again for you. I went to America to find cure of this illness.”, Alice explained. Rico was shock, it never crossed his mind that Alice was suffering so much and he wasn’t there to be with her. He looked at her, it was evident that his former lover had successfully combated against her illness. Although it has been three years already, Alice is still pretty. She looks thinner than she was the last time he could remember of her, but you can still see her beauty. Alice’s hair is now short, it is just up to her neck unlike before it was beyond her waist, like Dina’s. There are few obvious changes but she is still the same Alice he once loved before… and he is happy to see her.

“Why? I would have had supported you, Alice. Our relationship is not that shallow.”, Rico said in a low voice, his tone seems sad as if he missed the opportunity to show and prove his love for her.

“My illness is no joke, Rico… It was embarrassing and I was afraid. What if I died? It would have been good to hate me so that you can move on with your life easily… despite all, one of the reasons why I was able to fight my illness and did my best to overcome it was because of your promise. I healed myself because of you Rico, because your promise to me had become my strength to face my illness.”,Alice said with full of emotions. Rico was taken aback and fell silent.

“But…”, Rico sadly said and showed his hands to Alice. Alice was shocked to see that Rico is already wearing a ring on his ring finger.

"You are wearing a ring… is it a wedding…”, Alice sadly commented as her voice broke, she was giving all her strength to stop her tears from falling. Rico nodded to confirm as her voice trailed of and not continuing what she was about to say.

"I am married now, Alice.”, Rico said with a sad tone. There was a hint of regret in his voice and he needs to tell the truth to Alice. Alice had become emotional, her smile faded away and was not able to hold back her tears.

"I… I held on to your promise, Rico… You promised me that I will be the only woman you will marry because I am the only one you love.”, Alice as if blaming Rico of her broken heart today. She keeps on crying while staring directly at Rico’s eyes as if asking him why.

"That was my intentions, Alice. You are the only one. And my marriage with another girl… is not like what you are thinking, Alice.”, Rico frankly said and went on to tell the situation between him and Dina and why they end up getting married.

"You are the only woman I loved, Alice.”, Rico truthfully says.

"I love you so much, Rico!”, Alice emotionally exclaimed and went on to kiss Rico on his lips. Rico was so shock and immediately avoided Alice. Alice was confused why Rico avoided her. Rico noticed Alice’s reaction of his sudden avoidance. He doesn’t even know why he had done it too. Alice is the woman he loves and he just shunned her.

"I am sorry, Alice. I was just surprised.", Rico humbly said.

“It’s okay, Rico… at least, base on your reaction, it seems that you are not used to kissing. That means it has been a long time since you have kissed someone that’s why it made you feel uncomfortable. I am the only woman you have kissed, right?”,Alice smiled mischievously as if remembering their sensual moments together. Rico wasn’t able to answer Alice and felt guilty… because he kissed Dina willingly during their wedding.

"I want to visit mom and dad… I mean, YOUR mom and dad, Rico.”, Alice eventually broke their silence. Rico felt as if he was poured with cold water but he is fully aware there is nothing he could do but to agree because he can never say no to Alice.

"O- Okay.”, Rico agreed hesitantly.

"I’m home!”, Rico notified everyone when he arrived home.

"RICO!---", Dina was excited to welcome Rico’s arrival but she was surprised to see he was not alone. Rico is together with a pretty woman beside him.

“Hey, where’s mom?”, Rico acted like the usual to Dina.

"She’s in the kitchen, cooking our dinner.”, Dina answered but her eyes are still locking into the pretty woman who arrived home with Rico. The pretty woman is also looking at Dina.

Who is this woman?!, Dina wondered but she felt uneasy just by looking at her. Rico, as if he was able to read what’s on Dina’s mind began to speak.

“Oh Dina… by the way, this is Alice. Alice, Dina.”, Rico introducing the two women with each other. Rico’s words felt like thunder when Dina heard it.

He said this woman is Alice! Rico’s first love!, Dina was lost in her thoughts. She saw Alice reaching out her hand towards Dina to shake her hand. Alice look so gentle and dovelike, which only made Dina more annoyed.

"Hello, Dina.", Alice simply greeted with a gentle smile on her face. Dina was displeased to see Alice’s genuine smile. Her smile makes her even prettier. Alice looks nice, prudent, and gentle. She is like an angel who is not capable of hurting even an ant… unlike her. Dina is like her exact opposite. Dina didn’t receive her hand, she abided with the thought that she is the opposite of Rico’s first love. If Alice is kind, well Dina is mean. Dina was irritated, she is so annoyed that she went to her room without welcoming Rico and his guest appropriately. She just left.

"Hey Dina! That's rude!", Rico tried to reprimand Dina’s unruly actions in front of Alice but Dina seems to heard nothing and continue to ignore them.

"Alice, please understand Dina and don’t get offended. That is Dina’s usual behavior, sometimes even far worst than this.”,Rico tried to explain to Alice.

“It’s okay, Rico.”, Alice answered Rico in a kind tone.